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The old Pics

The old Pics

Since the pics are up I'll dump the old ones from the old cam in here first and actually get to editing the new ones. :muahaha: Well here's the ones from before I left the first time.



Mo-Hey if works right? Thanks man.
O.k so this is mostly me playing around figuring stuff out, so they aren't the greatest, some have funny colors, and that's just me adjusting for hid lighting, but they turned out cool so I thought I'd share. Lots of stuff has gone down. Um the OG started throwing nanners about 10 days before finished, this was the second set of nanners to appear, the first round of them appeared at just before the mid-point but they were few and far apart and dealt with, but the second round of nanners was too much to keep it in the running, so that had to come down, and is out of the running for being a mother(for now, still have more than enough to try again later down the road). Speed Queen A was taken down right before I left and is out of the running, the smoke is mild. Speed Queen B is now down, just today, is good and makes nice head buds but is too leafy and is out of the running. Speed Queen C is awesome, the smell, incredible, very high calyx to leaf ratio, very resinous and it likes the nutes, it's a winner to move on to the next round. Mystery Strain finished up with the SQ's and is incredible as well, huge buds all the way down and with more than a 400w light would easily become one massive bud, its smell is quite potent and is incredibly dense and looks to be a great smoke, very high calyx to leaf ratio with small tight fans, excelent sog plant, this one is a winner and will be moving on. The Ak still has another week to ten days remaining until finished and is just massive and very covered in trichs, it has a kinda musty smell as well but is very mild. This is the third winner to move on. This next round is to decide between the ak and the mystery strain, Speed Queen C gets a pass and moves straight to the head of the class. That's it for words for me for now other than saying that I've been sort of an absentee resident as of late. I just been trying to get the old thread kinda moved over to the new thread and get caught up and with my love life in shambles and maintaining this that and the other thing life's been kinda scattered and hectic but I do usually provide more info and yes I'm making oil tomorrow. Wooho new tutorial! And butter by the end of the week. Woohoo another tutorial. So I haven't forgotten guys. Enough of the Chatter and get's to picture taking. Remember, still learning my new gear so they should improve. First up...

Full Plant Shot(You won't see many of these shots since they will just look like they did before, with the exception of the new plants from seed)

Next.. Medium to short range shots(These will be what you see the most of at least for a while as my last camera this was it's weakest shooting range)
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You know I just noticed that it resizes the horizontal and the vertical pictures to different sizes. Now I know, huh. Well from now on I think I'll only be loading vertical pictures no more horizontal shots for me. Later folks.


Hello Justin :) great shots, great buds and I hope when I set my SQ's off I get a few good pheno ones :)
What programme you using for putting your pics through ??


Registered Med User
U and Y both need nominations for photo of the month if they get ta doin one for July... Nice shots bro.


Hello again Justin :)
I found another plant today that has trichomes very similar to our favourite plant :)

Also I learned a new trick with my camera today :)
This was taken in full sunlight and nothing was held behind the flower :)



Doc-Thanks, I'm learning.
Dave-What do you mean which program? The camera? If so it's the full manual mode. If your asking which program I edit my pics in, then in Microsoft picture manager. I edit my pics for 8x10's with the exception of on here. Excellent shots, you should pm me about the settings to get the black drop. I'll put a couple of my flower shots in for ya too Dave.
MO-Yeah It's my birthday so I doubt they gonna have a POTM, this month.
O.k. first the supply's I use to make my oil.
99% iso
cheese cloth
rubber band
two mason jars
one mason jar lid
pot little less than half full of water
razor blade
stove ;)

