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Just Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part 3


Thanks for the info oldhaole! Tuned in and waiting for more outdoor pics of Maui sugarcane. In all my years there I only ever made it to the big island and Oahu. Crying shame from what I've heard.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
All illusions welcome.

All illusions welcome.

If you're as serious about growing as it sounds like, why don't you read into how to make your own feminized seeds? That would eliminate your male problem completely.

It's quite simple from what I heard.


Don't believe everything you hear.
Or read.
Or see, actually.
All is not always as it seems.
We delude ourselves daily.
Our lives are half-dreams.:)

If you have suggestions on how to perform this simple task. outdoors, in a high wind, please elucidate, mate.
I'm all ears.

Wee 'zard



High country cat herder

Don't believe everything you hear.
Or read.
Or see, actually.
All is not always as it seems.
We delude ourselves daily.
Our lives are half-dreams.:)

If you have suggestions on how to perform this simple task. outdoors, in a high wind, please elucidate, mate.
I'm all ears.

Wee 'zard

Don't be so hard Weez,..... sick's just sick in the head or something,..... 8 posts on this site and no knowledge of the rest of OH's past i'm sure ;)

Ignorance is bliss,.... and outdoor growing is a bitch! Who knows what was planted a mile away or what the weathers gonna do.

Femmed seeds are great and all,... ( I don't use em ) but getting femmed seeds on an outdoor crop? :?

Why risk screwing up the genetic when you can just pull the males you DONT want and keep the ones you do!?


New member

Don't believe everything you hear.
Or read.
Or see, actually.
All is not always as it seems.
We delude ourselves daily.
Our lives are half-dreams.:)

If you have suggestions on how to perform this simple task. outdoors, in a high wind, please elucidate, mate.
I'm all ears.

Wee 'zard

So are you suggesting it's more difficult to make feminized seeds than I think?

-Make a colloidal silver generator.
-spray water on plants for a few weeks

Easy as that, bro. I could whip out one of those generators in like 5 minutes or less. Who says it has to be done outdoors? Not that it being outdoors makes it any more or less difficult I'm not sure what you were getting at.

Don't be so hard Weez,..... sick's just sick in the head or something,..... 8 posts on this site and no knowledge of the rest of OH's past i'm sure ;)

Ignorance is bliss,.... and outdoor growing is a bitch! Who knows what was planted a mile away or what the weathers gonna do.

Femmed seeds are great and all,... ( I don't use em ) but getting femmed seeds on an outdoor crop? :?

Why risk screwing up the genetic when you can just pull the males you DONT want and keep the ones you do!?

Oh look at you with your WHOLE 67 POSTS! Golly-gee I'm just quaking in fear, I'm not worthy!

8 posts on this site and no knowledge of the rest of OH's past i'm sure ;)

Listen man, I have 8 posts but that doesn't mean I'm a noob or any less knowledgeable than you. And I couldn't care less about people's "internet prestige" or their history or post count. Words literally cannot describe the immensity of the fuck that I do not give...

Why use feminized seeds when you can just pull the males you don't want? Well, I figured the answer would be obvious to most which is why I didn't explain in my first post, but apparently some need it spelled out.

Every male plant you pull is wasted time, materials, and labor. In fact, if you look at it like I do, for every plant that ends up male that is the loss of a potential female plant. So instead of pulling 8 oz off this plant, instead you are chucking it in the woods. Over a crop of 1000 plants that is hundreds of thousands of dollars that you will never see.

You see my point?


Well-known member
Dude...Show a Bit of Class

Dude...Show a Bit of Class

Weez and Canni have been here since Part 1.

In my book they have a LOT more pull than you. They also answered your question....granted a bit of sarcasam was involved.

If you have a thin skin....wrong place for you.

But you bring up a legitimate question. I'll be happy to answer you..
What Weez and Canni said....for starters

You know what though...in your own words....

