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Katsu X Ghost


Active member
It is not possible to get a male plant from s1 seeds. You can get a female with some hermi male flowers but you can not get a full blown male.

If an s1 seed plant ended up having all male flowers it would still be a hermaphrodite and not a true male. There would be no male genes.

You have a hermaphrodite female that is masquerading as a male. IMHO I would stay away from that plant as a pollen donor.


lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
how do you get a male from a s1??

great question bro, and bare with me as i try and explain. first off many growers have found what we all believe to be a male plant in S1 seed. ive found um in strawberry cough S1 seed as well, which enabled me to develope the strawberry creme seedline i have.

cannabis and i believe all cultivars of cannabis, have the ability to express either sex. many factors from enviorment to genetics effect a plants expression.

a plant within a S1 population which appears to be a male, is actually a female expressing strong male traits/tendencies. very much like a women with a mustache, or heavy hair all over the body.

within a large population of cannabis you will find plants that lean heavy towards the female expression and plants that lean to the male expression, with others that show slight intersexed traits either way.

ive met plenty of guys in my life from burly man guys to guys id of swore were gay. no different in a cannibus population.

plants that show no intersexed traits in one enviorment, can and do show intersexed traits when exposed to another enviorment.

plants that continue to express intersexed traits no matter the growin condition, could and most likely are effected by there genetic make up.



lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
It is not possible to get a male plant from s1 seeds. You can get a female with some hermi male flowers but you can not get a full blown male.

If an s1 seed plant ended up having all male flowers it would still be a hermaphrodite and not a true male. There would be no male genes.

You have a hermaphrodite female that is masquerading as a male. IMHO I would stay away from that plant as a pollen donor.

no such thing as a true male or true female, and there not herms either, as a herm is both sexes on one flower which i dont believe happens in cannabis.



Plant Whisperer
Some info about flowers :wave:

Dioecious refers to a plant population having separate male and female plants. That is, no individual plant of the population produces both microgametophytes (pollen) and megagametophytes (ovules); individual plants are either male or female.[5] From Greek for "two households". [Individual plants are not called dioecious; they are either gynoecious (female plants) or androecious (male plants).]

Androecious, plants producing male flowers only, produce pollen but no seeds, the male plants of a dioecious population.

Gynoecious, plants producing female flowers only, produces seeds but no pollen, the female of a dioecious population. In some plant populations, all individuals are gynoecious with non sexual reproduction used to produce the next generation.

Subdioecious, a tendency in some dioecious populations to produce individuals that are not clearly male or female. The population produces normally male or female plants but some may be monoecious, hermaphroditic, or monoecious/hermaphroditic, with plants having perfect flowers, both male and female imperfect flowers, or some combination thereof, such as female and perfect flowers. Flowers may be in some state between purely male and female, with female flowers retaining non-functional male organs or vice versa. The condition is thought to represent a transition between hermaphroditism and dioecy.[6][7]

Gynomonoecious has both hermaphrodite and female structures.

Andromonoecious has both hermaphrodite and male structures.

Subandroecious has mostly male flowers, with a few female or hermaphrodite flowers.

Subgynoecious has mostly female flowers, with a few male or hermaphrodite flowers.



Active member
no such thing as a true male or true female, and there not herms either, as a herm is both sexes on one flower which i dont believe happens in cannabis.


I guess I should have used intersexed and not hermaphrodite.

A intersexed pot plant has male and female flowers on the same branch or plant not the same flower. Just like a intersexed human has male and female organs on/in the same body not a penis on top or attached to a clitoris.

When I said true male I mean a plant with male flowers that the plant has male genes in it. An s1 does not have any male genes.

An s1 never has and never will have any male genes and if a male flower forms it isn't a true male.


What I call "males"

What I call "males"

There are 3 of them growing in smaller containers (I most always keep males in smaller containers for space purposes)...I consider them to be males....claws and balls...

I'm going to make the IX1 generation. I had also intended to outcross these to something I made.....but decided not to. I'm going to get away from making 1st generation crosses....I prefer the IX1 generations....so....would rather cross IX1 x IX1s. I feel I have more say in the selections....in that generation. The IX1 (F2...however you think of it) is pivotal imo....that's why I want to start my outcrosses there.

3 males 9 females....I'll hit the ones I like best and go from there.

I've grown Strawberry Dog F2, Strawberry Hill, and OG Jam...all made by CBF....I've never been disappointed...and I'm a picky motherfucker.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Nice cross CBF, on the male..

a plant within a S1 population which appears to be a male, is actually a female expressing strong male traits/tendencies. very much like a women with a mustache, or heavy hair all over the body.



