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Harry Lime

Active member
The girls are looking sweet, Vukman. Looking forward to your verdict on yield and quality.

How long will 12/12 have been when you chop?


Active member
Hiya Harry Lime...I'm thinking of chopping around the 50 day of flower mark but only time will tell though. Today is Saturday (Sept 15/12) and it's flower day 43 now so I figure another week and the trichomes will be opaque. As I said, only time will tell if that is the case or not but I've started flushing them just the same..:)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
looking good vukman, they look very ripe for just 43 days... is this supposed to be a very fast finishing strain?



Active member
VG, I honestly don't know because it's the first time with this strain which is called "Uncle Tom".

The guy who game me the clones says it comes from BC and the guy who 'bred' it named it after an uncle who recently passed, I know nothing about the genetics or anything else. Someone mentioned that this 'Uncle Tom" may be known as "Baldy" but baldy is NL#5 and BigBud and I just don't see it here....

Thank you for the compliment. I'm hoping it's a fast finisher and not just going to play around and take forever for the trichomes to go opaque!!!..

Time will tell....I'm along for the show and ride like everyone else...:D


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Flower Day 45....very close now

Flower Day 45....very close now

Heya gang:

Someone let a skunk go in the tent last night!! ahahah..Damn man, I opened the tent this morning and pow, right in the kisser the smell came...!!! Not complaining in the least but it is getting close to harvest time....Here are the images from flower day 45 or sept 17/12.

enjoy and comments.....well, you know already. good/bad/indifferent/////all welcome







The Aardvarks LED Grow Show

They look great man, a ton of trich production for sure. Can't wait to hear how they smoke for you.


Active member
Yeah, they are definitely frosty, that's for sure. The 'macro'......(LOL<<term used very lightly) doesn't do them any justice, it was just the best shot out of the bunch that was usable...I need a better camera.........


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Flower day 47

Flower day 47

Well, the temps really fell in the room last night. The thermometer in the tent was around 12C (53-54F) so the girls are in overdrive now pushing the trichomes. At least I hope so.. They are almost all opaque now so I figure by the weekend I'll have amber in there and it's harvest time..

As for now.. enjoy the pictures...flower day 47



and yes, it's still an LED grow..:)


<add edit>............WHOOOOO WEEEEEEEEEEE..............I've been checking with a 40x jewellery loupe but upon closer examination with a 100x hand held microscope......I see amber!!!!!!! .......harvest time!!!
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Active member
All over but the cryi....errr.......drying...he he

All over but the cryi....errr.......drying...he he

Okay there folks.. I want to thank you all for taking this ride along with me. It's been an interesting one due to the fact that I used the LED lighting for the first time.. Did not veg with it but almost the whole flower cycle was done with it. If you've read the other thread, the "error of my ways....".. you'll see that these lights could have been oh so much better but we live and learn and move on.....hopefully smarter from the experience..
Here are the pics........After the drying comes the moment of truth...the weigh in but I can still dream for now!! heheh






Congrats vukman! I've heard that LED-grown bud may be more potent and fragrant/tasty. Let us know if that is your experience!


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Congrats on a successful grow vukman,

enjoy those meds brother and what is up for the next led grow show?


Active member
Thank you everyone... I know I'm still new here but have felt very welcome and for that I am quite grateful.

The next project in line appears to be shaping up. Yesterday, one of my 'associates' came by.. I told him if he/she gives me clones with bugs again, they're going right up his/her ass!!!! LOL
When the niceties were all done and he/she being my senior 'partner'...we discussed started up some Blue Satellite but only around 2 or 3 because we are going to try something.

That is to run the HPS along side the LED's. Still not sure how I'm going to fit all that into that tent but I'm sure I'll find a way. Then the 2-3 will be put through training LST style in tubs like DrFever uses in his grow.. I only mention DrFever because I am following along on his 5 plant scrog thread and really like what he is doing there. We'll see how it goes but for now,,,that;s the plan.....

Once again, I cannot thank everyone enough for their support and following along on this continuing journey and learning experience..:bow:

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