Words literally cannot describe the immensity of the fuck that I do not give...

I see your point....Words literally cannot describe the immensity of the fuck that I do not give...

Have a nice day.

Wow... my first troll....I made the big time at last. Alert the media.


shut the fuck up Donny
I need to formally put my mark in here. been reading/day dreaming in this thread since mid march, decided to say whats up today after re-reading the entire thread lol.

keep on keepin on, ill be here bro.

ps congrats on popping ur troll cherry.


Well-known member
Screw it...I'm going to Answer That Question

Screw it...I'm going to Answer That Question

Straight up....no sarcasam.

Your point about every male is valid. And if I just grew one strain...doable..My Sativas are very stable though. It is much more difficult to force a female plant to throw male flowers outside. I'd have to do it indoors....thats not my trip.

The cane is my testing ground. I plant many small batches of different strains. I can't do it around the house. I have not the time, space, or will to attempt feming these small batches. And I may make use of a special male, for select crosses.

As the fields grow, cane falls over. I must check them anyway. Pulling males is easy. In the fields plants eat all available space. An empty area will have the neighboring girl move in fast. If I could skip a trip it would be great...but I have to do it anyway.

Hope I answered your question.

Now I was polite. if you wish to follow this...up to you. Bust out your best sarcasam. We can take it. Try not to get mad like we both just did. It winds up to be a waste of space for ALL of us.

See how much easier that was? I'd like to thank THC and all of it's friends for this change of tone.
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Lmao! "THC and all it's friends" Love it!! :) #168, probably the best, most well adjusted, grown up post I've seen on this site! Kudo's, I wish there were many more of you in this world! Definitely just earned my respect.

As for the fem thing.... take & label clones, sit on 'em untill you know which ones are keepers, reverse half of 'em & breed. 4 to 6 months would be a long time to deal with a 1000 clones.... on top of the 1000 plants out in the field! And the 7 holes in the back yard. Too much work for me, that's for sure!

Speaking of time... How many months is your short and long season?


High country cat herder
Listen man, I have 8 posts but that doesn't mean I'm a noob or any less knowledgeable than you. And I couldn't care less about people's "internet prestige" or their history or post count. Words literally cannot describe the immensity of the fuck that I do not give...

Why use feminized seeds when you can just pull the males you don't want? Well, I figured the answer would be obvious to most which is why I didn't explain in my first post, but apparently some need it spelled out.

Every male plant you pull is wasted time, materials, and labor. In fact, if you look at it like I do, for every plant that ends up male that is the loss of a potential female plant. So instead of pulling 8 oz off this plant, instead you are chucking it in the woods. Over a crop of 1000 plants that is hundreds of thousands of dollars that you will never see.

You see my point?

Sorry for the asshole post,... not really since I was mainly being sarcastic, but yeah, it was a bit harsh.

Yes, I look at males exactly the same way as you do, waste of space time and effort, but then I'm growing primarily indoors. (which is the source of my "outdoor growing is a bitch" comment)

For what limited experience I have with breeding (none) males are at least good for keeping seed stock on hand. So when I got 1 male and 1 female White Widow from my last seed run, I flowered both (separate rooms), and pollenated just 1 branch on the female to boost my seed stock for future grows of that strain.

As for not using Femmed seeds, every hermi clone I've gotten from local dispensary's has been grown or cloned from a "Fem" seed,.... sorry I just don't trust em. (add in all the threads I've read on multiple cannabis sites about "Fem" seeds producing all males, or all going hermi late in flower and the level of distrust increases)

I feel that hermies are an even bigger waste of time than males.

And, as OH pointed out, I've been tagging along with his posts since the beginning of part 1, just on another site..... So while that was a bit of a jab, it at least was well founded and somewhat informed.

Again I apologize for the asshole post, it's just my nature.

