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you must spread reputation around...bla bla bla.....
im tryin yo but it wont let me them pics deserve some rep....c'mon fellaz get this man a dot he been stuck at three with all these nice ass pics and tutorials....wattup with that?......


damn you must live in paradise or something, those flowers are the shit. keep em coming, all your pics are stellar.

cheers bro,


More More More!

More More More!

Pictured plants= AK, MS (still haven't come up with a name)

Who needs sticky traps when you got sticky weed. Just ask this dead bugger. Stuck like Chuck.

And some spider plant action



Not much crystal on those last three pics Shutterbug :) hahahahaha
Some serious THC making going on in there those plants:)
Hows the camera ?? you liking it still ??
Heres a few from the other nights session :)



love the pics of the non smokable flowers too Jukka jukka Just(that was the remix;) LOL
im gonna have to take my cam out to the gardens and take some pics out there the have some wild lookin stuff too yo.
i was just stoppin thru to bs with ya holmz.peace-Y-


Thanks Y sorry I missed ya. So here's the tri-pod speed queen and the quad headed OG. Honestly they don't look that much different from a few days ago. I did trim up the undercarriage on these two, so maybe I stalled em out a smidge. I don't think so though it's probably just that's it's only been a few days. Let's see what else. Got my lens, busted, sent it back and should have a replacement in the next 10 to 14 days :badday: Also my 0-10-10 nutes had gone bad, I figured one of my goodies wasn't good anymore but I was looking this time around and the problem has been removed and replaced. That's about it. I wasn't really in a picture taking mood today but I snapped off a few

Speed Queen




Damn Dave I missed ya somehow. I don't even know how. Ya them last three shots on that post are missin a touch of trichage aren't they. I'm loving the camera, just starting to get things together a bit and making it work a bit. I don't know if you know or not but I only use the full manual settings including focus so sometimes things are off a bit but I'm slowly but surely becoming refreshed on the photography front. I'm almost wishing for the quick action buttons of the higher models of the nikon d series now that I'm getting used to shooting manual again, but yeah still loving it. Nice little lid you have going there, wish I was there to throw a lil of mine in the mix for some friendly medicine time. You have yourself some nice little fatty head buds going on there yourself there. Which one's are those?
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go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor

love ur girls, they are really coming on quickly
that ak is real looker ,damn good buds mate
keep on bro things look stellar


:joint: :joint:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Things look great in here. Ak is awesome, look nice and tight. Great pics man, some great closeups.



JustinCase said:
Damn Dave I missed ya somehow. I don't even know how. Ya them last three shots on that post are missin a touch of trichage aren't they. I'm loving the camera, just starting to get things together a bit and making it work a bit. I don't know if you know or not but I only use the full manual settings including focus so sometimes things are off a bit but I'm slowly but surely becoming refreshed on the photography front. I'm almost wishing for the quick action buttons of the higher models of the nikon d series now that I'm getting used to shooting manual again, but yeah still loving it. Nice little lid you have going there, wish I was there to throw a lil of mine in the mix for some friendly medicine time. You have yourself some nice little fatty head buds going on there yourself there. Which one's are those?

Hello Shutterbug :) don't worry, I am used to getting missed :) hahaha
If you look at the above pics and let your eyes go down to the left hand corner, you will see what plants they are :)
I am glad you are liking the camera, I normally shoot in aperture priority mode so as I can control the depth of field, especially in macro mode. When shooting outdoors I also rely on my Weston Master V lightmeter, and use it to take measurements and then adapt them manually into my camera.
Here are a few full plant shots of the Blueberry the other pics came from :)
Just finished work, came straight online to read the thread, now am off to make a cuppa and a big fat one :)

cheers m8 :)
ps these have about two weeks left to go :)

Just a couple more from last nights session :)
I can't get the pics to load like you do across the page ????
This is my SpeedQueen :)

and this is once again the blueberry :)
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I love coming thru just to check out the pics! I couldn't take a picture like that if my life depended on it. Hit us with a shot of those fish man. I went on an all out search about those things after I saw the them on your other thread.


hey wattup just dude ur killin it with the new cam yo.
plants all look good.i had some nutes go bad on me too before yo,i poored them out and there was lil stnes in there...i had them for like a year sittin on a shelf and never even opened them.oh well wattaya do eh?
keep on pimpin'em brother,you gottem in check like a muuufaaa;)
peace -Y-


Boy everybody stopped by today.

Boy everybody stopped by today.

Jay-As do I sir, As do I. :)
m@rg-Thank you, I'm actually kind of surprised at how large the buds themselves got as it's a two topper in 1.5L, it will surely do well in a bit larger of a container, but it will have to live under the 400 still
BR-It is so tight. I will start smoking it in a few days after a three week cure or is it 4 either way. I can't wait.
Dave-Damn the bb's looking mighty fine there in them last shots. Your under a 600 right? Keep the cal/mag handy with them SQ's. Out of five beans popped I got three girls and two were cal/mag whores. The third you will see more of again in the very near future. Oh that reminds me tri-pod is SQ-B and all other SQ's being showed at the moment are the two other females that did not make the cut, A and B. I just don't want to waste perfectly good plants(except for SQ-A. Blah). Next time when I go shooting some macro's I'll start working on the aperture mode settings. Wish I was there for the fatty lid Dave. Oh and the lining the pics up thing, theres actually a post somewhere in here where I talk about that. I'll find it later and link it up in here for ya.
homusubi-Yeah I guess they are going faster than I thought they were. I went back and looked at the pics from a week ago and they have really come along. And the AK is a hash-monster. The thing makes soo many trich's. Oh I can't wait to smoke it. Maybe I'll sneak a piece.
SirSmokalot-I will do my very best to remain ill Sir. Thank you
Murphy-I will hit you with some of them fish man.
leel-A fatty sounds nice. Am I the only one who doesn't have one twisted up?
Y-Yea the shit sucks when your not paying attention to if they good or not until theres a problem. Them nutes were almost three years old now. I should have dumped them a while ago. But I'm a mizer, so pinchin penny's and making shit stretch is right in my comfort zone. It cost me a little bit, but thankfully it was with the small tester clone run and not the big dogs that gonna be swinging through like the two lst'd mini scrog beast thing things I'm rocking right now. If you look you can see a smidge of damage here and there, mostly on the OG one though.
Mo-I'm just waiting for the soil to dry out on a couple of them to pull. So like 2-3 days.
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