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kali mist - 4 aquafarms, 600w hps



Flowering room:
Height:250 cm
Width: 157 cm(5.15 feet)
Depth: 112 cm(3.67 feet)
(18.9 sqf)
Mylarized walls, flat white floor & ceiling

600w sylvania grolux hps (cooltube)
(31.74 w/sqf)


week 1 - 3 28%

week 4 - 55%+

< 24 c

4 aquafarms(bottom drilled, added aircurtains)
1 controller + tank

60/40 coco/perlite-mix


Lighting schedule:
21/3 veg
12/12 bloom

feeding schedule:

week 1 - 5

week 6 -
2x 1 h/day
+ 30 min/day

Breeder: serious seeds
strain: kali mist
expected yield: 525 – 875g (350 – 500g/m2)
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29 okt 18:16 6 seeds placed in rockwool cubes

1 nov 07:00 100% germination confirmed.(61 hours)

Putting 1 seedling in each aquafarm, blasting them right away with hps.(1 m above). Doming driprings with transparent plastic covering to promote humidity.
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Active member
I am growing it now.
Finishing for the first time.
I have the indica pheno that finishes pretty quick for a sativa.
It is bomb.


Hey ya'll,

SmokeNuggs: Thanks m8! Germination in rockwool is like a stroll in the park. I soak starter cubes in water, give a couple of shakes to let excess water out before putting the seeds in the prepped holes before gently scraping the top with a fingernail or a pen to close. I place the cubes under the dome from my microoven and make sure theres enough humidity(regular misting) and relatively high heat in there(like 30 degr C), and thats it.

jrw: welcome aboard! hopefully it'll be an interesting read. You into breeding or is the reason for F2s by chance?

JDOG6000: I'll put some pics up as soon as i get my hands on a decent cam, and that'll prolly be by the start of next week. Got any say on the difference in high between the indica pheno and the sativa pheno?

clowntown: The breeder advertises it as a strain that yields 350 - 500g/m2, and i did the math. Seeing as my light aint the optimal (50w+/sqf) and growing from seed means some might turn out male, this is an uncertain estimate at best. I have never grown Kali Mist before, but smoked it in Amsterdam back in -04 and it was killer.

For those who take an interest; my growing experience is somewhat limited. I have previously finished sk#1 three times, white widow twice, ole 47 and passion#1 once. Before using this setup i have grown outdoors once, and indoor using a couple of LE lamps over miniscrog with straight up soil. In lack of ph or ec meters i pay close attention my plants and try to react as one ought to if something seem amiss. At most I have harvested 400 grams, and that was from 2 plants with the current setup. My ladies have never suffered from nasty bugs or the like or any disease for that matter. All my grows have been a learning experience, involving a fair amount of tests and experiments. This grow will be no different. Before I have tried growing both with and without topping, this time around i plan on doing some serious LST and see how it turns out. The silica and superthrive(just got it delivered, yay!) is new to me as well and i really hope to see an improvement. Feel free to comment, suggestions are more than welcome.

peace and respect,

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Unbound said:
jrw: welcome aboard! hopefully it'll be an interesting read. You into breeding or is the reason for F2s by chance?

Thanks a lot my friend.

I've bouth the seeds from a seedbank going here in DK.

People donate seeds that are sold for next to nothing (~8$ for 10 seeds). The revenue keeps the forum running :)

I haven't been able to get any detalied info on the seeds, but I suppose the parents are from Serious Seeds. Time will tell.

How is your grow working out?


As soon as the seedlings sprouted i put them under HID, figuring they would manage the output if i raised the lamp enough. This was a bad idea, for the first two weeks i had basically no growth development.

Personal note i must build the motherbox i've planned to do so long and make extra space to handle seedlings in the process. 1 200w LE prolly wont hurt seedlings as bad as the hps.

I also reckoned that the slow growth had something to do with low humidity, in the low thirties, so i hurriedly bought myself an ultrasonic humidifier and now its up above 55 at all times. Actually i like to push it up to 80 just to feel how healthy the enviroment feels. The cold fog it generates is awesome. Think windy rainforests in 25 degr Celcius and you are pretty close. And then think of the kind of funky ass shit green that grows in that type of enviroment and you have hit the spot :) Thank you ultrasonic!

I started out with the ambition to LST sure enough, but there is an unearthly charmlike quality to SCROGS. I dream of perfect cola-filled nets as far as the eye can see. Moonlit fields with softly swaying colas against the horizon and a woman dressed in white transparent silk by the side of a well saying 'It's okay.'....

After eyeing my closets socksdrawer for an hour or so i came to the conclusion that it would be a waste to not let it serve a better, more noble, purpose. I experimented a little and ended up with a screen that fitted the aquafarms perfectly. Only problem was that they were only 20 cms high. After a couple of branches broke against the strain from the net, i discarded them as the result of a wishful thinking and returned to my previous endeavour to low stress them.