For instance; When I met my buddy J for the first time at a party he was rubbing his jaw and bitching about how sore his mouth was (from crashing his motocross bike and face planting the handlebar, which I didn't know of course)

I responded "Because of all the cock you been suckin!":wave:


Well-known member
A Kumbya Moment....I'm Going to Cry

A Kumbya Moment....I'm Going to Cry

Noo...better yet... let it all go...

Once again the rules....there are no rules...nuff said....

How good are my transplanting skills...we will find out.

The Thai crosses have all except one declared. I put 4 in a hole...figured the law of averages would work in my favor...stupid me...I want holes with two plants in each. what I got was holes with all males, all females, three males, three females...or one female. Two?...no way. none.

I also put these real close to each other....so transplanting was iffy. We had the perfect day for it....cloudy with rain. So this was my best chance to do this with no messing up...will it work? See in a week.

Normaly I would just grab another pre sexed start and throw it in. But I am out. First wave all sativas are done.

This time we drove in with a friend that had business in the fields. He got us in, and dropped us off on foot. We only had 60 starts, that was the rest of the first wave. If we had 300 we had the time to do them...but I think I just created a loose end. The field was not one of my favorites, it's out in bumfuck and we will have to get in again to plant more and make it a worthwile trip.

So now we have 160 sativas planted in 7 patches. The second wave is a little bit bigger. I get this week off, then back to the saltmines.

Wave 2 is all Jack. In production now. See below After that I go nuts. I'm cracking them all.

When we were working...partner asks very sarcasticly..."is this all?"

I just smile....Fuck him....I will make him eat those words. :dance013: He has no clue what is heading his way.

Inquest...seasons here...Feb to Oct...sativas...April to Oct...Indicas
That's long season. Oct to Dec...short season...Dec to April...another season...but as the days get longer...the buds don't get tight. So we have 3 seasons here.


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Looking good man and sounding better every day! Cant wait to see the big monster re veg's. I know there is some time to go yet, but after the last thread, i can see everything is on its way.

Thanks for keeping us all informed on whats going to be an incredible grow. If its any better then last year oh man what a ride bro.................

See Ya


Active member
:thank you:This is so entertaining, Love reading the updates. Thanks for taking the time to keep us all in the know. I'm about to crack some seeds to start my very first guerrilla grow this season... thanks to some recent inspiration :tiphat:


Well-known member
Canni....I got nothin'

Canni....I got nothin'

But I won't let a little thing like that stop me....

The transplanting went well. Weather cooperated. The bottom garden has all declared. Each hole has two girls right where they should be. Biggest is about 2 ft tall. They have hooked in and just started to jump. Now we add six months of good old Hawaiian sunshine....and see what happens.

The gulch has me worried. I don't know Jack. I don't want them to regrow. The biggest is just about a foot. Nothing has declared there. If they try to regrow I'm going to rip them up. I hope I didn't plant them too soon. If I remember correctly we are at 12hr 40 min daylight now.

Rodney is a trip. Wide leaves, small branches. I don't have a clue which way she's gonna pull.

I have one hole on the top. Didn't know what to put there. So I busted last years Thai Skunk out there....see where that leads. This is my third generation on that strain here. Give it one more shot. Just please...no purple.

There's a fair chance LSY will see regrows. At least 3 of them. Probably more. I'm going to play with at least one of them.

MHG...First guerilla grow...a word of advise...

Go into it fully expecting nothing. If it doesn't work...your not disappointed....you learn.
If it does fly....gravy time. Nothing like a pleasant surprise.

See? I can make a post about watching paint dry....I just did.:tiphat:


Active member
lmao, still informative... I like the little details.

Thanks for the advice, I'm going in expecting absolutely nothing but some adventure.

If anything produces, well... like you said, that will just be gravy

Jeep Wrangler - Check
Friend who knows some good spots and has experience - Check
Some killer strains - Check

Just popped some Ak47 (Really Skunky Pheno) and some Sweet Island Skunk

Now, time to bury my head in the guerilla grow forums... Peace!


