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Just curious - WHAT DO YOU DO for a living?


LoL..... well, seing as how this is our first meeting....... I'll give you 2.... cause Im nice. *wink*

One thing I learned many many years ago...when someone only gives you 2 guesses chances are I would get them both wrong
Ill just say whatever you do lil-o-me Im sure your doing it well
and to the best of your ability....................................:):)


This is not ment to be funny....but do you think it was worth your leg??
I ask, because I know another person that lost theirs...and got over a million...and is fine with it--
I am not sure a limb is worth any amount of $$...but, since I have all mine, and not a lot of $$...I could be wrong--

hell no it wasnt worth it....i would give it all back right now for the safe return of my leg,it closed alot of doors for the rest of my life,but it also opened some as well,thats how i gotta look at it"optimistic"cuz i know alot of riders that get hurt seriously and get a big fat 0 in the end plus a lifetime of medical bills to chase them around.i can say this....the things that we take for granted everyday like walking,talking,seeing,hearing are not to be fucked with,experiment without any of the above "luxurys" by living without them for one hour to see how it would be.
:ying::thank you::ying:


Freedom Fighter
hell no it wasnt worth it....i would give it all back right now for the safe return of my leg,it closed alot of doors for the rest of my life,but it also opened some as well,thats how i gotta look at it"optimistic"cuz i know alot of riders that get hurt seriously and get a big fat 0 in the end plus a lifetime of medical bills to chase them around.i can say this....the things that we take for granted everyday like walking,talking,seeing,hearing are not to be fucked with,experiment without any of the above "luxurys" by living without them for one hour to see how it would be.
:ying::thank you::ying:

Right on-- That is how I imagine I would see it too--
Hope all continues to go in your favor...nothing you can do about what happened...but it seems you have a healthy, positive attitude-- Peace--:tiphat:

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
One thing I learned many many years ago...when someone only gives you 2 guesses chances are I would get them both wrong
Ill just say whatever you do lil-o-me Im sure your doing it well
and to the best of your ability....................................:):)

Well thank you... I try! :blowbubbles:
Great posts guys! I was always curious to see what people do during normal business hours. When I walk on the street, how many people are just like me? Going to work, doing their thing, making a difference, and then coming home and FIRING up some weed and relaxing.

Thanks for the postings, please keep em coming!
mental health and conflict resolution. wears me out though, and more jaded than ever before. .

Is it hard not to take the job home with you? My cousin is in a similar field (a lady) and she says after 15 years in the business that it's changed her over the years.

Do you feel the same way?

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
LoL! Jet engines are alot less complicated than you might think. Turbines just suck in the air, mix it with fuel, and blow it out. Nothing like a car, motorcycle or boat engine. I sure had dirty hands and busted knuckles back then!
line chef at a large chain resteraunt...first chef actually....lol nothin better than goin into work blazed and munchin it up wit my 50% discount...bomb food!


LoL! Jet engines are alot less complicated than you might think. Turbines just suck in the air, mix it with fuel, and blow it out. Nothing like a car, motorcycle or boat engine. I sure had dirty hands and busted knuckles back then!

Sounds very easy but Im sure It's quite the opposite you do make it sound easy tho..thats a bonus+++++ Dirty hands and busted knuckles oh my give me details plz...eheheheeheh................ST

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
LoL! Lemme tell ya a lil something about safty wire!......

You get these here safty wire pliers...

And you take a spool of safty wire...

You twist each bolt together in a fashon so as to tighten the next bolt if one begins to loosen. Like this..


Oh, my poor hands! I remember looking down at them at times, thiking...."these are not my hands". Mind you, I was brought up to be a feminine lady. LoL!

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