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kali mist - 4 aquafarms, 600w hps



lost in translation Eulogy,I should have posted a pic instead but nevermind :) good luck to you as well!
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Humidifier stopped working today. 1 month usage. argh. nothing is every easy.


clowntown said:
Did you check the filter?

Yeah, they come in a sealned box of some sort. Anyho, oppened it up to find it clogged with something looking similar to wet rusty crystals, like russian caviar. removed all of that, replaced the box and started it again pretty hopeful. Nothing. Dont work.

Thanks for the tip thouh,

I wonder what this stuff is. And if i could use it as a growing medium ;)

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A lil concered about leaf colouring. Would prefer a darker green, but then againit might have something to do with the lamp output.

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Hey Neptune. Why do you say that? Im trying it out for the first time and in the states or whatever they seem to regard it as some magic nute. Does it degrade taste?

and its all to meself :)


I only have 5 grows under my belt so take my advice how you please. I have used superthrive along with Foxfarm (grown in soil) 3 of the last grows. I use it once, when transplanting during veg and again transplanting from veg pots to my ending flower pots. I find the plants love it. Keep in mind that flushing well before harvest likely helps with the eventual taste of my medicine.
I have given my medicine to medi clubs and have tasted the same variety at medi clubs and I can honestly say that my use of superthrive does not affect the taste negatively....but then again what do I know...I'm high haha



Right, back after visiting my folks over christmas. Happy holidays btw. Being away from the garden for 10 days caused a minor burn and left some serious pruning to be done. The stretch has been from 25 to 70 equals 45 cm in 11 days, quite mad.

One of the four turned out male. 3 outta 4 and i can call myself lucky. Chopped it down, and removed it, flushed the remaining 3 and kicked it back up @ operational. Lost one of the drippers to root growth, will be interesting to see if theres any difference in growth development,

I upped the base of the nute cocktail to 3 already, with the size of the plants in thought they prolly need it.

Pruning 10 days in flower might not be advised, but i'll go out on a limb and say my bitches needed it. Its not abuse, its tough loving.

I hope they stop stretching soon and start to fatten up. Dont like them this tall and lanky, i want some fat on em. We'll see how it goes.

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Three seems to fill your space well, those ladies really do stretch eh.
Looking really good!
Good luck with the grow and have a happy new yr!


anyone have any scientific evidence to support that growing space is a factor of how much canna stretches? It atleast sounds reasonable to believe that the more crowded it is the more the plants are going to stretch to receive their share of light. Might explain the reason for some of the excessive stretch i experience.
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Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Happy New Year and congrats Unbound - your km girls are looking very happy! have they started with that tasty sandlewood aroma yet?


Hey Mr GJ, happy new year to you too and thank you :)

I cant say i have noticed any distinct smell as of yet, but im sure there will be plentiful soon enough. Sandlewood you say eh? sounds nice, looking forward to it.




i think they stretch because of the dif.. between night and day... keep it close to the same day and night temps....it works great for the first 3-4 weeks..


Hey dankies! Yeah i hafta look into that, thanks for the advice. Anyho, heres a few pics at

45 - 65 days til harvest...

and here are some links to some reviews about kali mist that i enjoyed reading,



Anyone with ideas on when its best to harvest these ladies are welcome to make a comment...20 days harvest window is alot, and im curious how much extra weight it puts on those last 20 days in relation to how it alters the finished products high.


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