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Bill C-15 has passed in Canada. You will get 6 Months prison for one plant. ORGANIZE.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Unfortunately, looks like you might be coming to California soon :joint:
So if your caught with 200 plants or less the minimum mandatory's don't apply unless you have one or more of the aggravated factors such as...
Bypassed meter
Other Hazard

Is this because the judge has discretion or was the media reporting false statements?

But one thing is clear is if you have 201+ plants you better have one good lawyer.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Or if they think your selling it... Even giving away seeds for free isn't allowed lol what jerks .peace out Headband707

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Is Health Canada getting into the seed business to supply there med program? If so that's scary... You can't kill the underground, there will always be stuff around as long as there's a demand.... and I can't see the demand simply going away.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I don't think that's right bro...check the last post on pg 16 Fatigues clarified this.
I read it yesterday but I will have to look around for it not sure where I read it and it's always been illegal to sell your wears lol .. I found this info on cannabisFacts.ca : Here it is I found it lol peace out Headband707

The problem is that there is no specific section in respect of viable Cannabis seeds in Schedule II. Viable cannabis seeds have been interpreted as falling within the general definition of cannabis. The trafficking of viable seeds is dealt with differently under the CDSA, but under Bill C-15, the production of cannabis seeds is not dealt with differently at all. It is only "2 Cannabis (marihuana)" that is treated less harshly under s. 3 (a.1) in Bill C-15. That means that the manufacture of viable cannabis seeds is caught by the harshest penalties provided for in C-15. It seems wierd, but I assure you, that is the meaning and effect of Bill C-15, as drafted.

So the same penalty for making hash applies for growers breeding viable Cannabis SEEDS. Yes, SEEDS. If you breed seeds for the purpose of SELLING, GIVING or TRADING them away (even if it's not for sale) you are doing so for the purpose of "trafficking" within the meaning of the CDSA.
More details & source links:
More cannabis info handouts:
Ten Facts All Canadians Need To Know About Cannabis
Cannabis prohibition is expensive, ineffective, and causing significant harms to Canadians.
For the good of Canada it's time to end cannabis prohibition.

Polls consistently show
the majority of Canadians support cannabis law reform. Politicians

ignore the will of the public on this issue. It's time for Canada to become world leader in rational
cannabis policy. Tell your politicians

cannabis prohibition is causing more harm than good.

In 2002 the Senate Special Committee on

Illegal Drug Use studied the cannabis issue
extensively. Their unanimous recommendation
was that cannabis be legalized in a regulatory
framework similar to alcohol.
The Senate report online: www.SenateReport.ca

The decision to criminalize cannabis was

made "without any apparent scientific basis
nor even any real sense of social urgency."
- Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs, 2002. P. 274

"Scientific evidence overwhelmingly

indicates that cannabis is substantially less
harmful than alcohol and should be treated not
as a criminal issue but as a social and public
health issue."
- Senator Pierre Claude Nolin, Chair of the Senate Special
Committee on Illegal Drugs.

"The continued prohibition of cannabis

jeopardizes the health and well-being of
Canadians much more than does the substance

- Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs, 2002.

Summary P. 45

Cannabis has NOT been decriminalized or

legalized in Canada.

Le Dain Commission recommended the

decriminalization of cannabis back in 1972! Over 30
years later and we're still only talking about it.

The so-called "decriminalization" bill

proposed by the Liberal government was an
“alternative penalties” bill.
Under this bill, possession of small amounts of
cannabis would remain illegal, but a fine would be
rendered instead of a criminal charges being laid. In
addition, the bill proposed to double maximum
penalties for growing cannabis.
The core flaw of the bill was that it was crafted without
acknowledging the dynamics of the black market and
the considerable harms caused by the policy of
prohibition. The bill would have actually made matters
worse with its contradictory and confused approach.

Legalizing and regulating the production

and sale of cannabis does NOT send the "wrong
The government dismisses the possibility of legalizing
cannabis saying it would increase use by sending the
message that cannabis use is OK.
The policy of cannabis prohibition has been shown to
have no impact on rates of use. The vast majority of
people who are interested in trying cannabis have
already done so.
Our government's current cannabis policies are neither
effective nor evidence-based. In a modern liberal
democracy, policies should be based on common sense
and compassion, not fear, prejudice and misinformation.

The U.S. government applies pressure on

Canada to back away from cannabis law reform.
U.S. government officials have issued strong warnings
that if Canada goes ahead with "decriminalization" the
result will be border slowdowns due to the need for
increased scrutiny at the border.
FACT: Twelve U.S. states have already enacted some
form of decriminalization, some states going even
further than what the Liberal government proposed.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency has had

offices in Ottawa and Vancouver since 2001.
The marijuana industry was given as one of the key
reasons for the Vancouver office. The RCMP have been
working closely with the DEA for many years.

