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Karma?... Just another old dudes rant


Active member
I have seen karma in action, for the most part. But there are exceptions. The exceptions being; I have mostly noticed bad people getting good things instead of bad things happening to good people. I’m not religious; in fact doubt the existence of God, or what we have been told to think of as God.

Anyway, I’m an old dude now, 55, and pretty messed up. Physically, my bod is shot, I have no balance, messed up my back, have double vision (thick glasses), and have to stagger around like a drunken zombie just to walk. Mostly from the embarrassment I’m estranged from my family. I know they love me but I just don’t want anyone’s pity and don’t want to burden anyone, not to mention I think totally different and I'm the black sheep. They’re a bunch of rich mother-fuckers. I’m not. I’m more normal. I can’t go to the weddings, parties, and shit anymore. BUT I’M ONLY 55!, NOT 80. My wife died 5 years ago, after she suffered 10 years of daily pain. Her death was a blessing in disguise. She pissed me off a lot and was an unbelievable slob, but I still miss her though. I live a very reclusive life (at my choice), in a rural area, in a fucking ‘96 double-wide on 5 acres my wife wanted to buy. It’s fixed up alright though.

I’m not really without happiness. I love my kids, grand-kids, and my old dog. This reclusive life is mostly my choice. People sure can be shitty to each other out there. What gets me is what karma has done to me. I don’t have a clue what I did to deserve this fucked up bod. My wife and I screwed a lot. Maybe there’s a finite number for that too, cause I ain’t getting none now. But if karma is real, what did I do to deserve this? I must have fucked-up bad in a previous life or somethin’.


Speed of Dark
You and me, I'm 59. Arthritus, hep-c, liver cancer, and more. But I gotta admit to doing some pretty antisocial crap when I was younger. Did not think it was bad enough to deserve this, but then I always look at it like I didn't really mean for things to go bad.
But this guy I know, the stuff he does to others makes me look like an angel direct from God. And he is healthy, dances, eats, hears people talking far away, doesn't even get headaches.
I just don't think about it, no sense can be made from it. Wondering why points me towards crazy thinking, so I don't.

Sometimes the gods screw with innocent folks for reasons got nothing to do with us at all, even though its our ass getting kicked around.


I'm not a bible thumper, just another old fuck. But I gotta ask why you believe in karma but not a god? Life sucks,yesterday,today,& tomorro. Happy Mothers day ;)-


When life gives you lemons, it's up to you to make lemonade. It starts with your mindset, how you choose to view it. Every action has an equal opposite reaction. How you think of what happens to you is an action and how the universe responds is a reaction.

Looking into the "Law of attraction" really opened my mind in regards to these matters. I believe that what we experience in life is a reflection of our most dominate thoughts. Thoughts are like magnets, what we think about, we experience. I just keep my chin up, and focus on peace and love as often as possible. :D

Life isn't about what happens to us, it's about what we do about what happens to us. ;)


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
karma doesnt exist unless you believe in it. just like anything else the power is in your mind


Active member
damn man i dont know what to tell you....i dont think your situation is because of karma just sounds like what alot of 60 year olds go through health wise......all i know is ive lost friends who were too young to die so i live it up for them.....everytime i get on some anti social behavior reclusive bullshit i break out of it quick and force myself to get out there....i fucking hate being cooped up in the house like a hermit!!

once harvest is done and i get paid im outta this bitch every night.....i do believe in karma though. never do to someone what you wouldnt want done to you....but i definately dont believe that doing good things will equal good things in return.....it just gives one self satisfaction, it doesnt magically cure bad eyesight or get you pussy.....


Active member
Shits going to happen no matter what, and you can blame karma, god, or even the neighbors cat if it makes you feel better about it.

There is a guy that comes to my gym, hes got to be around 90, walks with a cane in each hand, at about .0000001 mph, takes him forever to get across a room, and it hurts just to look at him moving, you know he must be in pain, but I have never once heard a negative word from this guy, he has a smile for everyone, and never complains, or asks for help with anything.

The body is going to break down sooner or later, so I guess it's just a matter of coming to terms with it, and trying to remain positive.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Edit: dddaver, I wanted to add that I think you need to get out more for some social interaction with somebody, be it a small job, hobby, OR trying to help someone out like yourself to go forward and not dwell on the past because the past is gone. And I wonder about my Karma all the time too..... But if I really think about it, I'm very grateful to be alive so I try to enjoy every living moment......harder to do with MF age bearing down on me.....LOL
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Active member
I have seen karma in action, for the most part. But there are exceptions. The exceptions being; I have mostly noticed bad people getting good things instead of bad things happening to good people. I’m not religious; in fact doubt the existence of God, or what we have been told to think of as God.

