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just had horrible day at vets


Active member
Sorry for your loss Mate.....im sure you would of gave him the best life and rejoice in that....I feel for ya...I love my American bulldog Smoking Okay,he is my best friend in the whole world so I know where your coming from mate!


Active member
Sorry for your loss, man i have five dogs one is a boxer lab mix and the sweetest ever. get you a pup, though it will never replace him. the new puppy stuff is so much fun...try not to be sad, just cherish the time you had with them..Peace DJXX

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Its really sad that dogs only live for an average of 10 years or so.

You may see them born, make a real good buddy with them, then have to see them die so soon, its always heartbreaking Mack, and just about all of us here can sympathize thru the same grief full experience.


Well-known member
Yeah, it sucks having dogs die. Just had my 3rd dog die some bullshit he was perfectly fine jumping all over me happy as hell the night before, next morning he peed on the floor I yelled at him let all the dogs out he didn't come back right away not too unusual. Went back out 20 minutes later no sign alright sometimes he's gone for a bit. Hour later I'm trying to find him searched everywhere later on my wife finds him 20 yards from the door only 6 years old must have been a heart attack just barely got to bury him 2 days ago.

The last one was a little worse she was suffering in the worst way took me hours to pull the trigger. Wasn't no pulling out of that one.

Of course the vet putting down my other dog still bugs me they had me holding him as he dropped dead in my arms, fuck that shit.

Some people ask me how I can shoot my own dog. I don't feel any worse a bullet to the heart was much quicker.

Not much you can do though everything and everyone dies eventually it will be me too.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Yeah, it sucks having dogs die. Just had my 3rd dog die some bullshit he was perfectly fine jumping all over me happy as hell the night before, next morning he peed on the floor I yelled at him let all the dogs out he didn't come back right away not too unusual. Went back out 20 minutes later no sign alright sometimes he's gone for a bit. Hour later I'm trying to find him searched everywhere later on my wife finds him 20 yards from the door only 6 years old must have been a heart attack just barely got to bury him 2 days ago.

The last one was a little worse she was suffering in the worst way took me hours to pull the trigger. Wasn't no pulling out of that one.

Of course the vet putting down my other dog still bugs me they had me holding him as he dropped dead in my arms, fuck that shit.

Some people ask me how I can shoot my own dog. I don't feel any worse a bullet to the heart was much quicker.

Not much you can do though everything and everyone dies eventually it will be me too.

I could never shoot my dog, that's fucked up. Unless there was no vet available, then I would. When I had my dog put down, they gave him a sedative and I held him as they administered the drugs. Our dogs are there for us everyday. Euthanasia is the one time when they REALLY need YOU. No matter how sad, depressing and uncomfortable it might be, they don't deserve to die alone. This is all part of being a responsible dog owner.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I could never shoot my dog, that's fucked up. Unless there was no vet available, then I would. When I had my dog put down, they gave him a sedative and I held him as they administered the drugs. Our dogs are there for us everyday. Euthanasia is the one time that they REALLY need YOU. No matter how sad, depressing and uncomfortable it might be, they don't deserve to die alone. This is all part of being a responsible dog owner.

K+ Squall, the only dog I shot was my pitbull Scooby, I was forced to do it, my vet knew that I had been bitten by her and state law requires that if a dog is put down w/in 15 days of biting a person its head has to be removed & sent to the state in mnpls, a $300 expense in itself, 2ndly was there was no guarantee that I'd get Scooby's head back; I still loved her & I intended to have her cremated intact.

So I kept her and Alice separated for 2 days, I bestowed her with love, steak treats, snuggles etc... she felt well loved & happy when I took her outside, I pointed off in the distance to fix her stare away from me, my .22mag was in my hand already, I located the base of her brain stem & pulled the trigger, little Scooby dropped instantly.

Having to do that made it the worst day in my life, w/o exception. Although the sadder ones were @ the vets office when saying goodbye. I always spent a small fortune in vets bills towards the end, but I never let my dogs suffer; once they were in pain (no meds helping) I never waited to see if they'd have a better day the 'next', I let them leave with dignity whenever possible.

These ARE my children as I never fathered kids. It tears my heart out when I know those final days are coming.

Sorry to bring it all up again but you MUST allow your pets the dignity of putting them down prior to them gasping for their lasts breath. Letting a pet suffer & die on its own is barbaric!


Green Squall

Well-known member
Stoner4Life I know what happened with your dog Scooby and as I was typing my response last night, I was hoping my comments wouldn't offend you. You did the right thing and off record I'm sure the vet thinks so too. Scooby was your child, your responsibility and you did what you had to do. She was lucky to have such a good owner and master :tiphat:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Stoner4Life I know what happened with your dog Scooby and as I was typing my response last night, I was hoping my comments wouldn't offend you. You did the right thing and off record I'm sure the vet thinks so too. Scooby was your child, your responsibility and you did what you had to do. She was lucky to have such a good owner and master :tiphat:

oh no bro, no offense taken, I found someone else's comments offensive.......

mack 10

Well-known member
Its really sad that dogs only live for an average of 10 years or so.

