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Jojonetics - Trainwreck S1 & BlowFish S1


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Wow! Taskenti has really moved along :D

looks a like a fine haul you'll be getting from these mate... hope you're all set for the "big trim" :D

happy harvesting mate
:woohoo: that taskenti is looking soooo :yummy:
Cool to see the pic with the actual purple trich-stalks
I've saved it to me fav pix folder ;)
They've blown up ever more since I last took a peek at y'r thread, maybe you won't get to y'r 1lb goal but it looks like you've got plenty of smoke to come :D
Have ya test-smoked some of the blowfish already? if so, whats the smoke/stone/high like??

Also can I ask what kind of cam y'r using? i'm getting fed up with mine and it's in-ability to take decent macro's :wallbash: but gotta work for more € first if I do want to splash out on a DSLR
Oh well, something to aspire to right? By the way that title you made up "low does layering" sounds real good!! :biglaugh: You think I could do that with square pots on one square meter indoors?? not too sure meself, but if I'm not gonna try that this run then there's always next years outdoors :muahaha:
Looking forward to more harvest shots and or smoke reports
Take care, laterz


Active member
excellent grow,just finished reading everything.
hope and love for no mold

Thanks herd.

So far so good... not a spot of mold visible anywhere...

After checking the weather forecast, I descided to take a risk and not chop anything in the end, so they are still going. We did get some rain, but it's looking promising for next week, and things have generally been quite dry since the bit of rain we did get a few nights back.

If the weather doesn't throw up any surprises, it looks like they should be able to finish properly, and even have a few days extra to fatten up a bit more, which is very welcome indeed :D

Wow! Taskenti has really moved along :D

looks a like a fine haul you'll be getting from these mate... hope you're all set for the "big trim" :D

happy harvesting mate

Thanks Jamie.

It took me about 3-4 nights (perhaps 8hrs each) to trim the Trainwreck I harvested, which was very leafy admittedly, so I'm probably going to have my work cut out with the other 3 lol!

I think I will have to try and stagger the harvest as much as possible. The Blowfish looks done now, but it could use another few days to fatten up a bit.

The Task should have been done by today, but I think the intermittent cloudy weather has set all the plants back a week at least... they were no where near getting a full days sun anyway, and even less so now that the sun's angle has changed.

Either way, it looks like she should be done within a week or so, and have a heap of nice chunky nugs on her. Not bad going for a plant that was an afterthought at the very start of this grow :yoinks:

:woohoo: that taskenti is looking soooo :yummy:
Cool to see the pic with the actual purple trich-stalks
I've saved it to me fav pix folder ;)
They've blown up ever more since I last took a peek at y'r thread, maybe you won't get to y'r 1lb goal but it looks like you've got plenty of smoke to come :D
Have ya test-smoked some of the blowfish already? if so, whats the smoke/stone/high like??

Also can I ask what kind of cam y'r using? i'm getting fed up with mine and it's in-ability to take decent macro's :wallbash: but gotta work for more € first if I do want to splash out on a DSLR
Oh well, something to aspire to right? By the way that title you made up "low does layering" sounds real good!! :biglaugh: You think I could do that with square pots on one square meter indoors?? not too sure meself, but if I'm not gonna try that this run then there's always next years outdoors :muahaha:
Looking forward to more harvest shots and or smoke reports
Take care, laterz

Cheers Low!

I guess the Taskenti has stolen the show here :D

I'm surprised that she hasn't molded to bits by now as the breeders description implied it might with a bit of wet weather. It's turned out really well though!

Hopefully we'll get to see her/them blow up a bit more in the next week or so. If the rain can just stay away for a bit longer :woohoo:

I haven't smoked any of this years Blowfish yet, but I did take a medium sized branch with a nice bud on it a few days back that's now drying ;) The last time I grew it the earlier samples were pretty good, with an almost acid like high lasting for a solid couple of hours plus!

That was at around 50 days flower, so I might have to harvest a bit more in the next day or two. Later samples did not seem quite as potent, but still good none the less. May have been due to tolerance (or lack of it) :D

It'll be interesting to see how this plant compares :)

The camera I used for the last lot of shots was a point n shoot with a nice macro mode. The post with the purple trich stalks (that shot was taken with a DSLR) was a mixture of DSLR and point n shoot.

If I was you, I would make or find a 1m square container, rather than have separate pots, and layer a single plant (two at most) around the pot in a square shape.

It would make better use of available space, and resources IMHO if you did it that way, although square pots could work as well. There is someone doing just that over on the organics forum. Look for "Bird & Bull go back to work" by JackTheGrower.