Seriously though, it's impossible to get a true male from S1 pollen because a male has the XY chromosome where as females have XX, selfing females can't get that invaluable Y chromosome.



lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
Seriously though, it's impossible to get a true male from S1 pollen because a male has the XY chromosome where as females have XX, selfing females can't get that invaluable Y chromosome.


lol, thanks for that:D

pazactly, i understand that, so yes i didnt explain that the plant used for pollen was actually a intersexed plant(although i never did see hairs on the plant) what im tryin to say is yes its a female according to chromosomes, if we could look at um, but the plant was a male by all appearences and produced viable pollen.

point is it was a plant from femmed seed, which should be a female, but didnt sport any hairs, just balls no bananas. i still have the plant, and this next go we will see if its still expressin its male side.

its not something that only myself has seen, the selfed strawberry cough i aquired many years back, there were others that found the same, from the same seed batches.

what is the cause, i dont really know for fact, but with talking with others i believe that all cannabis plants can be reversed by many ways. there are no true female or male plants, all plants are intersexed and enviorment, genetics many factors even now that are unknown, like triggers within a plant that a certain condition turns on. just the selfing of the plant alone could be the condition needed to trigger a certain trait.



lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
oh and i appreciate all of ya commin by and postin up all the info, im all ears and willing to learn. im far from knowing anything:D



Whats up CBF bro!

Just wanted to chime in and let you know I ran your tarberry last year, holy shit dog.

Wish I would have kept a mother, some of the loudest, most resin coated reefer ever. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Tom Hill

Active member
You are correct CBF, imo, in spite of your delivery my brother :)
Many are hung up on the X Y sex determination system, but it simply doesn't pan out 100%. Further, the leftover % is where things get beyond simply memorizing what they've read for the test on friday. Do not be so sure folks, that you wouldn't breed with this or that. If you want to sway the population towards pistillate (including but not limited to the lessening/absence of mostly female but intersexed individuals), then the ladyboy hairless (figure of speech) donor makes perfect sense. The theory was put forth by a gutsy (imo) DJ Short a decade ago, scoffed at by most and still apparently, but the jury is definitely still out on this one. Ignore the masses gut feelings, makes about as much sense as the publics overwhelming fear of reversals in the first place,,, carry on brother. -Tom
You are correct CBF, imo, in spite of your delivery my brother :)
Many are hung up on the X Y sex determination system, but it simply doesn't pan out 100%. Further, the leftover % is where things get beyond simply memorizing what they've read for the test on friday. Do not be so sure folks, that you wouldn't breed with this or that. If you want to sway the population towards pistillate (including but not limited to the lessening/absence of mostly female but intersexed individuals), then the ladyboy hairless (figure of speech) donor makes perfect sense. The theory was put forth by a gutsy (imo) DJ Short a decade ago, scoffed at by most and still apparently, but the jury is definitely still out on this one. Ignore the masses gut feelings, makes about as much sense as the publics overwhelming fear of reversals in the first place,,, carry on brother. -Tom

Greetings Tom,

like begets like still IMO, Whilst I agree that the female rate will go up, how many of them are females.. just like how many males in that population are now male? I recently did a 1:1 cross from somas Nycd/13 which to me carries intersexual populations.. I have mated the intersexuals and I'm popping the progeny now... as you know previously with the LSD's I ran the results for me showed an upswing in females and intersex specimens..

for me personally this is not what I want.

but one thing that does set off a bulb above my head is the fact a so called "true" produces the trait...

so was it not stressed enough.. or do modifiers somehow kick in....

Tom Hill

Active member
modifying factors are always ruling the day. The theory is that the very same modifying factors that cause a mostly male (intersexed) plant to throw hairs, has the opposite effect on the reverse of the sexes. This as CBF points out is with us all through our own genetics, if anybody would bother to look. I've tried to stop talking in stone cold male female language, this is false imo, a primitive understanding of what's really happening..

Tom Hill

Active member
PS- you see we might be all caught up with what, with our understanding of the sexes, in fact this is exactly what's happening. But here's this chick , and she's a chick because we decided that bearing children made an individual a girl. But there it is, her adam's apple, her mustache, all of these traits are staring at us in the face. What this chick will do is have the tendency to produce men with high testosterone, and dainty fems will be tough for her, a "true female" (always laughable) nigh impossible. So, with all this knowledge that's staring us in the face, how simple is it again? tehee- Tom