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kali mist - 4 aquafarms, 600w hps



hello buddie..im monkey moderator at serious seeds forum..Im growing kali mist at the mo its on day ummmm 60 of flowering i think...i cant see mine being ready by day 70..if u want i will post some pics..just let me know if u do as i dont want to highjack your therad with my pics...i was just reading that link on dope seeeds ,com..the guys got it spot on every thing he says.not sure about cutting it on day 70 because u waont get any more weight in the last 20 days..il soon tell u because i might be takinh mine 90 days il let u know..
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hey monkey, glad you stoppped by and great show of forum-manners. Learn from this man people! ;).. And i would love a pic with a datestamp for future comparisons, please. How have the stretch treated you? You dont happen to publish your grow in a thread somewhere monkey?

Tonight i made honey oil from the lower small flowers i removed during pruning two days ago, and was surprised at the amount oil i got. good stuff, and its only 25 days into flowering :) Looking forward to harvest already.
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Unbound said:
hey monkey, glad you stoppped by and great show of forum-manners. Learn from this man people! ;).. And i would love a pic with a datestamp for future comparisons, please. How have the stretch treated you? You dont happen to publish your grow in a thread somewhere monkey?

Tonight i made honey oil from the lower small flowers i removed during pruning two days ago, and was surprised at the amount oil i got. good stuff, and its only 25 days into flowering :) Looking forward to harvest already.

heres my pics 1st..i messed up on this plant dont know what day its on.i know all of true gents pics have the right days next to the pics on the adanvced forum





here treu gents this wasnt best pheno...day 63//our hole thread is on advnaced nutinets forum in grow show.



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Monkey : really nice plants and pics! I did a lil of pruning and took some photos myself, here at day 34, check it out:

Mr GJ : the smell really started to come on last week..kinda like a citrus/lemon candy-smell of some sort with a real nice sting to it....even a dead man would salvitate :)



Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Unbound said:
the smell really started to come on last week..kinda like a citrus/lemon candy-smell of some sort with a real nice sting to it....even a dead man would salvitate :)

Hiya UB :wave:
First off - nice photo update, they're looking sweet!

Man they sound tasty - the sting is the thing! Sploosh - hold on, gotta grab a towel :pointlaug Congrats man, you're gonna be very happy with this grow.


Hey Mr GJ, glad peeked in!

Thanks m8, yeah i think they are gonna fill out nicely...aiming for those 60 cm long colas :) And the smell..yeah...makes me wanna eat em instead of smoking hehe :) Very uniform plant btw, all three looks pretty much the same.

I really need to buy a better cam to make them justice...they are reaaaly getting big :)

anyho, catch you later!


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