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Just lost a good friend because I grow..



The guy used to grow but after a few years off he just got a girl who's trying to keep him away from what they call 'that side of life.'

Here's what should have happened :)


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Big D

I say it went down perfectly! I mean just imagine if he's still your friend and with this woman and coming to your house and smoking and lying to his girl and then one night she smells weed on his sweater and bam its fuck YOU, YOU're the bad influence and she sees YOU as the only thing standing in the way of their happiness.... and she knows about you? Fuck that.... good riddance!

been there done that!


I say it went down perfectly! I mean just imagine if he's still your friend and with this woman and coming to your house and smoking and lying to his girl and then one night she smells weed on his sweater and bam its fuck YOU, YOU're the bad influence and she sees YOU as the only thing standing in the way of their happiness.... and she knows about you? Fuck that.... good riddance!

been there done that!

Wont make a difference D.

Kiwi's buddy comes home stinking of weed then his shemale master will automatically assume that he has been visiting his grower buddy against her wishes/orders.
She sure as hell wont believe buddy bought a baggie on the street corner when she knows he knows a grower that he has taught.

It wont make a difference because she will assume that the BF is lying to her about where his "relapse" weed came from and she will invariably think BF is lying to her to protect the friendship with the grower of corrupting plants that she has banned him from seeing.

Those that try to manipulate people will do anything to get their own way regardless of the consequences to others :2cents:

Kiwi Star

He already has, I got an email last night.

Went on about how he didn't really want to smoke, how marijuana negatively effects your life, how cropping is wrong and saying I'll be going to jail... but wants to see me in a little while?! Not the man I once knew, and now not a man I should know. Fuck him. One less problem to worry about.


Active member
be careful about this guy,he's the type that will rat you out "for your own good" with a little goading from his girl friend


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
not a real friend for sure.. Also good to just stay away remember outta sight outta mind ya never know what them type bishes will do or say... He may come round and figure it out, or maybe its his time to change completely that does happen.. Either way move on brother and enjoy life it is entirely to short to worry about other people you have no say or control over.. im your friend :D peace n pufs..


teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
better than losing a grow over a friend ...dont meet up with this fool , he is gonna try to take the jam outta your donut...


Active member
forget him

forget him

just forget him .
look at it this way he turned you on to growing .Good
He,s showed you he,s a pussy.Good
move on.A


Active member
people cross paths with other people's paths all our lives. been happening since our first interaction with another person. sometimes painful, sometimes a blessing. this subject we all got in common and countless movies, books, songs, etc. about it. part of life for all of us. if u believe in what u do then it's much easier to be steadfast in your own personal path. quitters never prosper, yet sometimes we make a wrong turn and need to make adjustments. personal choices. this is a real life topic.


Oh, so you'd recommend having nothing to do with marijuana so I can still hang out with this guy? Thought so.

Haha, so if this guy wants a shot at a normal life, maybe a wife and kids, he should just say fuck that i love weed sooooooo much more? Thought so.


ICMag Donor
I don't think the guy was really that much of a friend.......

If it were me I'd clean everything up and invite him and the woman over for dinner.... While I was laughing at them under my breath I'd let them know I wasn't going to be doing it any longer either...... Not because I gave a shit about what they think, but because I'd be worried they'd be running their mouths to people.....


Haha, so if this guy wants a shot at a normal life, maybe a wife and kids, he should just say fuck that i love weed sooooooo much more? Thought so.

Normal life?
Is your GF telling you who and why you can or can not see normal??
Is your GF telling you you cant smoke normal??

If it is you have a fucked up relationship.
How is he going to have a normal life with the GF calling all the shots?

Read the points below and you will understand it has nothing to do with wanting a wife and kids and a normal life.

The guy used to grow but after a few years off he just got a girl who's trying to keep him away from what they call 'that side of life.' It's just bloody weird hearing a good mate say they can't have anything to do with me because I love growing.

Well he taught me how to grow, so I held him in high regard for that for years.. not even allowed to smoke weed now.

He already has, I got an email last night.

Went on about how he didn't really want to smoke, how marijuana negatively effects your life, how cropping is wrong and saying I'll be going to jail... but wants to see me in a little while?!


Active member
i think i might have to pull that "head'eye" "jedi" mind trick ^ and tell them that they sketched you out....what a bunch of horse sh*t to have to go through....sure am glad i can count my "true" friends with 2 fingers....

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