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ICMag Donor
Hey just read your whole thread, somehow I've missed it all this time. Anyways your pics look great along with your grows.


telephone the maker, for i've seen the light and i'm not going back. :D

for whatever its worth:

"times they do a change and people to and fro,
yet a hand in creation of life - never stray shall ye go."

that's supposed to have something to do with growing. lol

i'm torn on the pic choice. i love seeing big pics and not having to click on them, but at the same time seeing 9 beautiful pics all at once is cool.




wattup just nice b/w yo.
however you choose to lay the thread out it'll be pimpin sheeiy you goy it rockin already.do what you do holmz.


Helloooooooooooooooo :)
cracking pictures :) makes me wanna go get my camera out :)
Shutterbug, I am currently using a 125 enviro blue light for my vegging but realise I need to use 4ft flourescents of some sort to maximise my growing space in my new cab. I have heard a little about t5's and t8's etc etc, you got any knowledge on them?
I have a right little micture going on at the moment and am in a right tiswas over them all :)
I have hindu kush, blueberry 2 phenos, mandala femmed (3 weak ones ans an amazing 4th one :) and I am gagging to start my speedqueens, white satin and safari mix off :)
Don't ya just love this growing lark :)
Be Safe fellas :)
ps I am in a spacey sort of mood so thought ya may like this one to stare at

ps forgot to upload it lol brb
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I'm actually kind of disapointed on how they loaded. They were all crystal clear before the load and then after resizing they became all fuzzy(on the macro post above). Whatever though, I'll be taking many more before I'm done. I have no info for ya dave, sorry. Thanks for your support guys. Did anybody actually see the butter post on the previous page? Here's some more shots.

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JustinCase[U said:
CD[/U]-Looks like you do your camera justice my friend. On that third pic you put up I see the pack of newports, but what kind of can is that. I feel I should know what it is but I don't know what it is and it's bothering me for some reason.

Thanks Justin! thats a Miller Lite can. Nice chunk o iso, and yes I did read the butter post! Nice work man!


:respect: :jump: dawg thats a hell of a nice canopy you got goin there bro.they comin right along huh!that shit is lookin super icy like dayum frostmeiser :biglaugh: i picked up another 1000 today i gotta go get a hood though. :bashhead: i'll get at it atleast i got the main shit.all the new arrivals are gettin cupped this week soon i'll be able to clone the hell outta them. :wink:
as for now i gotta keep'em happy.peace brotha.-Y-
edit:and yup i did miss the whole budder post thanx for pointin that out yo.
so can i use trim thats been in the freezer or what?
and for the oil too?
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Cd-Thanks man that was killing me.
Y-Damn man soon your gonna need your own transformer. You can use the stuff from the freezer to make butter but I prefer it to be dry and crispy. As for the oil the fresher the material the better.
Dave-You space cadet. You forgot to upload the pic.
Did I put this up in here? Oh well I'll put it up again

Y not
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Plants are looking great man, some photo work

I have the same issue alot when loading pics, I think they are the perfect shot until, I load them up and look at them online.


Wow, so many amazing pictures in this thread. Awesome stuff, and thanks for that post about the butter, I'll definitely be using it soon.

I think the macros look awesome, but if you aren't happy with them maybe try resizing them on your computer first before you upload them? It might just be the way it gets resized for the site. But then again I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about.

Anyway, once again, awesome work.


Dr Dog-Thanks Doc. The IC resizing is kinda strange. I'm still testing out the best crop/resize to fit here. So far the best I've found is 800x600 vertical and 1000x800 horizontal. Those sizes seem to be the best so far in my opinion.
Zeus-Thank you kindly.
Socrates-I'm glad you found that particular post of use to yourself. And thank you about the pictures. I have been and do crop and resize my pictures. I'm just trying to figure out what dimensions are best for here on IC. I had those pictures resized to 800x800 and they looked great it was just that IC or PhotoPost resizing distorted the images with those dimensions. That was why the me being disapointed with how they turned out thing. That and the distortion really only shows on the macro shots as they are the most intricate shots you can take and most susceptible to distortion. Good looking out though.
O.k. so today we have. Well I don't know what we have but we have something. Right right we have mostly in box with no flash shots(a.k.a. orange shots). A clone profiling. And another attempt at some macros(remember no ring flash so they must be done in box for now, that and my other lens would be nice, I really need to get out there).

Here's some damage shots. (Left, Center) are fully recovering as you can see the green is spreading back into what's left of the leaves, I will probably still cut most of the damaged section off, just wanted to show you. Now the one on the right is recovering, you can see the darker green creeping back into the leaves, however it is still showing signs of ongoing issues(See the leaf tips raised up, it's surely having ongoing problems still, but I'm working on it.)

Here's one of the clones. These are rocking full speed. For example this clone has doubled in size in the last two days.

Now this clone is a freak and tried to autoflower for some reason. The only one of the bunch to do it. But it's gone back to normal now, shooting new leaves. Don't ask me why only one did it.

Some Macro Mania(Can't wait to snag me up a macro flash ring, might just get me a cheapo version to hold me over, we'll see though).

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wattup just i like the new avatar brotha,thats off the hook.that show is the shizzle too.i still gotta switch mine up.nice pics man kinda made me not wanna put mine up ;P
i likw the ones where you can see the whole trich,i gotta play with my cam so i can get those too,that looks bad ass yo.
nice pics bro i get the ends curlin up on some os mine sometimes too bro.not all of them either it'll be one here or there.let us know when ya figure it out hehe peace brotha-Y-


I too like the new avy. It's Freakin savage. That show rocks too. What are you talking about, my pics hold no comparison to your arm length cola's.
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Evening Shutterbug :)
I can't remember what pic it was I wanted to upload :) hahaha @ space cadet :) love it :)
This one was taken in Thailand, she was a fire chucker or something, swinging bits of rope around her head :)

I am also looking very closely at a ringflash, but am also going to get my old portable flash unit out and stick it on it's stand and see what I can come up with :)

Cheers :)


Hello ywouldntI :)
Here have a pull on this :)

and I must go over to your thread, I have neglected it for a while, not intentional m8, just been busy busy busy with me veg cab full of all sorts and not knowing what to do with them :) but I got it sorted now :)


The early so you don't have to go back a page macro session.

The early so you don't have to go back a page macro session.

Y-Thanks, I'm learning too so here's to us learning some shit.
Dave-Those are nice my space cadet friend. Thailand is an interesting and fun place for the most part. I had a Samoan buddy of mine who played with fire too except he did it with two sticks lit on both ends. He was pretty good too. He almost set our theatre on fire waaay back in the day though throwing em way up in the air. A ring flash is almost a must have with the macro's as I'm finding out, and I only have the stock lens atm.

Thanks Dave. :smoke:
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