So after chopping the trim into little pieces I load up a portion into the first mason jar. I cut out a piece of cheese cloth, and make a deep bowl shape with it in the second jar and secure it with the rubberband. Then after doing this add a little less than half of the depth of the trim worth of iso and cover with the lid. Then lightly swish around the mixture(no violant shaking). After about ten-fifteen seconds stop, remove lid and pour contents into the second mason jar with cheese cloth. Let drain then remove cheese cloth with trim in it. Very lightly squeeze cheese cloth to get a little extra iso mix out of it(not too hard of a squeeze, don't want to transfer too much clorophyl, just trich heads). pour iso from strained jar back into the first jar and re-apply the cheesecloth. Add about 5-10% of the amount of iso to iso solution already present in the first jar. Add more trim and repeat process, until out of trim. While all this is going on take your pot filled with less than half way with water and put it on a stove top burner to about medium temp. Put plate on top of the pot so the steam hits the bottom of the plate. Pour your iso solution(which should be light green and very cloudy) onto the plate. Smoke a bowl, read a paper, cruise the mag, periodically check on progress of the cooking goodness. Let the solution cook down until gone and the color of the leftovers turns from green to brown. Let it cook down a good few extra seconds to make sure that one percent of water has a chance to evaporate so that it doesn't become all sludgy, you want it looking like glass when done I'm sure. Once fully cooked, hastily remove from heat(make sure to turn off the burner) and remove with a razor blade before the plate cools down turning your oil into a sheen of glass on your plate making it very difficult for removal without losing half of it to pieces flying off to the land of the weed gremlins. After gathering all material put all pieces back onto the plate to warm up a little bit making it maluable enough to ball up. Let it cool for maybe another 4-5 minutes and your good. Let's watch

So after five minutes of being finished I broke a piece of to show you what it should look like.

Let's smoke!

A couple shots of some flowers just to be different.​

Almost forgot. Some finished buds. Not too bad for being under a whopping 400watter.

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got it. thanks J!
your camera skills rival your other skills.
do any geo-caching on yer hike?


yo,off the hook update and tutorial brotha,i can see some bomb ass shots are on the way huh! dude ur plants are lookin da bomb,glad to see ur on to the next step in ur hunt for the ultimate parents of the ultimate strain yo.
the tutorial was real good bro but i think i'll wait till ya get back this wat so you can show me right there yo im more of a visual mf about things like that,i'll think im doin it wrong the whole time and the cookin part is what i'll prolly mess up.
...anyways...bomb ass update glad to have ya back holmz.peace -Y-


Beautiful pic's; lady friend or not! Cannabutter was nice, but the hash tutorial was iceing on the cake. So complex, yet so simple.

Will stay tuned with out a doubt! :lurk:

P.S. Nice pic on your last post! Staired at that for at least 20 min. :laughing:
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CD- Thanks. You know I actually didn't collect any this last trip.
Y- Yeah man I'm hoping so, I'm starting to get this gadget clicking. As far as the moms go, got off to a good start so far. It will be interesting to see if any from this round will make the final cut. I doooon't know I got lots of good genetics still to go through yet on my hunt for my own "elite cut"! Outlook good though.
Bongwater-Mind if I call you that? Welcome to the show. Which pic was that, that caught your eye?
Sammet-What's up brother. Tag away ;)
Ok so I found myself with an extra 20 to put some words in here that I thought I wouldn't have but something freed up so here I am typing away. So the pics up today are of the Ak finishing up still, and the clones of the mothers that are not to be. The Og's, the SQ-B's. And those nice purble buds still just keep popping up don't they. What I was smokin on the trip. Late
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wattup just,damn yo thats like a whole differen catogory of purple bruh.
is that the gb cured?if it is damn yo!!! i just ordered another pack of those shits so id have backups;) peace bro.-Y-

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Whoa man niceeee update. I am assuming that is your new camera, if so that is badass. Awesome pictures, too many things to comments on. But, that ISO is lookin right man, woot to that and GREAT write up.
Take it eazy :joint:


Hello Justin, YwouldntI :) and all other stoners :)
Well one of the blueberry's, the sat dom one started throwing nanas at me the other night and now has started seeding itself, so I got to chop it :(
I take it seeds from a self pollinated female aren't up to much ?? correct me if I am wrong and I won't chope the LadyBoys heads off hahahaha