Back soon with more shots, time and weather permitting ;)


Active member
Most of the remaining buds got the chop around 10 days ago. I left all but the densest buds on Trainwreck#1 which was in the worst position of all the plants, and spots of PM were starting to appear on many of the lower buds. I think Trainwreck needs a good bit of sunlight to grow dense buds.

I literally only just finished trimming a few hours ago...

It's been basically: trim, eat, trim, sleep, eat, trim, eat... for the last 2 weeks or so :yoinks:

I can't believe how much bud I got... and super frosty trim :woohoo:

I'm not sure exactly how much yet, but I have five 12+ foot lines that are basically full with drying trimmed bud, although some is just popcorn on a stick. The Taskenti did produce some buds that are quite dense though, and it's partly due to good fortune that I did not get more bud rot.

I lost perhaps 1 or 2% to bud rot/PM/caterpillars in total. I was lucky because I found bud rot just starting in a few places on the Taskenti, and it would probably have been much worse had I left her out for a few more days which turned out to be very wet!

So I think I harvested just about the right time in the end. Judging from the Trainwreck trim that I have been smoking, my timing could not have been much better. I can't remember being so baked for a very long time :woohoo:

I'll try and get some pics of the drying buds in the next few days :)

In the mean time, here are some pics I took a day or two before the main harvest.

Here's the plot - Taskenti top left, Blowfish top right, Trainwreck#1 bottom right, and Trainwreck#2 just going off the frame in the bottom left. Only popcorn left on her though.









Trench 2





from above





:abduct: :joint:


Active member
Today I started to tidy up the plot, so I got a few shots of the roots which I pulled out of the ground.









Back soon with more pics ;)

Nice frosty popcorn :yes:
Looks and sounds like ya got plenty of really good smoke!! 2009's OD was a success huh?!?!?
Thanx for sharing the info about the cams, i'm thinkin i'm gonna go find an inbetween cam because I don't think I am worthy of a DSLR, meaning: i don't use a lot of specifics wouldn't even know how to set up such elaborate cams, and usually point and shoot..it's just a shame most of the point and shoot variety cameras I come across do not seem to have a decent macro function...But I might've found one now I just need to save up :D
Have fun smokin all those buds man! :biglaugh:
Laterz, Low


Active member
errm... nice trunkage dude ;)

Thanks Jamie

I couldn't resist going out there and actually measuring the Task trunk-root. It was just a fraction under 2 inches in diameter :joint:

Nice frosty popcorn :yes:
Looks and sounds like ya got plenty of really good smoke!! 2009's OD was a success huh?!?!?

Cheers Low :wave:

This grow has been a complete success, in fact it was almost a runaway success!

I'm just jarring up the buds now, and I will be back soon with more pics + yield figures, but I'm still only perhaps 1/3 of the way through, if that!

I can say this much... it looks like the Task will be far and away the largest yielder, followed by Trainwreck2, then the Blowfish, and Trainwreck1 last. Basically, the sunnier the spot the plant was in, the more yield I got... not surprisingly :D

I still have yet to try any samples of the others, but this Trainwreck trim is still keeping me more than happy. I've over done it a few times, and being laying in bed, trying to stop my head from spinning, and the sound of distorted birds singing outside. It's not really the best night-time smoke!

Thanx for sharing the info about the cams, i'm thinkin i'm gonna go find an inbetween cam because I don't think I am worthy of a DSLR, meaning: i don't use a lot of specifics wouldn't even know how to set up such elaborate cams, and usually point and shoot..

A DSLR can just as easily be used a a point and shoot. Most do have a full "auto" mode, but it is nice to be able to switch between macro and normal shooting modes in a P&S. With a DSLR you have to switch lenses, or attach some accessory or other to do macro, although this is not always the case.

It's nice to be able to over-ride what the camera wants to do, and pretty much essential if you want consistent macro shots, and this is where DSLRs really have the advantage over P&Ss. That and the sensors/pixes/lenses are bigger, so you struggle less in low light to get good shots.

Admittedly, some of the P&Ss do have manual over ride capabilities, and I'm referring specifically to manual focusing capability here. Forget about using auto focus when you are trying to get a closeup. The focusing will just hunt around or focus on something you don't want it to focus on most of the time.

So what ever you do, make sure it has the ability to focus manually, and a macro mode, with min. focus distance of 2cm, or ideally 1cm if you want to get the best trich shots.