Anyway, I’m an old dude now, 55, and pretty messed up. Physically, my bod is shot, I have no balance, messed up my back, have double vision (thick glasses), and have to stagger around like a drunken zombie just to walk. Mostly from the embarrassment I’m estranged from my family. I know they love me but I just don’t want anyone’s pity and don’t want to burden anyone, not to mention I think totally different and I'm the black sheep. They’re a bunch of rich mother-fuckers. I’m not. I’m more normal. I can’t go to the weddings, parties, and shit anymore. BUT I’M ONLY 55!, NOT 80. My wife died 5 years ago, after she suffered 10 years of daily pain. Her death was a blessing in disguise. She pissed me off a lot and was an unbelievable slob, but I still miss her though. I live a very reclusive life (at my choice), in a rural area, in a fucking ‘96 double-wide on 5 acres my wife wanted to buy. It’s fixed up alright though.

I’m not really without happiness. I love my kids, grand-kids, and my old dog. This reclusive life is mostly my choice. People sure can be shitty to each other out there. What gets me is what karma has done to me. I don’t have a clue what I did to deserve this fucked up bod. My wife and I screwed a lot. Maybe there’s a finite number for that too, cause I ain’t getting none now. But if karma is real, what did I do to deserve this? I must have fucked-up bad in a previous life or somethin’.

karma translates quite simply into cause and effect,it manifests in everything,they cannot exist without the other.
now the misunderstanding is that it has to manifest in this liftime,it doesnt. karma exist in the three times past/present/future , and everything exists because of it.
i trully beleive you will see greatness in action when you stop expecting things in return,always do the moral thing,and tell the truth to yourself and others.
dont undermine your own karma by performing bad deeds,or thinking in negitive ways.
and what most people here are trying to convey to you is the notion that life is absolutley what you make of it happy or sad but youll only be aware of this one shot you have at it.
theirs plenty of ways to experience this life you should be open to all of them theres more than one way to be happy. :ying::tiphat::wave:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
the misunderstanding is that it has to manifest in this liftime,it doesnt.

Bingo. Karma pays out in the next life. We wont see karma's effect on others because they have to die first and come back as another life form who we most likely wont know. We wont see it in our own lives because we aren't born with knowledge of our previous life.


Green is Gold
Bingo. Karma pays out in the next life. We wont see karma's effect on others because they have to die first and come back as another life form who we most likely wont know. We wont see it in our own lives because we aren't born with knowledge of our previous life.

How is any of that any different that believing in God? Not speaking to you specifically FB, but I have heard a lot of people saying they don't believe in God but they believe in Karma. Well if that is the way Karma works then those same people might as well believe in God too since that is the exact same thing, having faith in something you are unsure about. If you have to wait until you die and get reincarnated to know if your Karma was good or bad I don't see how that's any different than believing in heaven or hell or any other religious concept.


Active member
you can call it god if you choose to.the way you know weather or not your karma has been good or bad is by looking deeply into your own nature. ask youself am i suffering? yes everything that manifest in this reality is suffering wich gives you the chance to help wich gives you good karma and freedom.just start with yourself and move on to the people around you.
its really as simple as holding a door for somone or just listening to their problems attentivley.
science is start ing to sound more like buddhisim everyday,in fact the ideas are really one in the same ,conservation of matter,knowing so much of the universe is emptiness,and cause and effect.
thic hnat han, puts it very simply and beutifully in many of his speeches and they can be found on youtube easily.its a quick peak his books are much better.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
If karma comes back to you in your next life ....... then i musta been a real asshole in my last life !!!! cuz this one just ain't cutting it . seems like everytime i cut a break ... something shows up to fuck with it .

ok enough bitching about life from me .... life is a bitch then ya die .sometimes i think it can't be soon enough .


Active member
the thing of it is, the cause of your karma isnt permanent therefore you karma can be transformed at any time of your choosing.
you can undermine you bad karma with good.
when you realize you have bad karma you need to understand its no ones fault but our own. thats why the ego should be somthing to be scoffed at its the onlything keeping the good karma away,the moment you understand that its your fault you automaticly are in disbeleif and want to blame others,the quick judgment is you ego. its your preception of a situation based on the ego,not whats actually happining.


Active member
at this very moment there are cells dying and new ones made we are dying every second,but its only to make way for new life/cells,if things didnt die there could be no possability for growth. they are both neccesary.make every second count by looking at things deeply and with copasion,its your gift to yourself when you live one day like this it dosnt matter when death comes.


Active member
Betcha you wouldn't have to go too far to find someone who would be happy to trade places with you in a heartbeat...

That's what's so much fun about life... Just when you think it can't get any worse...

It does.

It's how you deal with it that makes you a man or a mouse.

Take a visit to the Children's Hospital Cancer floor. Bring some toys.
You'll get a quick attitude adjustment free of charge.


Active member
Sorry man.. It'll get better hopefully. I don't want to be old sounds horrible, health wise..


Active member
i read this passage in my book and it helps put it in another perspective.ill try to summerize it.
a buddhist student monk walked up to his master and asked if they could have a picnic one of these days,the master accepted and said sure thing,and one day they where stuck in traffic and the master asked what is this whats goin on here? it was a funeral proccesion
the stunt replied their having a picnic.
the moral of the story is that a picnic is somthings thats sharred with the people around you why wait till your in a box to have one.
have your picnic now!