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JLo - Kentish Creme X Flo

Elevator Man

Active member
My friend stuck a 600W light over the JLo females this weekend, so there should be some significant growth from now on. All five females are cloned successfully, and I have two plants of the male vegging out now, and which I'll put into flower as soon as they're big enough.

All the females seem to be showing stronger KC traits as they mature, especially in leaf-shape. I'll get some pics in the next few days, but so far they're looking good, I hear...:)


ICMag Donor
the subscription works:)...

were the KC`s more on the sativa side EM?,,,,,

in my experence the sativa phenos define themselfs later on

lookin good,,,as per usual


Elevator Man

Active member
Well physically they're both of the 'stretch indica' type - tall, dark stems, separated, chunky buds, and fairly dry, not too sticky resin. But both have a soaring high, though the KC has more of a body-load than the Flo - very strong indeed...:)


ICMag Donor
the KC you have sounds similar to my preveous experence with KC,,,,tall an long,,,,,, donky dick colas,,,indica with a strech:)

i think KC seeds allways has some good inderpendant stuff:),,,,,,mango is an old funny 1,:)

daddy fingaz

Active member
Well physically they're both of the 'stretch indica' type - tall, dark stems, separated, chunky buds, and fairly dry, not too sticky resin. But both have a soaring high, though the KC has more of a body-load than the Flo - very strong indeed...:)

Jlo sounds very nice EM! will be lurking.. a little birdie tells me some KC has made its way up these ends!:canabis:

Respect. Df.:joint:

Elevator Man

Active member
a little birdie tells me some KC has made its way up these ends!
daddy fingaz - Really? Interesting...;)

Rick - I didn't mean KC Brains, but Kentish Creme - only when you mentioned Mango did I twig...:)

I saw the five JLo females again tonight, now under a 600W Powerplant system, and very tasty they look too. Didn't get any pics yet, but so far, one is looking quite skinny and sativa, and looks like it will take longer than the rest - not much resin on, and not much smell either.

Two others smell virtually identical to the Kentish Creme, which is a good sign, one is kind of musky/minty (a bit like a Grape Krush/Flo mix) and one, the heaviest yielder by the looks of it, has the same musky violet/lavender/chocolate aroma of the last, V1 batch of JLo - probably the one I'll go for as the mother, but I might also use the heaviest Kentish Creme-leaning pheno also.

I have 2 copies of the only male, and they're vegging out now - space dictates I'll probably have to get these going quite soon! But I'll try and get some pics of the flowering plants soon - so far, it's looking really promising.


ICMag Donor
ahh, flipin heck,,,,,sorry EM,,,,i can be an airhead at time,,,,

yeh, sorry man my mistake,,, i got all giddy with the subscription,,,,:)

KC brains aint got nothing like your KC:)

Elevator Man

Active member
I've never seen or smelled anything really like the Kentish Creme - physically it looks like a DJ Short strain, apart from the sinister leaf-shape, which is like a raven's claw or something strange like that. Here's the original last week outdoors, and getting ready for the final push:



ICMag Donor
i need the learn the ways of the jedi EM:),,,, outdoors in the UK is something i think about every year,,,,,,im suprized you dont use plants like SK x Durben or Powerplant maybe EM,,,

im gueseing Powerplant would be 1 of the best 1`s to cope with UK weather:)

Elevator Man

Active member
Too easy - I like to struggle. I learn more that way.

Though I appreciate that could sound like Spinal Tap's manager, Ian Faith, saying 'they play to a more selective audience'...:)


Active member
Back in 97 or 98 (I forget which) I had a stunning crop of Durban x Skunk, I got 10oz off the best one, very licourice and earthy, Durban dom, wish i still had that as a cut.

I've got two KC S1s I've been vegging for a while, they are indistinguishable from each other and their mother, like EM says, looks like a DJ plant, purple stems, petioles and leaf veins, unusually dark green foliage. A right sod to clone, tricky plant to grow too, never seems that happy, doesn't like to branch. Needs crossing to something to make it branchier and less touchy imho. Not sure what to cross it too, I have an Afghan x Kush male that might be suitable.

Funnily, I happen to have 3 phenos of Mango at the moment, two are at 31 days of flowering, one is very short, squat, small, dense buds, the other is taller, forming elongated buds, third one I already flowered and liked, revegged it and taken cuts, I have cuts of all 3 now, hoping one will prove to be a keeper.

