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Just got aproached by a deer!



So of all things, I am putting cages around some plants. And I swear to god I was rationalizing the need for them right when I heard a sound that scared the CRAP out of me, it was like a hissing/blowing air sound. I turn around and I see the whitetail bounding off, so of course I keep about the cage work.

A minute or two goes by and I hear the sound again! I turn around and there he is about 60 feet away, he stops and we just ice grilled eachother for soooo long. Then he starts coming towards me!!! Occasionally pausing and just staring, then he started doing the hissing thing and he was also tapping his hoof, I really think he was trying to communicate, I should have tapped back but I don't speak deer, lol.

Anyways I've seen them out in the bush alot as I'm sure others have, but this was just unreal to be so close to him, not more than 30 feet max before he finally ran off (though I heard him hissing again later). I keep saying him, it was a big doe, maybe 100 lb's?? Cool thing is I whipped out my phone & got it all on video :)


A minute or two goes by and I hear the sound again! I turn around and there he is about 60 feet away, he stops and we just ice grilled eachother for soooo long. Then he starts coming towards me!!! Occasionally pausing and just staring, then he started doing the hissing thing and he was also tapping his hoof, I really think he was trying to communicate, I should have tapped back but I don't speak deer, lol.
He was communicating with you alright. That buck wanted you the fuck off "his" territory. That's what bucks do to other bucks and also humans if too close. You're lucky, if it was mating season that buck would have rammed you with his antlers piercing your lungs most likely and leaving you dead in the woods.


Feeling good is good enough.
Don't forget those hooves...

One good kick to your head and brains all over the grass.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Be careful around deer! I live around a protected marsh/wetland and the wildlife here is abundant. Deer will charge ya, so just try to stay some distance from them....especially a buck that isn't showing fear toward you. Deer can kill...but the best thing you can try to do if charged by a deer is, this is funny....punch it in the face. Sounds ridiculous and yet reasonable, but that's the best thing you can do if you don't have your rifle with ya, lol:)

Since the deer here outnumber people and mountain lions are being spotted all over my state now, I'm more cautious in our woods. I have a long fire poker at our campsite....my boyfriend still hasn't bought me a rifle, not that I want to kill a deer, I don't eat them :(


Feeling good is good enough.
And count your blessings it wasn't a cute little cub wanting to play...

Never a good sight and it ain't Teddy Roosevelt coming to get the little furry fellow.


it was like a hissing/blowing air sound. I turn around and I see the whitetail bounding off, so of course I keep about the cage work.

A minute or two goes by and I hear the sound again!

This happened to me the other day at sundown. The first time I heard it I was like wtf is there a retarded horse nearby? Then I stood up a and saw him looking right at me. Threw a big ass stick in his direction and he took off. Big ass white tail too.


The blowing sound is the deer's alarm snort signal to alert other deer about. Sometimes a dominant buck will make an aggressive snort-wheeze, but not usually this time of year. The rut starts late Sep and peaks about 2nd week of Nov.


fuck, moose stroll through my yard all the time. stand taller than a pickup. i'm always wary driving up the driveway at night. you never know when they'll charge. though, other times they want nothing to do with you. strange creatures.


Around my way this happened about twice a month if I checked on them every other day. Deer aren't too be worried about, piss around your crop or even use hair and they'll stray from the area.

Wait until a mountain lion or skunk approches then see how "easy" groowing outdoors is, I once had an hour long stand out with a skunk, ironic huh?



The blowing sound is the deer's alarm snort signal to alert other deer about. Sometimes a dominant buck will make an aggressive snort-wheeze, but not usually this time of year. The rut starts late Sep and peaks about 2nd week of Nov.
All true what you say ... my original reply covered what happened in posters case.

I've seen it happen many times in summer, not just fall. That buck wanted to fu$k this guy up and was trying to establish dominance over the "encounter". Some deer are just angry party poopers, just like humans. I've had 2 of those standoffs deep in the woods with bucks in summer with outdoor grows. It's not cool when a buck is bigger than you, has a huge rack, is pissed all to hell gruntin, snortin and pitchin a fit with its hooves just waiting to mess you up. I always carry a bamboo walking stick a friend made for me in woods, lucky for me I had it both times and did have to swing at a buck a few times to make him leave me alone as he did charge my ass but missed due to my quick ninja like reflexes. :)

el Dream Reader

Where I live deer will walk up to you and eat out of your hand, you can pet their head if you want.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Hey ,

YOu got a bb gun or pellet pistil.?

dont you hiss at me you fucker unless youv'e come lookin for an ass whoopin!

Arg0, buddy you need to let him know right now that any interaction with you is big trouble.
When i hear one hissing and spitting, i hunt the bastard out and chase it, burning its ass with my gas powered pellet gun . Hit him with a friggin rock if you dont have a pellet gun. Slingshots work well to. Let him know that seeing you = an ass burning. Hell, when they hear my truck they run.

Find yourself a road killl deer, cut the hide loose and hang it in a near by tree. They don't seem to like that.

I have black bears too and the ones in my grow area know me. Im loud, aggressive and will attack on sight with a shovel to the head. They avoid me like the plaque and run when they hear me comming..

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member
Hand Held Air Horn

Hand Held Air Horn

I carry a hand held air horn when I hike trails.

The loud noise scares the crap out of animals.

It also can be used in an emergency situation when you need help.

Obviously in a guerrilla grow situation this could attract unwanted attention, so discretion would be a factor in deciding to use the horn.



D.S. Toker. MD

Active member

I also have a little key chain mace blaster that the rape crisis center gives away to women but i think they sell the stuff at wal mart. I keep it for bears but all animals can smell it from a long way out.

Im not only loud and agressive, my smell will burn their eyes.


Don't forget those hooves...

One good kick to your head and brains all over the grass.

He is right, we dont have deer in our woods we have 1000 lb moose and let me tell you those things are colossal in person!! I was hiking once up by canada and came across a "small" family of 5 of these huge beasts! they all looked at me as i stood there frozen, legs shaking because I was so scared they were going to eat me for dinner hahaha. well luckily this was at the beggining of my hike and my car was still 2000 feet the opposite way on the trail, so I went back into my highschool track days mode and SPRINTED THE HELL OUT OF THERE. It was the first time I ran in awhile and I ran so fast i must of pulled every muscle in each leg from not being in physical shape for awhile hahahaha. taught my ass to start going to the gym thats for sure!!! so the moral of this story is moose can change your life!! well the health aspect of it hahaha.

EDIT* now that i think of it they were probly more scared of me then i was of them but being high and paranoid didnt help me out much. PLus i was pretty lit to the point where when i looked into their faces they appeared to be grinding their teeth at me. but then again thats how my high mind precieved it hahaha. its funny what paranoa can make you believe.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Never thought of a bb gun....hmm. I moved out here and was like, "yep...gonna need a rifle"...lol. I've never even killed anything, but I would blast a buck straight in the face if he was trying to murder me on my 5 acres. He can fuck off!

Seen 2 newborn fawns in the last week though.....heartmelting little babies :cathug: