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Jujitsu anyone.......


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
My first injury

My first injury

On day 3 I almost broke my ankle. It ended up being just a really bad sprain. I coulnt walk or bare any weight for weeks. I decided that group class was just not for me. I just It took me 2 whole years to muster up the courage to go back.

I figured I had to go back to the same place because the instructor is super legit and signed up a 1 year contract but I think that decision was a little hasty.


On day 3 I almost broke my ankle. It ended up being just a really bad sprain. I coulnt walk or bare any weight for weeks. I decided that group class was just not for me. I just It took me 2 whole years to muster up the courage to go back.

I figured I had to go back to the same place because the instructor is super legit and signed up a 1 year contract but I think that decision was a little hasty.

just keep going back. injuries happen but the difference between a black belt and a white belt is persistence. be stubborn about it. never quit, even if you have to take a few months off just keep going back. Eventually you'll get the hang of it.


Bent Member
Ive been know to Roll at Ralph Gracie on Howard In SF...Most of the guys working at the Smoke lounges are from team that practice at Ralph's. Look for the Cauliflower ears


Ive been know to Roll at Ralph Gracie on Howard In SF...Most of the guys working at the Smoke lounges are from team that practice at Ralph's. Look for the Cauliflower ears

I have some friends who are Ralph blackbelts. tough guys for sure. they have a nice combination of new school moves and old school pressure. Woolf and Danny, if u know them, I think they have their own gym now.

Bob Green

Active member
Ralph has made some super legit competitors and fighters. Agreed old school and new school blend is where it's at just like in cannabis.


I used to do lots of training 10 years ago. But due to bad health i dont train anymore. I done goshin ju jitsu & some
Aikido and sword training. My sensi was ex sas loved it.


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Got a stripe a few days ago

Got a stripe a few days ago

I got a stripe a few days ago and there is a tou cement coming up soon. I wanna give it a shot but the guys at my gym think it's a bad idea....

They just dont like me there. Deffo gotta find a new place to train. Way too much political talk for a martial arts gym imo.

I cant say that I haven't learned anything but all the stuff I really use I been doing since day 1. I picked up a few techniques but all my basic submissions and escapes came into the school with me.

A few weeks ago I went back after a few m.j months off due to a huge change in my work schedule and its was all these comments like "u gotta show up when u feel like crap" and stuff like that when they have no idea I would live to be there everyday but I have priorities that come before recreational jj.

Bob Green

Active member
Congratulations on the stripe man! Too many opportunities out there to limit yourself. If it's not a good fit then moving on might be your best option.

I got my black belt almost six years ago and still need times to work, recover, relax again and enjoy life. When I used to teach for a living I would encourage everyone to try every school in town to see what feels like the best fit for their personality and goals. I am currently on the hunt for a new team myself. The journey is personal and we know what feels right for ourselves.

Best of luck sir!


Well done that’s a achievement bro.
I had some of the best days of my life at judo and jiu jitsu during my decade playing. It improved my health and laid to rest a long reoccurring ear aches I suffered from.

Strength and health


Bent Member
Jame Wilks from Lester England has a very interesting point about what he now teaches and the fact those move are all band in all MMA. LOL

The Game Changer

The Game Changers is a new film executive produced by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan that documents the explosive rise of plant-based eating in professional sports, mixing real-time, groundbreaking science with cinematic stories of struggle and triumph. The film features some of the strongest, fastest and toughest athletes on the planet - and it's backed by them too - with additional EPs including Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton, top-ranked tennis player Novak Djokovic, and nine-time NBA All-Star Chris Paul. Directed by Oscar®-winner Louie Psihoyos, The Game Changers follows the story of James Wilks - elite Special Forces trainer and winner of The Ultimate Fighter - as he travels the world on a quest for the truth about meat, protein, and strength. Showcasing elite athletes, special ops soldiers, and visionary scientists. Wilks' journey exposes outdated myths about food that not only affect human performance, but the health of the entire global population.


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Mr. J

Well-known member
Jeez.. that's exactly what everyone wants, some random who comes in and starts throwing heel hooks on everyone. Sitting and relaxing in some dudes guard chatting is also really, really weird.


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
Jeez.. that's exactly what everyone wants, some random who comes in and starts throwing heel hooks on everyone. Sitting and relaxing in some dudes guard chatting is also really, really weird.

Of course, they would get some practice in leg lock defenses. Maybe a slightly bruised ego but deffo some good practice...

...and he was talking shit first to a "white belt" trying to wrist lock me instead of just breaking my posture and submitting me easily ....and all that was our second round after he was already in my guard trying to pin an arm behind my back and smash me , but couldn't get throught the half guard with an underhook...

How can I still be a random?
Been a student here for a whole year contract, brought family into train, always help all my partners, help clean. I've been super quiet and respectful up until this point. The model student...

And I get smart ass comments as soon as I walk in?