You may see them born, make a real good buddy with them, then have to see them die so soon, its always heartbreaking Mack, and just about all of us here can sympathize thru the same grief full experience.

yeah, it goes really quick too.

everyone's kind words here has helped me for sure.
so thanks for all the posts and rep comments,
i read them all. many thanks ic fam.

Yeah, it sucks having dogs die. Just had my 3rd dog die some bullshit he was perfectly fine jumping all over me happy as hell the night before, next morning he peed on the floor I yelled at him let all the dogs out he didn't come back right away not too unusual. Went back out 20 minutes later no sign alright sometimes he's gone for a bit. Hour later I'm trying to find him searched everywhere later on my wife finds him 20 yards from the door only 6 years old must have been a heart attack just barely got to bury him 2 days ago.

The last one was a little worse she was suffering in the worst way took me hours to pull the trigger. Wasn't no pulling out of that one.

Of course the vet putting down my other dog still bugs me they had me holding him as he dropped dead in my arms, fuck that shit.

Some people ask me how I can shoot my own dog. I don't feel any worse a bullet to the heart was much quicker.

Not much you can do though everything and everyone dies eventually it will be me too.

thats kind of simular,
my dog was fine (so we thought) untill the day before he was put down.
He also pee'd on the chair he slept in,
he never did his business inside, ever.
so alarm bell was ringing.

on closer inspection he hadn't pee'd on pourpose,
his bladder was leaking.
so off to the vets we go.
after being looked at we get the bad news,
He had a cancerous mass above his bladder
which was numbing his bladder,
so he couldnt releave himself and his bladder would just keep filling up.
they drained his bladder
then tells us its better to put him down.
this is where the shock kicks in.

i didnt want to hear that so i take him home with me
hoping the steroid injection will work.

from leaving the vets he slept till 2/3in the morning.
thats when it got bad.

watching your dog suffer is the worst thing ive ever gone through.
which may seem lame to some but i really dont care what anyone thinks

there was nothing i could do to help
so the sad decision was made to have him put down.
(we had already asked for an operation to remove the cancer but was told they wouldn't not do it anyway as he was too old)

so if your dog pee's on the floor and its out of the ordinary,
get to the vets! asap.

Stoner4Life I know what happened with your dog Scooby and as I was typing my response last night, I was hoping my comments wouldn't offend you. You did the right thing and off record I'm sure the vet thinks so too. Scooby was your child, your responsibility and you did what you had to do. She was lucky to have such a good owner and master :tiphat:

i did think about people having to put down their own pets themselves.
seems so hard,
i spose if they where mortally wounded?
i just dont know.
only you and your inner self know if you where right.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

and just to make it very clear, I quoted Green Squall for truth (QFT) above, he & I understand and respect the dog/owner relationship, as do so many others in this thread including of course the OP mack 10. :good:

We've all probably seen something similar to this sign below.


I'm guilty of scolding my dogs when they're outside & not paying heed to my word. I live right on a state highway in a 55mph zone where the traffic is always moving @ 60-65mph, my dogs wouldn't stand a chance. I live so close that I can literally underhand a toss w/a stone & hit the center line from my front door, a 75 foot setback where all the other neighbors setback is 200' to their dwellings. If/when I'd catch one of my dogs watching/focusing on activities directly across the highway I'd stomp/clap/and shout "NO!!!" as loudly as I could, they catch on to what 'no' is all about.

In a flash any one of my hunting breed dogs might make a dash for a squirrel, rabbit, grouse (which we hunt) regularly; I walked my pitbull Scooby for 1+ years on a leash until I was sure that she was ignoring everything beyond the grassy right of way (shoulder of the road I mow) including the neighbors dog directly across the road.

Trixie, Bonnie, Alice, Kayla, Scooter, Scooby Doo & now Suzi; none have been harmed, and only Kayla had wondered onto the roadway in a blizzard once, all the other dogs have stayed off that roadway. I'm guilty of being demanding of their behavior outdoors. I have a 3 acre side yard & 16+ acres for a backyard and I made sure to keep their focus there. If I was going to work on a project in nice weather I'd leave my girl(s) inside, can't work & watch dogs all at once :dunno:

All of my dogs in MN have been female as they're more naturally inclined to stay closer to home. Scooby was the only dog I leash trained first before allowing to roam free. My dogs were never outside alone & I was never distracted enough to take my eyes off of them.

as usual I've said more than I started out to, hope you all understand where I'm coming from with dog ownership. BTW, both Bonnie & Scooter were given away by me, my friend Brad had just lost his labrador & so I gave Bonnie (also a lab) to his family; 11 yrs later Brad's brother Devin lost his springer spaniel to old age, I gave Scooter (10 months old) to him & his family as she was too much for me to handle w/my badly ailing back, but I still had Alice & Kayla at that time.
