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JLP's Mississippi Mud (Indoors)

This will be a grow log of JLP's Mississippi Mud which he gifted to me amongst many others. Out of 8 full bodied seeds, 4 were be planted. At this later point 2 are female and 1 is male. The male sprouted with blue to purple first sets. One female Mud D is leaning towards the squat compact POG G-13, while the other Mud C is a Soulshine pheno. Right now they are growing compact under a 130w CFL Striplight, and will be going under a 250w HPS in combo for flowering. Thanks JLP, I will save the last 4 seeds.
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Active member
Nice job Slickster.

Very healthy,nice growth for a CFL.

Good luck.



Active member
JLP,you're the man!

JLP,you're the man!

Mississippi mud huh?you are always helpin peeps out with killer genes! any info on the MM?how do ya think they would fare outdoors? they look great! good luck Slickster!should be killer plants for sure! i'll be watchin this thread closely :lurk: later Sillyphilly :joint:
Thank you very much JLP, for turning me on to some Miss Mud you've made. Here they are first day of flowering in 3 gallon containers under 250w of HPS with a 130w CFL strip lamp for supplementary side lighting.

They are fed PB Pro Grow, Cal-Mag and Liquid Karma, and PB Pro Bloom.
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Active member
wow slickster those are looking good . i hope i can get mine to look that good . i'll be lagging a bit behind for a while . the fluoro tubes that i'm using are slow . i'll catch up with ya at your next up date . many blesssings , hidingtree


Slickster..sorry friend..I posted in your thread by mistake.
I though it was the mixed miss mud one.
Wonderful growing. :yes:
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Active member
Slickster----> when you re-potted, did you do it in veg and then go to flower or at same time...???? I guess I mean did they have any 'recover' time from the transplant under veg conditions... or straight to flower?

Has anyone noticed a difference in either technique....???

Thanks Peace....
I don't mind seeing other Muds Mossy, yours is looking ready to do the dance as well. Berry Coughin, they had much recover time and have already flushed out a gallon from both 3 gallon containers. Since this is the third week since transplant and 1st (2nd) week of flowering, they have had these 2-3 weeks to grow into their 3 gallon. Which is good as it is alot of space to fill, if I was switching from a tall cup sized container moving the plant into a 1 gallon for flowering, I would still do it a week or two later (commencing flowering) as a smaller plant would need time as well.

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Cheers Slickster..
and your thoughts are spot on.. :yes:
I transplanted her a couple of days ago..wonderful roots..
and I have just been blessed with a Girl..on the first day of Spring. :woohoo:

Nice close up there Mossy, gave me the idea to go try one myself. Some of the smaller leaves are cupped above because of the flush they were just given with bubbled water.

Thanks again JLP, for this herb to grow, harvest, and smoke.
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New member
...Great looking. Quick question. Out of four females, I took 2 clones of each one and marked them. What am I looking for for a good mother? One plant is smaller and the other three went ballistic. You keep saying one has more g-13 and the others have more of the other traits. Please enlighten me if you would be so kind. Sorry but I think I should have posted this in the other thread. Don't want to hijack yours...
The G-13 Indica leaning pheno looks similar to the G-13 Indicas shown in threads throughout here. There are a few different phenos in the G-13, but Miss Mud D definitely seems to have the Indica signature in this hybrid as its signature. The 2 females are reaching 4 ft including pots, about 3 ft for C and 2 1/2 ft for D from soil up. I took a few shots of the male Mississippi Mud A, which has completed the pollination of M. Mud C and D. He has now been chopped, with a vial of pollen left drying for next year.

Was hoping he was a Blueberry leaning hybrid as it sprouted with a blue to purple hue on the inner leaves. It grew similar in stature to DJ's Blue strains and since it was male I kept it in a 1 gallon container and did not give it alot of light or nutes in the beginning. Here they are at the end of week 3 flowering.

When they first started flowering, they had a light musty odor that quickly passed and faded away. Now they both combine the smell of musty socks and fresh green plant odor like a moisturously green odor then turning peppery. The Mud C has more of the sock thing with a bit of green fresh plant odor with a tad of pepper. While Mud D has some sock odor right now as well, but more so fresh green plant odor with pepper beginning to set into its place. Will be neat to see what smell they finally end up with at ripening, the drying stage, and curing as well.
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New member
when you say ballistic, you mean stretchier and taller like a less than full Indica, or something else? Do you seek a G-13 dominant Indica hybrid or pheno
...Yes and yes. I'll post some pics soon as I can. I should have re-worded that somehow. I won't be able to tell anyhoo til their almost done. But I heard alot about that G-13 so I wanna pick a winner for a mother. This my second year of growing so forgive my inexperience in the more advanced areas. I've had the same mother of my Top44 since I started and one Triple X mother. Thanx again... :wave: :joint:


OMG.. :yoinks:
You must have posted those photos after I read the thread.
They are amazing...
believe me..you do not have to do "close up" to see that. :yes:

If I get mine half as good as yours.. I will be V Happy..
(She is showing the promise..she has an enormous head compared to the rest in the grow.)

What height do you have on them?