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just watched an awful gore/execution video via Mexican Drug Lords


It would all end if the drug war ended because the cartels would have no profit.


Right now there is more slavery in the world than has ever been in the history of humanity, and the drug war is a corner stone subsidiary, which they depend on.

I believe it was Stalin that said "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic".


I wont even watch gore movies, Saw, Poltergeist, Exorcist, Friday the 13th's, Chucky's, nada. They just freak me the fuck out, and i dont see why people like that feeling.

Ive seen a few the the 'Scary Movies'; 'The Shining' was just creepy, and while i think Cathy Bates is the fucking shit in the movie, you couldnt pay me $1000 to watch 'Misery' again. 'Se7en' is about as far as i can go.

Good ole American TV has desensitized me to gunfire and bullet wounds, i love gangster movies.
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Fuck yeah I never took a step backwards to perceive that abstraction but you are so fucking right. It is the modern slavery racket...

It genuinely has become a saying around hereabouts among cannabis connoisseur circles... "fuck swag and fuck the cartels"

When a person is a citizen of a state and has to register their address, fingerprints, vehicle, and record of foreign travel they are a slave.

When they must work 50 plus hours a week and can only afford wall mart food, a one bedroom efficiency in a shit hole neighborhood, and a buss pass that is slavery.

When you are not allowed to treat yourself with your chosen herb, that is slavery.

Then there is all the federal American gestapo. the DEA, FBI, CIA, NSA, ATF, Homeland security, TSA, Secret service, secret military bases, like the one in Nevada, that takes up an eighth of that state, that you can't look at in google maps. All just a form of controlling their slaves.

It is not just us either. technically we are the lucky slaves, here in America. See if your not in the top 5 percent of American wealth then you are pretty much the modern equivalent of a HOUSE N-WORD.

If you live in a third world country where American corporations buy the government and turn their people in to all out real slaves, then you are an unlucky FIELD N-WORD. Guess what, now that corporations have been constitutionally deemed people by our crooked supreme court the wealthiest one percent (aka the government owners) are about to turn the poorest and the felons (aka millions of drug offenders) into the new American Field Slaves. all the places are in piece.


I encourage everyone to free yourselves by separating yourselves from that system and start overgrowing as much as possible. then teach others to do the same.


Active member
scary movies are like a rollercoaster.

a good one pulls you in, makes you jump like it could happen to you (and as in the rollercoaster, an illusion of danger is created, which can be fun "haha! i barely escaped with my life!" (manic gleam in eyes :) and spittle going in all directions))

course, see enough and it just gets boring and painful to watch.
obviously fake or when real, just painful to watch others hurting. (once the thrill of fake danger is gone, what is left are just pictures of people being tortured or whatnot, not exactly nice)
its like a kid seeing some guy being thrown off a motorcycle and he laughs cause that was ridiculous and you never see that, the kid doesnt connect to the hurt, only the danger (which is thrilling, cause it aint real)
while the adult sitting beside him, might wince in sympathy at the crushed balls of the motorcyclist (but still enjoy it cause it aint real its a good story (but might be tired of senseless violence movies (gore splatter tit scream))
the adult wouldnt be scared of the gore, cause it aint real to him, the falling off a motorcycle is. (and of course once you actually seen gore, you most cases either laugh at gore movies or are bored with them)

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
^Yes you do. Your dignity is all you have left, in a situation like that.

From what I have heard (as I choose not to watch shit like that), their dignity was intact as they were executed.


Active member
Thanks to all who have talked about how gory it is. I won't click on it. I haven't seen 2 girls 1 cup or that clip of those Russian teenagers killing that guy with a hammer. I am totally with that dude about not liking gory, scary movies. I've just never understood the popularity, especially among young impressionable minds, and I don't need to see it to know evil exists.

But we aren't slaves because we don't live on dirt floors and in chains....Yuh, right. The rich just get richer and the poor get poorer and that's how. They want you to believe you're not a slave. Easier to control, etc., etc.

