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wasup reckon

i post for my friend , he doesnt have the means how to get online so he asked for my help and getting feedback for him. we meet at work and became friends. he showed me his light and asked me as a fellow smoker if i knew anything about growing weed and mentioned i would sometimes come on icmag to read and chill , so now i post and get feedback from the pros and relay it back to him, IM on here to learn and pass on the knowledge of the mighty weed plant.

tell us something about yourself now that you wanted to blow up someone else for no reason. curious is what got the duck shot and roasted with a beer can in its ass.:gday:


lookin good cant believe ya got that mover goin,,how many passes in 5 min??

200g off one 150 not bad id say..

what up vegan hows you grow going?

Anyways the track system works wonders, it runs slow i think last time i time it, ,, it took about 10 or 15 minutes to reach each side. that way the whole the 4ft track is covered slowly johnny is planing to put a 50w hps in the middle vertically and maybe two floros on top not sure. only 7 weeks til harvest:dance013::dance013:


i post for my friend , he doesnt have the means how to get online so he asked for my help and getting feedback for him. we meet at work and became friends. he showed me his light and asked me as a fellow smoker if i knew anything about growing weed and mentioned i would sometimes come on icmag to read and chill , so now i post and get feedback from the pros and relay it back to him, IM on here to learn and pass on the knowledge of the mighty weed plant.

reckon tell us something about yourself now that you wanted to blow up someone else for no reason. curious is what got the duck shot and roasted with a beer can in its ass.:gday:

I'm just an old fart, turned 51 a month ago,...been smoking and growing since about 1979.

constantly referring to one's self in the third person is basically just creepy,.....but now you have explained that "curiosity"

and "BLOW UP"?!?! really it was just a joke, but reckon see's johnny doesn't have much of a sense of humor, so reckon wont be commenting on any more of johnny's posts :D

sorry if I offended anyone, and no baby seals were harmed during the typing of this rebuttal, but beer can BBQ'd poultry will change your life.

ok I'll go away now :wave:


I'm just an old fart, turned 51 a month ago,...been smoking and growing since about 1979.

constantly referring to one's self in the third person is basically just creepy,.....but now you have explained that "curiosity"

and "BLOW UP"?!?! really it was just a joke, but reckon see's johnny doesn't have much of a sense of humor, so reckon wont be commenting on any more of johnny's posts :D

sorry if I offended anyone, and no baby seals were harmed during the typing of this rebuttal, but beer can BBQ'd poultry will change your life.

ok I'll go away now :wave:

no need to go away reckon just a bit paranoid, your commends and imo's are welcome here, grab a seat and a beer and roll one up and we can chill.

the last post did sound mad but in noway i offend anyone.


no need to go away reckon just a bit paranoid, your commends and imo's are welcome here, grab a seat and a beer and roll one up and we can chill.

the last post did sound mad but in noway i offend anyone.

ok sweet, now I can get to the heart of the matter

WOW! you can get half a P from a 150HPS?!?!? (holy shit,not bad)

light movers just rule the growing universe

why do we keep referring to johnny in the third person?

reckon is curious :D

I gotta say, as a 150 grower from back in the day.......and no offense. That setup could be alot better. It sure looks dangerous. Cardboard is not for building grow rooms. Fire hazard!

A hairdryer burns hotter than a 150W HPS......so no worries on being detected. My computer draws more juice than that light.

Also, for someone who doesn't want to "waste" juice from his off-grid living....he is being VERY inefficient with his lighting choices.

The 150W I had, drew 3.2 amps! I have since had 600W HPS' that drew 5 amps. Alot more light for the money. Then he could scrap the track too. I mist say, never heard of a 150 on a mover before.

Best of luck!


no need to go away reckon just a bit paranoid, your commends and imo's are welcome here, grab a seat and a beer and roll one up and we can chill.

the last post did sound mad but in noway i offend anyone.
Why are you paranoid when it isn't your grow? Also why would Johnny be soo paranoid if he is a medical card grower with only a 150W setup?

As one of the posters above me stated, if Johnny is so concerned about being efficient and not draining battery banks why use such inefficient equipment and building materials? You umm i mean, Johnny, has a nice light mover, nice nutes/ferts, and a nice space for a possibly VERY nice grow, but is being wasted to mediocracy, if that.

Johnny wants feedback from this forum, well it seems many agree Johnny is wasting alot of resources....

You may get a good yeild (weight wise only) because of the light mover and number of plants, but I can almost certainly say that yeild is nowhere near great or as good as it could be quality wise. You/Johnny just doesn't have the lumens to develop that many plants to their potential.

I know you/Johnny will take this very negativley, but should take it constructivly. Your potential is great, but your resources (time, space, equipment, money, energy) are all being wasted to some degree.

Not Johnny has only two plants under a light that doesn't move. Not Johnny only has a qt. of Nuptunes Harvest and a bag of Budswell. Not Johnny doesn't need sticks to hold his plants up, but not Johnny does need string to tie them down. Not Johnny questions the claim of 1/2 pound from what not Johnny is looking at. Not Johnny is only in week three of flower.



Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Great lookin grow sito007 Plants look quite healthy. Them's some stretchy girls. Hope they crown out for ya soon. What are they?
I'm interested in your, er :chin: Johnny's, "self watering system" you mentioned in post 18. Could you show n tell more on that?
Just ignore the trolls. Someone round here will always try to put you down.
Safety is paramount though, so as I tell everyone...Stay safe n :smoweed:
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Johnny just doesn't have the lumens to develop that many plants to their potential.

I know you/Johnny will take this very negativley, but should take it constructivly. Your potential is great, but your resources (time, space, equipment, money, energy) are all being wasted to some degree.


thanks for the feedback method man. what light you think should go there?

johnny was thinking about 400w but doesn't want it to get hot and then a heavy duty fan is needed to take out the hot air. theres an Ac vent on top right in the middle and the grow space would be 2ft wide ,4.5 ft long and 7 ft tall.

the grow stays between 74 and 84 when the 150 is running with one fan blowing on the ballast and light and a fan on the floor moving the air up . the air stay circulating the whole time the light is running with minimal sound .

anyone is welcome to give thier feedback...:tiphat:



I gotta say, as a 150 grower from back in the day.......and no offense. That setup could be alot better. It sure looks dangerous. Cardboard is not for building grow rooms. Fire hazard!

Also, for someone who doesn't want to "waste" juice from his off-grid living....he is being VERY inefficient with his lighting choices.

The 150W I had, drew 3.2 amps! I have since had 600W HPS' that drew 5 amps. Alot more light for the money. Then he could scrap the track too. I mist say, never heard of a 150 on a mover before.

Best of luck!

thanks for dropping a few lines Admiral.

I dont think the carboard will be a prob johnny is on holiday for six months and stay up there at the cabin 24/7 and the board is hanging away from the track ballast and any power cords it lifted 1ft from the floor and the easygrow film helps drop the heat coming off the lamp it covers the front of the cardboard and doubt it will catch on fire . unless johnny is smoking in the room and the red amber from the white boy falls on the board ,lol that funny

this was just a experiment and a pass time hubby would on holiday at the cabin which has more power than he can used, where the cabin is located the wind blows heavy and thereS two home made wind generator's from car alternator ,10SI GM from 1990's


JOHNNY got the parts and plan form that guy .also the cabin roof is covered with homemade solar cells brought in " lots " broken pieces from factory and put back together into large panels. thiis is for selfmedication so product doesnt have to look dense or wow if he not selling. its going to be made into harsh, butter and cooking or when we hunt deer or wild hog it works as a good meat rubdown for marinating and the popcorn bud are for good curing then smoke and get that stoney effect, that yummy

hope you enjoy the bush movie.:thank you:


Active member
Johnny has a light hung on a LIGHT MOVER with STRING!!!! WTF?? It would be bad enough stationary.

Why would Johnny being going to school soon. Johnny should be in school at this time of year.

Johnny is you and you are in school growing weed in your parents cabin. Oh yeah and you have a hps hung by string on a light mover in ayour parent's kindling dry wooden cabin. They will love you as they shop vac up the cabin ashes.


thanks for the feedback method man. what light you think should go there?

johnny was thinking about 400w but doesn't want it to get hot and then a heavy duty fan is needed to take out the hot air. theres an Ac vent on top right in the middle and the grow space would be 2ft wide ,4.5 ft long and 7 ft tall.

the grow stays between 74 and 84 when the 150 is running with one fan blowing on the ballast and light and a fan on the floor moving the air up . the air stay circulating the whole time the light is running with minimal sound .

anyone is welcome to give thier feedback...:tiphat:
600w light is the most efficient and will suit that space perfectly. I have a room basically the same dimensions with a 600w hydro farm system with a hood that has a glass shield. With proper ventilation attached it can get pretty close and provide for some nice intense light that will grow nice dense and bushy trees and buds. I also have a stand fan and a heater along with 7 square 4.5 gallon pots, so the space is adequate. Temps stay in the upper 80's with 30% humidity, hood only has the fan blowing on it.


pic of growth in ending week 5 for you trolls. the lady's are doing great and temps are around 79% added liltle molasses to the feed moved the fan closer the them and they like it. reporting from johnny's cabin..:tiphat:









what up method man johnny was think of trying a 400w hps instead because it just for personal use and there he doesn't want to mess up the batteries bank or the charge controller . especially make holes in the log wall for ventilation of high heating.


Johnny has a light hung on a LIGHT MOVER with STRING!!!! WTF?? It would be bad enough stationary.

Why would Johnny being going to school soon. Johnny should be in school at this time of year.

Johnny is you and you are in school growing weed in your parents cabin. Oh yeah and you have a hps hung by string on a light mover in ayour parent's kindling dry wooden cabin. They will love you as they shop vac up the cabin ashes.