KC Brains TNR, Leda Uno and Bahia Blackhead are all awesome outdoors, the Leda I did indoors a couple of years ago were crap, lots of resin, good potency and taste, but had no vigour or yield, I think most KC strains need to be grown outdoors as a big bush to perform.


ICMag Donor
I've never seen or smelled anything really like the Kentish Creme - physically it looks like a DJ Short strain, apart from the sinister leaf-shape, which is like a raven's claw or something strange like that.

Neat,, love this photo Elevator Man :yes: how many weeks/months (approx.)?

peace n love

Elevator Man

Active member
It didn't go until late June I think - was an extra one really, but I didn't have room indoors, so that was it - out she went. It's usually 9 weeks to finish, so should be a couple more. One or two of these JLo phenos are definitely more branchy than either of the parents, and one in partucular looks like it may be a heavy yielder too.

A friend of mine - the guy who originally brought the KC seed back from Jamaica - has some JLos outdoors too, and I'm hoping to see those next week - he says they look very Flo-like too. Also he has his latest batch of 'Hazel Skunk', which he also brought back - sounds killer.

Tomorrow I'm going to try a random hybrid he's just chopped, which was OG Kush crossed (probably) with a SAGE that selfed slighty (whistles...)

Elevator Man

Active member
I went to see the JLo females again last night, and they're looking very, very good indeed - four look to be heavier yielders than either the Kentish Creme or Flo, with closer internodal lengths and less of a 'top bud' structure. Most have a classic 'stretch indica' profile, and look very much like a DJ Short strain (of course!). Calyxes on most phenos are beginning to turn purple.

Resin coverage is medium to high on all phenos, and quite sticky - not as dry as Flo, and more so than the KC too. The smells are really interesting - only one resembles last year's JLos, with the mix of chocolate, mint and floral. The highest yielder so far smells amazing - more in the Flo spectrum, but fruit, floral and that strange unearthly, pearly smell I only get from Flo. Another is a dead-ringer for the KC, and two are somewhere inbetween.

I estimate four phenos have two-three weeks left, and one four - it's definitely slower than the rest, and looks to be more sativa in bud structure. When my friend gets to harvest-time, I'll get some proper photos of all the phenos, and we'll get round to selecting which is going to be the breeding mother for the F2s. Fingers crossed...

Elevator Man

Active member
Most of the JLos are in the final stages of flowering now, except one, which is definitely going to go a couple of weeks longer, and has a distinct 'True Blueberry' profile - looks very nice indeed. The other four look to be about two weeks away maximum - my friend is going to pile on the nutes this week (all Canna organic), and some bat guano, and then flush for a week, and they should be done. No calyxes swelling yet, but a nice purple coloration developing, and very fuzzy-looking resin buildup.

There's a distinct difference between these phenos and the previous V1s - they're more sativa, and with more 'pointy' buds - the limited tests done on the the V1s showed 'dome' buds, with greater internodal lengths, and lower yields - these new ones could be quite large in hydro, or with big soil pots.

I'll definitely get photos of each pheno as they come down - going to look quite special, I reckon...;)

Elevator Man

Active member
Four of the five JLos will be coming down at the weekend - I'm guessing they're around nine weeks, although my friend wasn't too precise about when they actually started! But they're on a final flush now, and look very nice indeed. Two look to be reasonably heavy yielders, for the parentage, and one of those will probably be the mother plant for the F2s, all other things being equal.

But the slowest of the five looks like it will be quite special in its own right - probably only a medium-yielder, but it's looking more and more like a proper Blueberry, with a syrupy-sweet smell, and the fat, turned-down budleaves we know and love. If this one is as good as I suspect, I'm going to keep this one back anyway as a fun clone to pass around. If it turns out to be even better than I think, I'll get some pollen on that one too!

Watch out for harvest pics of the first four after the weekend, all being well.

Elevator Man

Active member
One JLo (#1) has already been chopped, sadly, before I got chance to take pics of it, but I'm doing two more before they're chopped on Sunday. The two remaining look to be putting on another spurt, and will be at least ten days or so yet. The smells on all are different and divine.

I got a test bud from #1 to dry out and smoke, so at least I'll get an idea. It's looking like this one, or #2 as likely parents for F2s, at least yield-wise, but I'm reserving any judgement on that until they've all been smoked. More updates soon...

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