Canada is NOT a major source of cannabis

to the United States.
"Frankly, I'm worried about Canada beginning to look
like Mexico as a major supplier of drugs into the United

- U.S. Drug Czar John Walters

FACT: "Canadian-produced marijuana accounts for only

2% of overall U.S. marijuana seizures at

its borders."
- U.S.-Canada Border Drug Threat Assessment, Oct. 2004
FACT: Mexico supplies about

46% of the U.S. demand

for cannabis.
- United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime
Prevention (UNDCCP) Global Illicit Drug Trends 2002


Thanks for the break down Fatigues. I'm embarrassed to say I wasn't even really aware that this was going on. I was informed by a friend a few days ago, and began to research this.

This is some scary stuff :(


there were sooooo many big busts over the last few months, i bet lots of people that got popped are counting themselves lucky it happened before all this bullshit!!!!


Active member
A Heads Up:

The full Senate of Canada votes on the amendments - and the third reading of Bill C-15 today, that is, Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 5:00 p.m..

IF the amendments pass, the Bill would go back to the House of Commons to be approved again in amended form.

Should that happen, there is only one strategy that must be undertaken. The Canadian people have to be told what is in the Bill. It doesn't need calls to your MP, or demonstrations, or sit-ins or anything of the sort.

It needs a LOT of letters to the editor and to National news reporters and national news editors. The Canadian people simply have to be told:

  • that the Bill still provides for nine months for growing one plant in rented premises; and
  • without approving the amendment that removes the mandatory sentence for a 6 month minimum for 6-200 plants, then compassion clubs in Canada will be forced to shut down.

That's it. As long as the Canadian people know about the compassion club problem for medical marijuana patients, they will be in favour of the amendment and the Liberals will support it.

If the Canadian people don't know about it and the organized crime excuse is maintained? Public support won't change and we're screwed.

If we are very lucky, and the media RUNS with the spectre of ONE plant and the University Student in the dorm room problem, The Canadian people's support for the bill will wither and the Liberals will not support that aspect of Bill C-15 at all and there will be more amendments.

Nobody wants to see university students going to jail for nine months for one plant (or worse, 18 months for ONE SEED). That is the story that will need to go out. Stay on message - we win. Fuzzy up that message with legalization talk or other details - we lose.

This is still a democracy. Voter's opinions matter. Allow the Conservatives to keep up this charade about organized crime - we're screwed. If the voters know the truth? We'll at least win on the amendment - and might well do better than that.


Good Gawd the Devil never rests.. By all means get the news out!


This is crazy, 6-9 months for 1 plant, i don't understand the reasoning behind this, i have followed C-15 and have read it's crazy
minimums but believe we will see this passed into law and a whole lot of BS, Nobody wants to see university students in jail but i believe a bigger issue is the demographic of people who have kids, houses been paying taxes and working for 15,20,30 yrs and who grow a few plants for personal, or for the people who know nothing about C-15 and are gonna be blindsided by crazy charges, i have told a few people recently about C-15 and they think i am kidding and disregard
it as hear say, it is hard to believe after going to Amsterdam in October and seeing what alot of other countries are doing regarding
cannabis laws it is a shame to be living in Canada right now. I know plenty of people, good citizens, no criminal past, kids, that rent
houses or apartments, and grow a few plants and i mean like 1-4 that could face 18 months under these laws that is nuts.

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Has there been anything said about what happens to the children. This has me more concerned than jail time. This whole, if there is a child and unsafe conditions is rather vaige. What are the guidelines for this? Does this mean cause I grow 20 plants there is a health risk? When there aren't set guidelines it normally means your screwed. I believe that they'll try to tac on as much time as possible. Let's get the media on board, now!!!


I hear ya Black Rain to think that you could get an extra 1 yr on top with minors or under 18 in location, or guns or traps, now guns in my neck of the woods everybody seems to hunt, so imagine rented pad, growing 3-4 plants to try and be safe, got your hunting rifles and your teenagers in the house, been a good taxpayer, good job, wife,
and you are now in a MAJOR Life altering situation, minimums are gonna tie the judges hand and wreck lives, Any good writers, we need letters to the editors for more liberal publications, I know they vote on Ammendments to C-15 today in senate, if passed will go back to parliament to vote on Ammendments then a quick signature into law, with how hard it is to get access to the MMAR program as a patient and no real apparent way to become a caregiver, I say Amsterdam,California,Colorado,Michigan Anyone.


Active member
Good news!

The Senate has accepted the proposed amendments to Bill C- 15 Vote 49(y)-43(n).

The bill will now go to Third Reading in the Senate, and then will be forwarded to the House of Commons.

This one ain't over yet; the Fat Lady has not yet sung.

There is the possibility of more delay, a non-confidence vote (remote as can be at this stage) and further amendments in the House of Commons.

We need to get the word out to the Press. Desperately.

The Tory Spin Machine will be all over this one.

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