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august 22/12

loupe not needed............



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Flower Day 22

Flower Day 22

Time to put up some updated images...taken today (August 25/12)
To be honest, I am very happy and surprised thus far with the LED's. I think the images speak for themselves. This is flower day 22. The LED's went in on flower day 12 and the ladies started to flower around flower day 6-7.

When I say "flower day", I mean 12/12 cycle days.




P.S. this is just my right knee and the reason I use this lovely medicine...can you say PAIN!!!!LOL



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Flower Day 24 (August 27/12)

Flower Day 24 (August 27/12)

Just updating the progress. Things are going quite well except for the fact that I got the damn 'cooties'!!! :mad: By 'cooties', I mean Thrips.
I sprayed the damn little bastards and here's hoping against hope that I didn't damage the flowers.
Only time will tell..................here are the pics......




More in a few days and also a progress report about the 'cooties'....

Take care 'til then........


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Thank you very much Harry Lime...:).....I'm kinda partial to them myself...As for the Thrips, I've posted in the 'Infirmary" forum...Used Pyrethrin (organic)...can read there and I've sent you a PM as well.....

Best Regards........

P.S. I am from Serbian decent 'Vuk' means wolf...LOL... It really does but the handle 'vukman' has other meaning though. One I've been using for years and years.....


I've had excellent results for thrips with plain old Neem spray. I sprayed the shit out of the leaves, soil top and drain holes and they pretty much disappeared after two treatments.


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Flower Day 26

Flower Day 26

I'm bored so I snapped a few new pics today....August 29/12. As you can see by the title, it's flower day 26.....enjoy and thank you for all the positive feedback and comments. Always appreciated...:bow:




and finally, a wide shot of the whole 'enchilada'


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Flower Day 28

Flower Day 28

I've cleaned out the tent.. Lot's of cootie carcasses laying about.. way too messy for my liking. Was thinking of spraying again today but just can't bring myself to messing with the girls again even though I know it has to be done.
The work on the tent has really put a crimp in the 'ol knees so looks like tomorrow is spray day.. no putting that off or else I'll be right back where I was. Been looking and checking hard and I've yet to see any movement at all so the first knock-down did a fantastic job!!
So, as the title says......Flower day 28 now..full 4 weeks of flowering although it took almost a week for the pistils/flowers/hairs to start showing...still the 12/12 cycle though.

Enjoy the pics and as always....comments pro and con as welcome

Thank you






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Just a few more :)

Just a few more :)

Thank you for your patience and for following along as well...

Before I put the girls back in this time, I tied them up a bit. They are starting to get top heavy and also I tightened up the canopy as well so I can lower the lights just a bit and get more penetration (sound perverted, doesn't it)..LOL



Was also time to change location for the thermometer and hygrometer as well.....



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Flower Day 33

Flower Day 33

Thank you all for the kind words and props..Very appreciated especially since I still consider myself a newcomer to this field and especially to this forum...

Okay, well, here are some pics of flower day 33....doesn't appear to be much happening, at least to my eye but I see them a few times a day so it's hard for me to judge..

I hope that this strain starts to fill in the second month of flowering or else I wont have a great weight to watt ratio although the buds feel real freakin' solid...:). I would like to see the branches start to bend a little but as I said,, maybe the strain is not a high producer.

I started this LED venture on a lark so I didn't plan it out all that well as I should have. I know Blue Satellite or Bubba Kush and how it produces.. Next time it will be one of those to compare the LED's to the HPS HID. Oh well, it is what it is now. No going back......

As you can see, trying to keep the temp and humidity in the 'optimum LED zone'...as is seen by the higher temps...

Enjoy the show... and comments/criticism is always welcome as long as it's constructive.




This image below is my sick little girl with the yellowing leaves...Looks like she's making a comeback...:)


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
What The VUkman!

see what I did with your name there, a play on words SWEEET lol

Great shots so far, can't wait to see how they end up. What are your thoughts on the penetration with the leds as far as getting to the lower growth or do you find it best to focus on the main colas and not waste time on the lowers?

When I get into flower I think I am going to do some LST on them all and keep a flat as possible canopy and trim a good 3/4 of the lower so the focus will be on the primary colas but on other runs I want to see how the penetration is as well and leave some lower growth and see if and how it bulks up.

Have you ever played with fan leaf removal in flower to get more light down in between the girls? Some strains like it and others just stop growing once done and others tend to be somewhere in the middle. I think I might test defoliation versus non in one of my later tests as well because with leds I can see less stress coming from that compared to defoling under a 1k.

Looking good vukman!


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What The VUkman!

see what I did with your name there, a play on words SWEEET lol

Great shots so far, can't wait to see how they end up. What are your thoughts on the penetration with the leds as far as getting to the lower growth or do you find it best to focus on the main colas and not waste time on the lowers?

When I get into flower I think I am going to do some LST on them all and keep a flat as possible canopy and trim a good 3/4 of the lower so the focus will be on the primary colas but on other runs I want to see how the penetration is as well and leave some lower growth and see if and how it bulks up.

Have you ever played with fan leaf removal in flower to get more light down in between the girls? Some strains like it and others just stop growing once done and others tend to be somewhere in the middle. I think I might test defoliation versus non in one of my later tests as well because with leds I can see less stress coming from that compared to defoling under a 1k.

Looking good vukman!

Heya Bro........I was actually planning on removing the majority of fan leaves next week. I'll have to see how the trichomes are progressing . Was actually thinking of letting them go the last 2-3 weeks with minimal leaves. I think I'm too far along into flowering to worry about them going 'hermie' on me but always welcome more knowledgeable input. Hell, input in general is always welcome!!
Not going to 'skin' them but I'd say around 50% of the fans could be taken off to get the light down deeper.
As for the quality of the buds deeper into the plants. I'll take pics of them but I do have to say that they feel solid.. Not fluffy at all...within reason I mean...As I've mentioned, I don't really know the strain which is a major hindrance when doing this type of research.
I think you can see I had to tie them so the canopy isn't that wide so I can drop the light closer. Once again, hindsight is 20/20. The person who initially gave me the clones says he always cleans the fans down a week or two before harvest without any repercussions.. As far as he knows anyway.
I think I covered everything there bro...

More Will Be Revealed


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LOL.......yes, I have no life so all I do is take pictures of my girls.....I've stuck my hand in there for some scale. Yes, I've got the big manly man hands <---<aaahahhhahah>
so the buds are really coming along nicely.

There was a question as to how the LED is penetrating so there is an image of the stuff lower down into the bunch as well....enjoy and as always...comments/criticism is always welcome..




My sick girl seems to be holding up and actually doing better..!!

USB microscope shot

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