Slavery has ALWAYS existed, in ALL cultures. Just not now? Yuh, right. Just maybe a little higher standard of living and masking it better is all.


Active member
the thing about the russians thats completley troubling,is they didnt do it for any reason and they took their time.
the're no words for the utter disreguard for life these punks had.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
But we aren't slaves because we don't live on dirt floors and in chains....Yuh, right. The rich just get richer and the poor get poorer and that's how. They want you to believe you're not a slave. Easier to control, etc., etc.

Slavery has ALWAYS existed, in ALL cultures. Just not now? Yuh, right. Just maybe a little higher standard of living and masking it better is all.
That's right man.

The new corporate fascist American government has taken away the right of 90 percent of Americans to pursue Life, Liberty, and Happiness; and in the process, brainwashed the population into redefining what life, liberty, and happiness are.

The carpet. the lights. the tv. that shit has been basic accommodation for the poor for 50 years. Those are the small luxuries you are allotted to keep you from realizing you are a slave. they wave the flag around enough and tell you that you are free from the time you were born. It makes it hard for you to realize that you are not free. you never found the need to research real freedom. you thought you had it. you don't. They depend on this. if this was not true on a mass scale, and people were actually educated, the US congress, senate, and large corporation owners would be beheaded.

You don't have to live on a dirt floor to be a slave.

When you are working as hard and as long as you can, and not buying any extras but it is still impossible for you to pursue your goals in life. At that point you are just a tool working to improve your masters life.

When percentage wise, you pay more taxes, than the wealthiest one percent, because they bought government loopholes then you can not pursue liberty.

When you can't pursue your goal's because you have no time from working a dish washing job you can not pursue happiness.

Literally if you work for a corporation in America and make less than half a million dollars a year then you are a pure slave. Just cause your a house slave doesn't mean your not a slave.

......and don't say American people don't wash dishes for a living. I sure as hell did, along with lots of others.


can someone pm me the link, out of curiosity?

is it the one where they castrate that guy before beheading him?

anyway, goes to show you there's some fked up shit in this world.

h^2 O

This chainsaw business has SHIT on the video I watched on Liveleak yesterday...it's so fucked up I won't even post the link. It's video of 6 Russians who surrendered to Chechens...it's the most horrific video I've EVER seen and I think I woke up in the middle of the night a few times. Absolutely horrific. Can't unsee that shit. Stuff should be banned like child porn.


Active member
Why the fuck do you watch it then? What did you think would happen, you expected it to leave you with a warm glow or something? You can at least take comfort in the fact you're not a psychopath (you wouldn't have felt anything but curiousity if you were), that's about it though.

(not necessarily directed at anyone personally)


Re: just watched an awful gore/execution video via Mexican Drug Lords

Human curiosity.

I was in junior high in computer class when four of my friends were huddled around a computer screen watching some shit. I come over to see what's up. They were watching some beheading by a dull knife, that's the first and last fuct up violence vid ill watch. Can't unsee that shit.

h^2 O

Why the fuck do you watch it then? What did you think would happen, you expected it to leave you with a warm glow or something? You can at least take comfort in the fact you're not a psychopath (you wouldn't have felt anything but curiousity if you were), that's about it though.

(not necessarily directed at anyone personally)

meh. Well one of the guys tried escaping...the Chechens were like expecting them to lie down while they cut their heads off...and one dude was like fuck that and got loose and ran...but they shot him. The other ones just sat there until they came over and killed them too. I would rather get shot than have my head cut off. I would've tried to bite faces and ears off. Poor guys. Thankfully, the idiot Chechans who recorded the video were ALL identified and eventually killed or caught. I think that specific "battallion" was actually completely wiped out a short time later. Humans are fucked up man...I don't know how people are able to commit such atrocities. I mean in the video there's like 20 guys standing around...and not one says to stop or objects to it. At least they got paid back for what they did.

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