I topped all of them. I actually cut two branches of as a result from tying the knots too hard and not retying soon enough. And it was during that time of utter despair at having cut of branches by mistake that the memory of "the 4th principle" struck me as a bolt of lightning. I remember my grandfather vaguely from when i was a kid playing in the dojo. He was having a conversation with my father that i didnt understand at the time, but i do now. He said : "To make a real bonsai Hanagin-san, you should build the base in blocks of four. Do not just cut the main stem at the wasenehsi(4th node), you must do it surotokeogeji!! (at every branch as well.)

I ended up topping alot. to say the least..... the tops...oh the poor tops. It got to me eventually. All that abuse. I flipped, man. I starting twisting and breaking their stems. One here and there at first, but then more and more til it got all out of hand. I supercropped basically every branch. And now here i am, with all this guilt and shame..will it be worth it? Will the abuse pay of?

The good thing with plants like cannabis is that they are way more forgiving than a kid. I always advise friends of mine that are considering getting pregnant and conceiving a child that they should first start with either a pet or a plant. If the dog loves you after 5 years or you have been smoking A-grade grass for 3 years, ok go ahead. Raise your kids as you grow your weed, with alot of affection and abuse but remember not all might make it through. But those that do.....

Anyho, I took some photos at the end of week 6, but I am giving them another week before flower to allow them to recover from the severe abuse...ah god forgive me! I dont have the usb cable so I cant upload them yet though. will take new photos the day i flip to 12/12. Actually been doing a 21/3 hour routine here. works well with the heat-buildup for me.

Sex will be determined in a week. Last tie have been placed. the countdown has begun. God help us all.
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haha man, im not really big on books, but i think you might convert me,lol great descriptions bro! :D

i think you were right about the low humidity being the problem for your youngsters,not the HID, when the environments right they love the big light.not that much growth happens above the medium for the first week anyway,more root growth.

"the kind of funky ass shit green that grows in that type of enviroment " man i know what your talking about, my current grows using a hydrofogger and a controller(for the first time),i had a smaller cool mister but the A/C sucked more RH the it could put out,these babies are a real funky lite green.looks like no others that ive grown before,a real picture of health.

anyways tagging along mate!~ and cant wait to see them pics

keep em funky green!


Hey Eulogy, nice to see you here! You have a cruel setup and a sweet handle to boot. Just go crazy man! About them humidifiers, i will definately be running two of them the next go.

Anyho i finally got a cam so you guys can see what im talking about. And on that note:

Nice fog, i just love it. Planning on doing a mod for better dispersion with some tubing. with two units i can have 4 good exhaust points spread evenly in the canopy. It would look just awesome.

Here is my cooltubed HPS:

I have it at aprox. 50 cm above canopy.

I want to cram another cooltubed 600 in there for the next go and the ventilation tubing will be somewhat different. But i will be running the same blower though:

packs a nice punch.It handles cooldown somewhat even though I dont have my AC installed, and its blows straight into the buildings central ventilation.

My portable AC is collecting dust atm. Because of the noise it generates and the fact that there is two other apartments adjacent to the room, I will have to soundisolate it somehow. Will most likely need it if i run another 600.

Besides modding the humidifiers I need to do something about my oscillating fan, remove the base and mount it on a wall or something. Heres how it looks:

Alright this wasnt meant to turn out as a todo-list, but hell we are talking about evolutionary growing here. I will probably never be completely satisfied:) There is always some improvements that can be made.

Here is the tank where i put my nutes :) This space will be occupied by my AC and have a veg/mother box as well eventually.

Alright, my vegging period can be summed up pretty good with two words. Abuse and guilt. Learned alot about LST though, and the canopy looks pretty even at aprox. 25 cm above medium. I dont have any problem with height in my flower room, but still i figure it might be reasonable to keep them short as light penetration from a 600 aint that impressive.

Note to self: Be careful to consistently retie so it doesnt cut into the branches, Use supercropping techniques when bending if necessary, as pressure at main-branch intersection(for lack of better word) can cause them to break.

Candy for the masses:

Finally time to flip the switch. How do you guys think it looks?

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PHAT man phat.

looking A1. a picture tells a thousand words

sure looks tight man, you should be proud!

keep em green!


Looks very good .... get ready for the stretch, and i wish you luck on your 2+ month flowering time also the wait is so hard but the results are so good when grown well. Check out my smoke reports i have some great pics of some of my Kali Plants and some buds. Your yeild should be good dwc and kali = goodness



Eulogy said:
looking A1. a picture tells a thousand words

Maybe we should skip this verbal-written-mumbo-jumbo-bullshit alltogether and just communicate throu pictures instead. hard though, when you wanna communicate just _those_ 1000 words. Not everyone can do it.. takes a sharp mind and a real steady hand :)

In all honesty i'd take a good book over a nice picture anyday and twice on sundays.


Hey Slips, nice plants you have there!...you bastard....smoking all that different types of weed :) Makes me wonder why the hell dont I move to place where the grass is greener so to speak. Hard to come by good weed where I live, mostly hash thats passed around. The rocksolid kind that everyone hates. Basically the reason i started growing. Anyho, I can handle the stretch without a problem, im more concerned with if it'll be too crowded and risk mold. I'll keep saying tight is right no matter what though ;)


huh? :crazy:

your spinning me out bro

*steps away slowly*

good luck buddy!


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