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Just for Kicks


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I had these since 07. Guess where I gottem. I dig the shitt outta the retro style. I had these when I was a kid too.:abduct: Whoever figured you could findem in the comisary at PICC. Theyr available for round $27 at the philadelphia industrial corection center. I got mine when D-46 moved upstate!


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last pair of converse i had was,the kind with the react juice in it?i forgot what they were called but were pretty sweet anyone remeber those ?


Active member
Hey Howdy STC! Howdy Ben! I really dig these shoes. When I was a kid it took lotsa beggin to get a pair of these. I was usually doomed to wearin "Jeepers". I never even noticed the "Chuck Taylor" name onem STC. -And I dont remember them jucy ones Ben. But I shure do know good shoes when I wearem! I like when Joey Ramone usta wearem! God Bless Joey Ramone. A true rock legend with a double row of teeth. See ya later Joey!


I have two pairs. Black Sketchers skate shoes and Crocs that I wear in the house.

Why complicate things? A small wardrobe makes life very simple, and COMFORTABLE.


Active member
its coverse with re-act juice,i forgot what player used to wear them but i do remember the commercial with this old lady (who really plays in the nba) slammed a ball through a hoop with them on they called her gand ma-ma i cant for the life of me remember the actual players name though.i also like plain ol airforces completley black or white nothin else ,except i did see a white pair of AF's with a brown leather inside that looked so comfortable but i was broke at the time and iv been looking for some since


I think you're thinking of Larry Johnson..aka Granmama

lmao..LJ was so awesome for a few years till he hurt his back


I only feel cofortable wearin boots, I wear sandals when it´s hot but I feel right in my python boots...

Like those but with less bling.