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JLo - Kentish Creme X Flo

Elevator Man

Active member
I chopped the full-size JLo plant yesterday - no pics sadly, as I was a little rushed, but it looked pretty much identical to the test-plant, only bigger! I let it go nine weeks to ensure seed maturity, and it looks better for it - plastered in resin. I'll put up some dry bud shots when ready.

I don't know how many F2 seeds are on there - not as many as I'd like, but some. Also there's some random seeds on other buds - probably from the Mexican that hermied on me. However, now that my friends have lost the mother plant, I'm going to attempt a reveg - I really want to keep this pheno going, so I'm determined to give it the best chance. I've left a lot of bottom leaves and small buds intact- some of which are still unfinished, so they might reveg OK.

I've drenched it in in Neem Repel, as the mites were the problem with my last attempt, and have put it on my windowsill, where it'll get 24 hours light with my room-light on too. I'll let the soil dry out more, and then probably cut the root-ball down a little, repot, and give it a fairly good dose of veg nutes, Cannazym and Rhizotonic - fingers crossed!

Elevator Man

Active member
Well...the JLo is as strong as last time, and no mistake!

Sadly there's very few definite F2 seeds - less than ten. There's some other seeds, on other buds, which could be JLo, but could equally be HOG pollen - basically a breeding disaster, as the pollen I was given was clearly not really viable. Also, as the mother plant has now died (!), there's only a few options left - start the remaining seeds, and/or attempt a reveg of the plant I just cut.

So given I'm short on space currently, I've cut the existing rootball down to half tonight, and repotted in fresh All-Mix - and given it a good watering of Cannazym, Rhizotonic and a small amount of Canna Vega. I'll give it a foliar spray of Rhizo in a few days. I don't have room in the veg cabinet, so it's on my windowsill - although the nights are shortening, I'm leaving my room-light on, so it's getting 24/0, albeit weaker in the evenings.

I just hope it works, as this stuff is devilishly strong, and dangerously tasty, which makes it very difficult to leave alone - with hilarious consequences...:)


quote elevator man: devilishly strong, and dangerously tasty

sounds like a goody
!! :respect: for your work ! i´m doing la little breeding with the flo myself, so your thread is very intresting stuff !! thx a lot for sharing !!

Elevator Man

Active member
It's certainly screwed up a few of my friends recently - it's the slow build that gets them. There's a good flash after ten minutes as always, but there's this 'other' high that takes up to an hour, and is very 'warming', and a little disorientating if you thought you were already peaking!

I'm very, very pleased with this cross, and I only hope I can get this stump to reveg, as it will save an awful lot of time...

Elevator Man

Active member
A purple and a green - the purple was sativa-dom, the green one indica. This was from the indica male, but other offspring from that one are showing purple coloration in the generation after, so maybe the green was a rare recessive. Still exploring all the ramifications...:)

Oh, and some bad news - looks like the JLo stump isn't going to reveg - looking decidely dying, frankly...:(


looks like you've created an awesome strain Eman the description of the high sounds like its truly special... sorry about the bad news with the reveg...also that skxflo looks gorgeous...keep up the good work

Elevator Man

Active member
Thanks - it definitely isn't gonna make it sadly - shrivelling fast. So there's ten seeds left - I guess I need to get some more going! And down to my last bud too, which is a real shame - going to miss this one. Hopefully the rest will be just as good.

Elevator Man

Active member
Nice one - glad you found it interesting. I'm almost ready to start the next batch of these seeds (I have ten!), and get this line preserved, as it was very promising indeed, especially on potency!

Elevator Man

Active member
Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got...

Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got...

She's back, at last. JLo Mk 2.

I only had five seeds left, I think, after the aborted, but very promising attempt last year. This time, I pollenated the Kentish Creme with the MoFlo grandson of the original Flo male used, as it's two years since the first go. This male line has got more resiny since generation 1, so there should be some very interesting outcomes this time around, given the resin production of the KC already, and there's a few more seeds than the original 17 too...:)


Nik Dynosaur

Active member
this strain is quite exciting as well. i have a few seeds that i collected in jamaica. I'm saving them for a rainy day : )