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Joe Schmoe


I hold El Roacho's
One can never put a price on freedom and it sure make the day joe was released a glorious day, welcome back JS :yes:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Agreed really great news .. Now I will have to change my free Joe Shmoe which suites me fine peace out Headband707

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
somewhat ironic that he was released for growing after getting locked up for growing... im very fucking happy he is back with his family. i still cant believe we lock people up for weed anymore...


Active member
Didn't know you Joe, happy for you regardless. Welcome back to the land of the free. I hope you can move to a legal state and continue doing what you love to do. Best of luck.

Madrus Rose

post 69
great news...guess he has some good food and a big j right now

What an ordeal & hard road for him & family to get thru ....but what doesn't kill u only makes u stronger . And now he's back with his family again ...!

But there's no way for most to comprehend those little things like the comfort having two mattresses on a steel bunk in 6x10ft room instead of one ....or the joy of eating balogna sandwiches everyday that tastes like no Bologna you wouldn't touch ever on the outside or feed a dog . Only the little bit of mustard & mayo the dole out making palatable . Or sitting for hours routinely on cold hard cement benches & forced to sleep on as u wait & wait for the guards to move u at their descretion . And u don't get on any guards bad side or your "done" .... they'll ride u till u break.

They don't make it fun for anyone its just the way it is & many hierarchies & serious lines based on race that exist very real in prisons that aren't crossed that not even the guards can control . Messing up only one time & punishments are immediate severe & final. There can be many dangerous circumstances one only can hope to avoid while trying to just make it thru .

1000's of peeps wind up back in prison for just small amounts of meds in posession which violates probation or parole ...shouldn't be this way in this century but its a huge business in Calif ...still building them jails as fast as they can .

Well glad one caged bird made it thru....u bet he's eating good & prolly very changed by it all . Cherish the basic freedoms & stay safe & careful always peeps , never let down guarding your own precious freedoms & safe spaces . There's a place out there u don't ever want to go to ...welcome back out in the free world , take it slow & easy Joe .