Again, a DSLR will usually mop the floor in terms of picture quality when it comes to macro, even shooting at ISO 1600, while most P&S cameras are already beginning to look noisy by ISO 400. In other words, a DSLR will effectively be able to shoot with 1/4 the amount of light the average P&S needs. In many cases that's the difference between being able to get a good macro (or any other type of shot for that matter), or getting a blurry/under-exposed shot.

it's just a shame most of the point and shoot variety cameras I come across do not seem to have a decent macro function...But I might've found one now I just need to save up :D

Which one are you thinking of? I'll be happy to look over the specs, and see if it's any good or if I can find better for the price ;)

Have fun smokin all those buds man! :biglaugh:
Laterz, Low

Cheers Low. I am! I can already hear birds tweeting lol! :abduct: :joint:

Stay safe bro!


Active member
Summing up the grow

Summing up the grow

This grow was completely organic (a first for me), and the plants/soil were fed with compost/guano teas and fermented plant extracts for their entire life.

The first part of the grow (indoors) was a little bit of a disaster, but I had dug and amended two deep trenches at my plot by the end of the third week of April, and planted out my four plants around the start of June.

Instead of planting them out normally I decided to "layer" all but one plant, with the aim of keeping them low profile, as well as promoting the growth of multiple root systems on each individual plant, and increasing the chances of a better yield.

Mistakes made

- Plant spacing too close
- Planted out later than I could have
- Planted in too shady a spot
- Did not scape the branches/layers to encourage root growth (see next)
- Later layers did not root as well (see above)
- Took no preventative measures against pests (early on at least)
- Left it late before staking them
- Did not remove lower/smaller branches


Despite these mistakes, and choosing non standard early flowering strains, or what I thought were early flowering strains, all of the plants, including the Taskenti (which I knew would be a gamble) managed to fully mature thanks mainly to relatively kind weather early to mid flower.

Trainwreck #1 - Dry yield: 3.25 ounces
This Trainwreck was in the most shady position, and never reached anywhere near it's full potential thanks to that fact as well as being attacked by pests (fleabeetles) just before flower, which cant have helped much. As with the other plants I layered, the later layers did not root as well as the first layer I initially made when I planted them out.

Layering in this case may have been a mistake, since it kept the plant low and out of the sun, but also within the reach of the fleabeetles which live in the soil, and climb up the stems to to damage to the young shoots of the plant. It was the only plant to suffer significantly, since all the others grew too fast/tall to suffer anything but the occasional bit of fleabeetle damage here and there.

The flowers were mostly quite sparse (this strain needs good sunlight in order to produce dense buds I think), although some of the taller main branches produced nugs that almost resemble fairly solid bud. Although leafy, this plant had perhaps the best crystal coverage of all the plants, and simmilar to her sister Trainwreck #2!

Most of her got the chop at 57 days of flower as signs of PM were starting to appear in many branches. I probably left behind 1/3 to 1/4 of her that was mostly fluff/popcorn, but am regretting doing so a little since I could have used it for ISO.

Blowfish - Dry yield: 4.7 ounces
This was the the only plant that was not layered, although I did bury her deep trying to get a similar effect. It would have worked better if she was bigger, and I had buried her deeper I think.

I was a little disappointed with the yield for such a big plant, but then it is going to be headstash I think if my last outing with her is anything to go by. The relatively low yield might be partly explained by her being partly blown over at around the start of flower. One large lower side branch that was low enough to produce roots for itself apparently yellowed early because of this at the very least.

The buds, although surrounded by a bit of leaf, had fairly tight packed but small calyxes that are liberally coated with resin glands, along with the surrounding smaller leaves. Not quite as much trimming especially compared to the Trainwrecks with this one, which is always a bonus.

Most of her got the chop at 57 days of flower, although a few smaller nugs were left to go another 3 more days. One or two patches of PM had started to appear on her by this stage, and with a long spell of wet weather forecast, I did not think it was worth taking the risk.

Trainwreck #2 - Dry yield: 6.05 ounces
This pheno did not do well indoors for me, but outdoors it surprised me by taking off, and producing some amazingly frosty (although quite loose and leafy) buds in flower. Again I don't think there was enough sun in late flower to produce very dense buds.

Trainwreck #2 was the first to show signs of PM, so I harvested in stages with the lion's share being cut at 63 days of flower. I think the layering worked much better with this plant than her sister mainly due to the slightly sunnier spot, although as with the other plants, the later the layer was done, the less well it took. In this case 2 layers was enough, although I don't know if scraping the stems before burying them might have made a difference or not.

Taskenti - Dry yield: 8.3 ounces
The wild card stole the show in the end, and I wasn't even sure if she would finish, but luckily she was the first to show signs of flowering. Perhaps being in a sunny(er) spot helped in that respect.

Layering in this case was definitely a good idea! Even the smaller branches had quite nice nuggs on them although, once again the could have been denser with a bit more sun I think. The crystal coverage on the buds is right up there with the others IMO.