High country cat herder
Haha! Paint drying,..... well.... here's some buds drying!:watchplant: (1/2 of my single plant blueberry SCROG)

and a couple still growing under Weez's favorite lights! :pimp3:


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Well-known member
A Shitty Day.

A Shitty Day.

Age sucks...

What can I say? We went out....figured a quick in and out, tie up the loose end, add a few on the edges.

Instead, we wandered aimlessly looking for water, with a pile of plants on my back, packed behind my partner....for hours. Brought 'em all back. Suck wind.

A day like this was much easier at thirty. I AM getting too old for this shit...

Ohhh....The day I made the I got nuthin post....Green Harvest flew. How's that for a jinx? Got done on Friday....they shelacked the cane.

My plants?

Hell if I know. They're small. Got chance.

Only solution? Plant more.

Around the house.

Pics 1 & 3 were taken three weeks ago
Pics 2 & 4 today.
Pic 5 is an unknown Sativa...some big leaves on her.
Pic 6 a regrow Sativa.


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Well-known member
Come On...We Got Shit To Do.

Come On...We Got Shit To Do.

Hop on....todays mission....4 boxes, 75 holes, and all Sunday to do them.

Once again, a quick trip to stash the starts. Back road is busy, chicken fights going on. That's good. I'd bet the cops won't be around....unless their birds are fighting today. :)

Back on that 650. Partner is driving....I'm cargo...again. Straight to the store, we need water. These are going in, if it takes us hauling water...no skin off my ass...just more weight on my back to haul in.

The North Shore is full of young cane. Hop the berm, head to the center, drop me off in a dry field and partner does a check on all the roads around me. Am I alone???

Yep...get to work. Push back the cane and start digging. Find the drip line...that's it...dig it up. Pinch it and slide your finger down the line and feel for the bump. That's your dripper. Put your hole under it. Done? Three feet down is another dripper. do it again, and again...Shove three plants in each hole, fertilize...14-14-14 Osmicote...water....grab everything and move to your next spot.

About halfway done...stop. put a marker in and move up ****** rows. Keep going in until the pack is empty. These are all Jack starts
in this patch...SO DO IT RIGHT!!! About 25 holes.

Done?....Next! Go up , grab another box, fill up the jugs, into new area. This one is also dry. First row is all Thai/Skunk...topknot, second row...more Jack...this one has 20 holes.

Take a break...find a tree and a ditch with water I can get to. Smoke a joint...or two....back to work

Reload, head in...and find a field they are watering. That makes it easy. :dance013: One row, five patches, three holes in each. Younger Kush plants here. Slap 'em in.

On the way out we spot a Security guy and get out of sight fast. He misses us. Good thing Partner changed the pipes on his bike. Way quieter now.

I'm close to the wall. Hip is screaming at me. Dislocated it when I was a kid. Now I'm paying. It's hot and there is no wind. Partner asks if I want to do the last one tomorrow...Hell no. Don't need another loose end. Just do it now.

Last patch was another dry one. Fifteen holes in two lines... More Jack...
Repeat...And I'm done.

Head back to the road, dodge in, put everything together, partner hands me a 25 lb pack???? WTF? This ain't right.

Open it up...and find squash. I hate squash...partner found a patch planted by the hana wai men....but I'm a nice guy....throw it on my back and we head home. And no I don't want any squash for dinner tonight...but the wife of my youth does. :wave:

Out of the fields by dark. Work is done...and I'm toast.

Wave 2 ain't done yet. Still have Rodney and Kush starts ready for next week. And I replanted all the empty pots with a Diesel/Jack cross and Kush/Rodney cross.

Pics 1 thru 4 is a patch, progressing from what I see when I start to the finished product.
Pics 5 & 6 is another patch. Lost the first pic.

Ain't the easiest place to take pics. Ain't the best shots either... I was kinda busy.

And I am about a quarter done with the cane.


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