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Julian Assange Loses Appeal: British High Court Accepts U.S. Request for Trial


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
the "deep state"? Soros again? "real journalism", lol. is it gonna take long to get at "the truth" ? i'm scheduled to die of old age in the next decade or two...

Foochie has other plans for you. The word "experimental" means it is kinda expected to fail, and the excuse is because it was an experiment. You took an experimental, never before used on humans, kind of drug that foochie had made. To counter the "virus" foochie had the chicoms make.


Well-known member
Foochie has other plans for you. The word "experimental" means it is kinda expected to fail, and the excuse is because it was an experiment. You took an experimental, never before used on humans, kind of drug that foochie had made. To counter the "virus" foochie had the chicoms make.

wrong. it was tested on people before release. and no, calling it experimental does not mean it is expected to fail. and "foocie" did not make it. how the fuck do you manage to be so consistently wrong? you make ol' Stempy McPoodle look intelligent by comparison sometimes...WOW! the human testing was done, just not as long as they normally do, because of the pandemic. we've already seen 800,000 deaths, and another wave forming as Omicron spreads. with people dying & the sick filling hospital beds, exactly how long did you want them to test before saving lives? just curious...how many deaths are required from the disease before you want a vaccine to be released? give me a number...

Three Berries

Active member
wrong. it was tested on people before release. and no, calling it experimental does not mean it is expected to fail. and "foocie" did not make it. how the fuck do you manage to be so consistently wrong? you make ol' Stempy McPoodle look intelligent by comparison sometimes...WOW! the human testing was done, just not as long as they normally do, because of the pandemic. we've already seen 800,000 deaths, and another wave forming as Omicron spreads. with people dying & the sick filling hospital beds, exactly how long did you want them to test before saving lives? just curious...how many deaths are required from the disease before you want a vaccine to be released? give me a number...

Is that why they want to hide the test results for 75 years?


Well-known member
Is that why they want to hide the test results for 75 years?

they aren't "hiding" them. that is how long they project it will take to process the FOI requests at the speed they are coming in RE all of the material asked for without using ALL of their personnel all day to work on them. they have other things to do, and they can't quit their jobs because you (or whoever) expect everything right damn now... shit does not happen instantly like you want.

Three Berries

Active member
they aren't "hiding" them. that is how long they project it will take to process the FOI requests at the speed they are coming in RE all of the material asked for without using ALL of their personnel all day to work on them. they have other things to do, and they can't quit their jobs because you (or whoever) expect everything right damn now... shit does not happen instantly like you want.

LOL and when every one is dead THEY will find out. What a bunch of BS. Why do you support/excuse such unethical procedures? There is no logic to the Lib/Globalists/Deep State Political Science.


Well-known member
LOL and when every one is dead THEY will find out. What a bunch of BS. Why do you support/excuse such unethical procedures? There is no logic to the Lib/Globalists/Deep State Political Science.

When shall we expect this?

You survivors are going to have a tough time fighting off evil China once all of us vaxxed people die off.

Basically the whole military is now vaxxed. So, that sucks for you.


Well-known member
LOL and when every one is dead THEY will find out. What a bunch of BS. Why do you support/excuse such unethical procedures? There is no logic to the Lib/Globalists/Deep State Political Science.

reading comprehension obviously not your strong point, nor indeed, any point at all in your repertoire. you are going to believe whatever horseshit has soaked into your brain & no amount of facts or common sense is going to flush it out. goodbye...

Three Berries

Active member
reading comprehension obviously not your strong point, nor indeed, any point at all in your repertoire. you are going to believe whatever horseshit has soaked into your brain & no amount of facts or common sense is going to flush it out. goodbye...

You got that right. Just like you.


ICMag Donor


Well-known member
wrong. it was tested on people before release. and no, calling it experimental does not mean it is expected to fail. and "foocie" did not make it. how the fuck do you manage to be so consistently wrong? you make ol' Stempy McPoodle look intelligent by comparison sometimes...WOW! the human testing was done, just not as long as they normally do, because of the pandemic. we've already seen 800,000 deaths, and another wave forming as Omicron spreads. with people dying & the sick filling hospital beds, exactly how long did you want them to test before saving lives? just curious...how many deaths are required from the disease before you want a vaccine to be released? give me a number...

Could not help but notice the absence of response.


ICMag Donor
Does anyone have a different opinion of Ed Snowden? If so, why?


Active member
Does anyone have a different opinion of Ed Snowden? If so, why?

