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Just got aproached by a deer!



We have Moose, Deer, Elk here all the time. Just yell and throw rocks at them. Done it for 40+ yrs that way and never bothered by them ever. They just run back to the trees here. I've had them all on our porch, in the garage, garden. Yeah, their dangerous, but as long as you make enough noise they run even during rut. Delt with these guys all my life here in the mountains of CO, NM, AZ


We have Moose, Deer, Elk here all the time. Just yell and throw rocks at them. Done it for 40+ yrs that way and never bothered by them ever. They just run back to the trees here. I've had them all on our porch, in the garage, garden. Yeah, their dangerous, but as long as you make enough noise they run even during rut. Delt with these guys all my life here in the mountains of CO, NM, AZ

I was more north where i felt they didnt get enough human interaction so at the time my high mind contemplated that they would wanna start something hahahah so i ran like my ass was on fire!!


this was the face the moose had hahaha

this was the face the moose had hahaha

this is when i thought it wanted to kill me but who knows it could of just been happy hahaha.


I tend to use he, him, & his; but it was actually a doe. I stared a fuzzy antlered buck down a week ago while walking my dog, and that had me a touch more nervous even though it was NOTHING like this. I was able to feel this situation well, I knew if I stood up or started making noise that she would have fled (I hope :) ) I also knew it wasn't the rut, and they say that does will attack during the fawning season (now) but my dog chased a doe & fawn the other day, she almost caught the fawn yet they were both running scared. DS, I do have a pistol pellet gun with an 8-round clip (and many spares) but I am vehemently opposed to carrying any kind of firearm or weapon while growing in the bush (My situation/area, others may have good reason). I will take your advice though and let every one of them know that this is MY territory. I really like the airhorn thing, and will probably get one as the summer progresses, that front end loader story is scary shit.


Deer are nothing to be worried about, if you're scared of a deer then you should just quit the game altogether or stay inside..you have more of a chance of getting hurt by a house cat. Seriously. Deer will give you a bit of a startle, but a deer attack is pretty uncommon, especially considering how many hundred of them I see in the bush every year at work.

Moose are a little different, I've been chased up a tree by a Moose before when I got too close to his yearling and female friend...pretty scary. I spent around 30 minutes in the tree yelling at him before he lost interest and took off.

My partner just came back from one of our spots the other day, we'd been seeing colossal bear shits on the road the last few visits and suspected a Grizzly was cruising around in the area. Our suspicions were confirmed when he saw a Grizzly Cub scampering along the road on his way back to the truck. Scary shit, very very scary shit. I'm just heading up there right now, alone. I hope I don't get eaten. I carry bear spray for situations like this but who knows if it would be enough in an attack!


Deer are nothing to be worried about, if you're scared of a deer then you should just quit the game altogether or stay inside..you have more of a chance of getting hurt by a house cat. Seriously. Deer will give you a bit of a startle, but a deer attack is pretty uncommon, especially considering how many hundred of them I see in the bush every year at work.

I couldn't agree more, every one of these last 3 incidents (Dog chasing fawn/doe from the backside of woods and them almost running into me, + the buck and doe stare downs) has left me awestruck. They are truly a beautiful creature and it is such a rare event to get THAT close to them, makes you feel really close & in tune with nature, which is one of the fun aspects of growing. Nothing against hunters either, many freinds are, and in many places hunting deer is actually vital to their survival. I just don't like seeing them scouting a month early, or knowing that in the deepest depths of the bush there are stands & camera's tucked away, hell I found a new stand near an entrance just the other day. Deer hunters are one of the only other people who are willing to trek through some of the shit us guerrilla growers are. I highly recommend everyone keep there eyes out for stands all season long so you can avoid secretly being watched.

Considering they give me highways to get to good spots, I suppose it's ok that they munched a few on me already, but ideally the majority of everything else will be caged now.