Total = 1lb 6.3 ounces


I thought that I had dug the trenches too deep, and that they would become stagnant, but in the end, I don't think it made much difference. If anything I think it helped. The layering certainly helped, although the last round was unnecessary, as I found out when I pulled up the roots the other day! The entire surfaces of the trenches were a mass of fine roots at least.

I was hoping to grow enough for perhaps 6 months to a year (about 24 ounces of skunk from a dealer is what I'd usually get through in a year) at best, but this is much better quality bud, plus I have a crap load of frosty trim which could probably keep me going for a few months on it's own!

Here are some pics of the dried buds.

To the left of the lighter are Taskenti colas, and Blowfish on the right

I collected all the preflowers together for this pic - Taskenti top left, Blowfish top right, Trainwreck #2 bottom left, and Trainwreck #1 bottom right :D

Blowfish calyxes

Trainwreck #1



Here are some shots of the nuggs, chosen at random. Blowfish first





Trainwreck #1


Trainwreck #2


Back in a few weeks with some smoke reports ;)

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
First Class

First Class

Great when you can read a complete thread in one, especially when a grow goes this well. Looks like every gram is quality bud there.

The serpentine layering was inspired, never considered it as anything but a means to reproduce, it's very handy for outdoor growers used your way.
I think it could also be really useful employed indoors too, In a Scrog. If you had long veg periods you could have many large branches with larger colas, and no worry the roots could not cope. Smashing read neongreen


Active member
Thanks Hazy Lady,

I really can't take the credit for the layering idea, but it was nice to be able to demonstrate the concept in action.

I've always liked to bend the stems of my plants for the benefits it gives, but I think layering takes it to the next level, and I definitely agree that it could benefit growers in varied situations...

Outdoors by keeping the plant low (therefore more stealthy) without compromising yield (possibly even increasing it given the right conditions), at the same time as helping anchor the plant down in case of stormy weather at the end of the season.

Indoors as you said by extending your "root-space" as far as you have room for more containers (although that could be impractical unless well thought out), or perhaps better yet for making efficient use of the soil in a single large bed/container. Bathtub-grow anyone? :D

For me anyway, this has been by far my most successful grow to date (most having been indoor!) as far as potency/effect and yield are concerned. Perhaps I was just unlucky with genetics before, but in terms of potency this time round is a solid notch above anything I've managed to grow before, and I've usually been a bit disappointed if I'm honest, but not this time!

Thank you for dropping in Hazy Lady :wave:

PS. I love your sig. quote from Tom Hill. I was supposed to be getting the PTK (a few years back) but was sent Tom's Haze instead. I should really grow them out, but I'm in no position to do so at the moment. I can only dream!


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
woohoo! - that turned out great !
i guess it'll take you a while to smoke your way through all that :)

good luck with that ;)



Amazing results bro, sorry I wasn't around when you were pulling. You must be over the moon really! Smoked it all yet? lol


Active member
No worries bro. Yeah I was a bit taken-aback once it became clear what I managed to bring in! So far I haven't even touched the Blowfish (gonna make sure it has a nice cure), but I've managed to smoke perhaps 1/4-1/2 oz of Task. It's not as potent as the TW, but it definitely hits the spot :D

What I've found most surprising, after speaking to a few people who know nothing about growing and explaining to them that outdoor growing is possible, they are inevitably under the impression that it's too cold to grow anything outdoors here. Which is great, because I think even the authorities believe the same thing!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Its been awhile since i been by here.. Been crazy busy over this way.. But wow nice pull off your ladies.. Love to hear a report on the blowfish.. Great work peace..



TC Nursery est 2020
This grow was completely organic (a first for me), and the plants/soil were fed with compost/guano teas and fermented plant extracts for their entire life.

The first part of the grow (indoors) was a little bit of a disaster, but I had dug and amended two deep trenches at my plot by the end of the third week of April, and planted out my four plants around the start of June.

Instead of planting them out normally I decided to "layer" all but one plant, with the aim of keeping them low profile, as well as promoting the growth of multiple root systems on each individual plant, and increasing the chances of a better yield.

Mistakes made

- Plant spacing too close
- Planted out later than I could have
- Planted in too shady a spot
- Did not scape the branches/layers to encourage root growth (see next)
- Later layers did not root as well (see above)
- Took no preventative measures against pests (early on at least)
- Left it late before staking them
- Did not remove lower/smaller branches


Despite these mistakes, and choosing non standard early flowering strains, or what I thought were early flowering strains, all of the plants, including the Taskenti (which I knew would be a gamble) managed to fully mature thanks mainly to relatively kind weather early to mid flower.

Trainwreck #1 - Dry yield: 3.25 ounces
This Trainwreck was in the most shady position, and never reached anywhere near it's full potential thanks to that fact as well as being attacked by pests (fleabeetles) just before flower, which cant have helped much. As with the other plants I layered, the later layers did not root as well as the first layer I initially made when I planted them out.

Layering in this case may have been a mistake, since it kept the plant low and out of the sun, but also within the reach of the fleabeetles which live in the soil, and climb up the stems to to damage to the young shoots of the plant. It was the only plant to suffer significantly, since all the others grew too fast/tall to suffer anything but the occasional bit of fleabeetle damage here and there.

The flowers were mostly quite sparse (this strain needs good sunlight in order to produce dense buds I think), although some of the taller main branches produced nugs that almost resemble fairly solid bud. Although leafy, this plant had perhaps the best crystal coverage of all the plants, and simmilar to her sister Trainwreck #2!

Most of her got the chop at 57 days of flower as signs of PM were starting to appear in many branches. I probably left behind 1/3 to 1/4 of her that was mostly fluff/popcorn, but am regretting doing so a little since I could have used it for ISO.

Blowfish - Dry yield: 4.7 ounces
This was the the only plant that was not layered, although I did bury her deep trying to get a similar effect. It would have worked better if she was bigger, and I had buried her deeper I think.

I was a little disappointed with the yield for such a big plant, but then it is going to be headstash I think if my last outing with her is anything to go by. The relatively low yield might be partly explained by her being partly blown over at around the start of flower. One large lower side branch that was low enough to produce roots for itself apparently yellowed early because of this at the very least.

The buds, although surrounded by a bit of leaf, had fairly tight packed but small calyxes that are liberally coated with resin glands, along with the surrounding smaller leaves. Not quite as much trimming especially compared to the Trainwrecks with this one, which is always a bonus.

Most of her got the chop at 57 days of flower, although a few smaller nugs were left to go another 3 more days. One or two patches of PM had started to appear on her by this stage, and with a long spell of wet weather forecast, I did not think it was worth taking the risk.

Trainwreck #2 - Dry yield: 6.05 ounces
This pheno did not do well indoors for me, but outdoors it surprised me by taking off, and producing some amazingly frosty (although quite loose and leafy) buds in flower. Again I don't think there was enough sun in late flower to produce very dense buds.

Trainwreck #2 was the first to show signs of PM, so I harvested in stages with the lion's share being cut at 63 days of flower. I think the layering worked much better with this plant than her sister mainly due to the slightly sunnier spot, although as with the other plants, the later the layer was done, the less well it took. In this case 2 layers was enough, although I don't know if scraping the stems before burying them might have made a difference or not.

Taskenti - Dry yield: 8.3 ounces
The wild card stole the show in the end, and I wasn't even sure if she would finish, but luckily she was the first to show signs of flowering. Perhaps being in a sunny(er) spot helped in that respect.

Layering in this case was definitely a good idea! Even the smaller branches had quite nice nuggs on them although, once again the could have been denser with a bit more sun I think. The crystal coverage on the buds is right up there with the others IMO.

Total = 1lb 6.3 ounces


I thought that I had dug the trenches too deep, and that they would become stagnant, but in the end, I don't think it made much difference. If anything I think it helped. The layering certainly helped, although the last round was unnecessary, as I found out when I pulled up the roots the other day! The entire surfaces of the trenches were a mass of fine roots at least.

I was hoping to grow enough for perhaps 6 months to a year (about 24 ounces of skunk from a dealer is what I'd usually get through in a year) at best, but this is much better quality bud, plus I have a crap load of frosty trim which could probably keep me going for a few months on it's own!

Here are some pics of the dried buds.

To the left of the lighter are Taskenti colas, and Blowfish on the right
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I collected all the preflowers together for this pic - Taskenti top left, Blowfish top right, Trainwreck #2 bottom left, and Trainwreck #1 bottom right :D
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Blowfish calyxes
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Trainwreck #1
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Here are some shots of the nuggs, chosen at random. Blowfish first

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Trainwreck #1
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Trainwreck #2
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Back in a few weeks with some smoke reports ;)

Cool show! Will do the Taskenti & Blowfish too now! :)


Active member
Thanks Oaky :)

I'm running both this year again, mainly to reproduce them as the seeds are getting quite old now and I want to be growing them for years to come... but also because they are possibly the best all round strains I have ever grown. The Blowfish especially produces outstanding herb (unforgettable flavor combined with very good potency), but the Task really is a treat too.

Hope you get on with these two as well as I have Oaky :tiphat: