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just got robbed in denver


Believe me or don't I don't care but I'm certainly not so pressed to make the case that many blacks aren't afraid of dogs that I'm going to lie about it. Just to help clear up possible confusion by you people letting your imagination get in the way. I didn't say it was a young gangsta type that owned a dachshund, just that the owner was black. To be more specific an older black woman who appears to be in her 80's. Now is it really so hard to comprehend that an older black woman might have a dachshund as a pet?

lol no hempkat. an older woman of any color, owning a dachshund seem pretty believable.

i just laugh at the idea of the all black attended dog park cause that does not exists here.

in my comment you quoted, i was just pointing out to rainman that he sterotypes just as much as anyone else in this thread.

EDIT: this is yet AGAIN going off course.

This thread is ment for anyone with helpful suggestions on where to take my little two light show. i grew in the third story of an apartment 2k(plus veg lights)for more than a year and a half so i know how to be stealth. i honestly almost feel more comfortable in an apartment at this point but if someone knows of of a relaxed property management company or LL in CO, please PM me.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
lol no hempkat. an older woman of any color, owning a dachshund seem pretty believable.

i just laugh at the idea of the all black attended dog park cause that does not exists here.

in my comment you quoted, i was just pointing out to rainman that he sterotypes just as much as anyone else in this thread.

I didn't say it was all black just that at any given time there are more black dog owners there then non blacks. There's still whites, hispanics and even some orientals that go there too.


I didn't say it was all black just that at any given time there are more black dog owners there then non blacks. There's still whites, hispanics and even some orientals that go there too.

nice. either way, were way off subject. this isnt a debate on what percentage of american blacks vs white vs oriental own dogs. this is about making the next best move in my situation.


has anyone ever been in this predicament?

did you tell your landlord you were robbed and try to break your lease?

how do LL respond when you tell them youve been robbed and feel unsafe and need to move?

i wanna play nice with my land lord.
they have over a 2k refundable deposit from us for this house so i wanna try and get as much of that back as possible.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
nice. either way, were way off subject. this isnt a debate on what percentage of american blacks vs white vs oriental own dogs. this is about making the next best move in my situation.

Okay we can stop talking about it but try to understand you turned it into a debate by questioning whether it was true or not. As for your situation you've already stated the stiuation leaves you in a financial bind and it's been my experience that regardless of the race of the neighborhood cheap rentals are usually undesirable in some way. I would say the smart move is to scout around for a place that's reasonable and meets all your needs and then start saving towards moving there.

It's kind of like the way one should approach creating a grow room don't cut corners on the important stuff and what's more important for people like us then security?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
has anyone ever been in this predicament?

did you tell your landlord you were robbed and try to break your lease?

how do LL respond when you tell them youve been robbed and feel unsafe and need to move?

i wanna play nice with my land lord.
they have over a 2k refundable deposit from us for this house so i wanna try and get as much of that back as possible.

You should look into what the laws are in your area, most states have a department of Landlord/Tenant Affairs and it's this department that make up the laws governing a lease. Some states are pro tenant and some are pro landlord. In my area the laws are such that if you break a lease early not only can you lose you deposit but you can be held liable for the rest of your lease or until the place gets filled with new tenants, whichever comes first. If that's the case for your area your best bet might be to wait your lease out and save up money while doing so.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Judging by the dipshit responses from the OP and HempKat I doubt this will be the last time the OP gets robbed or the last time that Hempy rolls into a thread and argues with everyone about everything. Two pussycats posting about dogs was gonna go bad eventually! Peace out nerds!


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
black people generally are scared of dogs, just sayin...

Pure bullshit. I see you don't get out much. Not only that, if you truly believe that, then you should have had some dogs in your apartment, and your grow would have been safe. A set of Chihuahuas, maybe? They'd scare the hell out of black folks, huh?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
has anyone ever been in this predicament?

did you tell your landlord you were robbed and try to break your lease?

how do LL respond when you tell them youve been robbed and feel unsafe and need to move?

i wanna play nice with my land lord.
they have over a 2k refundable deposit from us for this house so i wanna try and get as much of that back as possible.
so sorry about your bad news, just take it on the chin and move on,keep the landlord sweet and get your bucks back, i completely redecorated my last room as a tenant and got full deposit back,amazing what polyfilla and a repaint can do but i would seriously pay the extra and go to a "good area" and always be polite to neighbours, one of my fav grows was in an apartment bloke populated with quite a few cops , go to the nice areas and all the best in the future , peace and regards to all,:tiphat: s2


Active member
no insurance? $10bucks a month you can get covered up to like 100k w/Renters Insurance..! crooks are everyplace..yes even in good ol colorado
Sooooooo, it's me again :wave: The hater and dick "supposedly" anyhow.

wait, whos wearing a yamaka.

cravenmore-im not jewish. id be able to afford living in a better place then where I am currently if I was, amirite?

black people generally are scared of dogs, just sayin...

hey rainman- i agree the racist shits gotta stop but when you live in a neighborhood that is predominantly african american is hard to not make the assumption my intruders were black. this is the only neighborhood in my life ive lived in where crackheads feel comfortable enough asking for money, they go door to door and harass people on their front lawns or thru screen doors during the hot months of summer. they have no shame about asking for cash and usually have some bull shit story about how "my momz needs some milk and she doesnt get paid til tomorrow but i really am a good person and will pay you back!! just a dolla or two?!?!"
unfortunately those crackheads are always black.

and in a neighborhood like this where people walk their dogs and kids run around til dark, its still not the kind of neighborhood you open the door just because someone knocks.

only open the door for expected guest and everyone else can take a hike. - this is something any ousider learns in the 1st week theyre living in this neighborhood.

anyone who knows denver and the park hill area more specifically knows that its a weird area. just north of mlk blvd is the straight fucking ghetto. ive heard of alteast 2 murders over there since we moved here less than a year ago. on the south side of mlk blvd(where i live) its a lot of african american families who have owned their homes since the 70's and 80's. just 4 blocks south of me, houses double if not triple in price and i thought by moving to the family side of town but not being in the biggest house would keep me on a low enough key but i guess not.

as for a pit... i know at the end of the day a dog really isnt much more than a deterrent and if someone really wants my shit they will come in and do whatever was necessary to eliminate my dog as a problem.

at the end of the day im glad i didnt come home to dogs that had been murdered, drugged or hurt.

i will be investing in a security system when i find a new spot. being in a med state doesnt make me nervous in the slightest to show cops a tape of who broke into my home. chances are leo would know who they are as i doubt this was their first crime and are probably already well known as a criminal

not the ghetto although the ghetto is just right over the way. I have white families(stay at home moms style) and a couple thuggish people and even college students just one block over.

people who think it was someone I know, don't get it. anyone who knows me knows this would not be the right time and would also know to leave the 10dollar dvd player and grab all the weed/ ballest ect ect

TheCatsMeow - Thank for showing us your a racist ! Fellow ICM members, i submit this guy is a total piece of shit, karma kicked him in the ass and he got what he deserved :laughing:
Just stating the facts as i see them.
Sorry about your loss....and remember it's just stuff....

If possible when you move go rural...Home invasions can still occur, but I think the odds are far in your favor...Whatever you decide, my guess is you learned quite a bit from this ordeal and your next place will be much more secure..


PS While we are all suggesting dogs...Cane Corso...


Active member
Judging by the dipshit responses from the OP and HempKat I doubt this will be the last time the OP gets robbed or the last time that Hempy rolls into a thread and argues with everyone about everything. Two pussycats posting about dogs was gonna go bad eventually! Peace out nerds!
judging by your amount of posts i think you feel strongly about this


judging by your amount of posts i think you feel strongly about this

for real...

dick in butt- what kind of screen name is that? better yet what kind of signature is that????

no one thinks im a racist and even better yet, everyone knows your a wacko. dont take it from me, ask any memeber here if i offend them and the answer is no as for you....

growyourboat- thanks for your support. here in the thread and elsewhere

panicmode- never thought to have renters insurance cause i figured with a grow, i would never be willing to call the police to make the police report needed for the insurance claim.

i will more than likely be getting some type of insurance by time i have some new toys such as computers, ipods and what not.

944s2=thanks for stopping by. what you have shared is always great advice.

vash- i have no problem with you but why are you being such a dick over one comment? that is my experience whether you wanna believe it or not.
exactly what walt cunnigham said happened to him, happens to me.
im not saying black people are inherently afraid of dogs so f*ck off dude. maybe you and dick in butt can kick it since you guy are such stand up people who NEVER EVER feed into any stereo type

hempkat- i agree very much with your last 2 post very much.

first off i will make sure i familiarize myself with my local rental/tenant laws and regulations. how you described lease breaking, in you local area, i believe is the same in mine. if i break the lease, i possible forfeit the deposit(2100) and also responsible for remaining lease til property is filled.

i think the immediate plan is to get into a an apartment known to be laid back, not noise and set up a couple lights. i hopefully can pull this off by the end of the month and in the mean time i will shut down shop at the current spot but still be left with with two months on my current lease. that means two rents for two months. its really is my only option

i was about to sign a new lease in about 2 weeks and right after that, i was to set up another 2kfor flower. i guess i got lucky i didnt sign that lease yet because something in the universe knows i dont belong here.

it sucks the road to be back on top with take some time but i have my health and im not completely down for the count just yet. ive gotta make this work. its my only option for the moment so this is it

i left the house for the first time today since monday. very nerve racking but things are safe and in about 10 days, i will be cutting down the harvest ab0ut a week early at 65days

folkmaster- thanks for the support. your right all these things can be replace. i actually was checking out the out the cane corso. verhy cool dog!


Last thing but if you haven't gotten it the dog you have doesn't matter it adds no additional security in my opinion.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
for real...

dick in butt- what kind of screen name is that? better yet what kind of signature is that????

no one thinks im a racist and even better yet, everyone knows your a wacko. dont take it from me, ask any memeber here if i offend them and the answer is no as for you....

growyourboat- thanks for your support. here in the thread and elsewhere

panicmode- never thought to have renters insurance cause i figured with a grow, i would never be willing to call the police to make the police report needed for the insurance claim.

i will more than likely be getting some type of insurance by time i have some new toys such as computers, ipods and what not.

944s2=thanks for stopping by. what you have shared is always great advice.

vash- i have no problem with you but why are you being such a dick over one comment? that is my experience whether you wanna believe it or not.
exactly what walt cunnigham said happened to him, happens to me.
im not saying black people are inherently afraid of dogs so f*ck off dude. maybe you and dick in butt can kick it since you guy are such stand up people who NEVER EVER feed into any stereo type

hempkat- i agree very much with your last 2 post very much.

first off i will make sure i familiarize myself with my local rental/tenant laws and regulations. how you described lease breaking, in you local area, i believe is the same in mine. if i break the lease, i possible forfeit the deposit(2100) and also responsible for remaining lease til property is filled.

i think the immediate plan is to get into a an apartment known to be laid back, not noise and set up a couple lights. i hopefully can pull this off by the end of the month and in the mean time i will shut down shop at the current spot but still be left with with two months on my current lease. that means two rents for two months. its really is my only option

i was about to sign a new lease in about 2 weeks and right after that, i was to set up another 2kfor flower. i guess i got lucky i didnt sign that lease yet because something in the universe knows i dont belong here.

it sucks the road to be back on top with take some time but i have my health and im not completely down for the count just yet. ive gotta make this work. its my only option for the moment so this is it

i left the house for the first time today since monday. very nerve racking but things are safe and in about 10 days, i will be cutting down the harvest ab0ut a week early at 65days

folkmaster- thanks for the support. your right all these things can be replace. i actually was checking out the out the cane corso. verhy cool dog!

Well I'd still give the landlord a try on ending the lease early because of the breakin, who know's he might be a decent person? Maybe he will let you off without penalty. You could possibly try telling him how you feel out of place in the neighborhood and it makes you live in constant fear now especially after the breakin? As for your intermediate plan, well if you can manage two rents then why not look into renting a home in a more rural location? In my area one can find decent single family homes where the rent isn't much more then a 1 or 2 bedroom appartment. If you can settle for less then decent then in my area you can find single family homes for even less then an apartment although they do tend to be in bad areas but not always. Even in the best neighborhoods growing in an apartment is a greater security risk. If you can't then you can't but at least look into it a nice single family home with neighbors an acre or more away is the ideal place for a home grow in my opinion.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
You're right about two things, I am a standup guy and you DO stereotype. Lots of people, of all colors, are afraid of dogs, but I'm sure your "experience" is restricted to a certain group. Like I said, you don't get out much. To address the main issue of the thread, move to a better neighborhood where they will "allow" you to grow. Get that dog, then you won't have to worry about Leroy.