Snowden is more like Manning than Assange.
Both considered themselves patriots who knew and accepted the risks of what they were doing and were willing to pay the price to do it nonetheless. They both went on and paid the price in their own ways and did so without complaining and whining and crying. Also, Neither pretended to be “journalists”. Just my :2cents:.


Well-known member
Snowden is more like Manning than Assange.
Both considered themselves patriots who knew and accepted the risks of what they were doing and were willing to pay the price to do it nonetheless. They both went on and paid the price in their own ways and did so without complaining and whining and crying. Also, Neither pretended to be “journalists”. Just my :2cents:.

I can't make any sense of that take on Assange. How do you pretend to be a journalist? You do journalism or you don't do it. When was the whining and crying? Mostly I don't understand the sneering vitriol toward someone who was trying to right massive wrongs in the world. Your comment about him poking the bear...well, shouldn't someone try to stop the rabid murderous bear, simply by informing everyone what is happening? No good? He's whining as he's being slowly killed in prison? I just don't understand why you throw stones at the guy.


Active member
I can't make any sense of that take on Assange. How do you pretend to be a journalist? You do journalism or you don't do it. When was the whining and crying? Mostly I don't understand the sneering vitriol toward someone who was trying to right massive wrongs in the world. Your comment about him poking the bear...well, shouldn't someone try to stop the rabid murderous bear, simply by informing everyone what is happening? No good? He's whining as he's being slowly killed in prison? I just don't understand why you throw stones at the guy.

It’s simply my opinion.
Tudo asked for opinions. I shared my opinion.
In my opinion, the “righting of massive wrongs” were taken by Manning and Snowden.
In my opinion, leaking/dumping massive amounts of documents is not journalism.


ICMag Donor
Julian Assange denied US extradition appeal by UK’s top court
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been denied permission to appeal to the UK Supreme Court against moves to extradite him to the United States, where he could face a lifetime in prison.
“The application has been refused by the Supreme Court and the reason given is that application did not raise an arguable point of law,” a Supreme Court spokesperson said on Monday.
Washington wants to put the 50-year-old on trial in connection with the publication of 500,000 secret military files relating to the US-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The ruling brings the long-running legal saga in the UK courts closer to a conclusion.

A British district court judge had initially rejected a US extradition request on the grounds that Assange was likely to kill himself if held under harsh US prison conditions. US authorities later provided assurances that the WikiLeaks founder would not face the severe treatment that his lawyers said would put his physical and mental health at risk.

In December, the High Court overturned the lower court’s decision, saying that the US promises were enough to guarantee that Assange would be treated humanely.
The case is now expected to be formally sent to British Home Secretary Priti Patel for approval, after which Assange can try to challenge the decision by judicial review. A judicial review involves a judge examining the legitimacy of a public body’s decision.

WikiLeaks wrote on its Twitter account: “The case now moves to @UKHomeSecretary Priti Patel to authorise the extradition.”
‘Extremely disappointing’

Assange’s legal team said they will make representations to Patel as she considers whether to allow or block the extradition.

It also indicated it could launch further appeals on other points in the case.

“No appeal to the High Court has yet been filed by him in respect of the other important issues he raised previously,” his lawyers Birnberg Peirce Solicitors said in a statement.

“That separate process of appeal has, of course, yet to be initiated.”

Meanwhile, Barry Pollack, Assange’s US-based lawyer, said Monday that it was “extremely disappointing” that the UK’s Supreme Court is unwilling to hear the appeal.

“Mr Assange will continue the legal process fighting his extradition to the United States to face criminal charges for publishing truthful and newsworthy information,” he said.

The case has become a cause celebre for media freedom, with Assange’s supporters accusing Washington of trying to muzzle reporting of legitimate security concerns.

Assange is wanted to face trial for violating the US Espionage Act by publishing military and diplomatic files in 2010.

He could face up to 175 years in jail if found guilty, although the exact sentence is difficult to estimate.

He has been held on remand at a top-security jail in southeast London since 2019, for jumping bail in a previous case accusing him of sexual assault in Sweden.

That case was dropped but he was not released from prison after serving time for breaching bail on the grounds he was a flight risk in the US extradition case.

Assange spent seven years at Ecuador’s embassy in London to avoid being removed to Sweden but was arrested when the government changed in Quito and his diplomatic protection was removed.

Julian Assange denied US extradition appeal by UK’s top court (msn.com)

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