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Jimmy Kimmel Addresses Marijuana Legalization At White House Correspondents' Dinner



Some of you are way stoned, or something. Its a fact: Chairman O WILL NEVER LEGALIZE MJ. And he certainly isn't going to do anything before the election except ignore the issue and dodge questions like he did on Fallon. If he gets re-elected, then you useful idiots have done what he wanted and will be ignored, as he will not need you any more.

You should all be calling the campaign offices and ranting that you won't vote for him unless he gets the Feds out of MJ. I am. The only way he will ever dare to do anything is if he fears he won't be elected otherwise. Call the office and tell them that. Anything else is pipe dreams, folks. Pipe dreams. Wish I was wrong, but I'm convinced otherwise.


weed fiend
Obama is no more a vote for prohibition than Paul or Johnson are for legalization.

Scores of major corporations, multiple think tanks, thousands of churches, dozens of public interest groups and millions of voters are against legalization. Millions of voters aside, the other components comprise the money and organization necessary to achieve their goals. They've been successful for 4 decades. We've yet to reach the protest phase, like the gooney birds who protested the Islamic community center in NYC or the derailed presidential recount in Florida. By and large, reform advocates have been uber passive.

MADD and DARE might sell quaint bumper-snickers but these folks are staunch lobbyists with no tolerance for reform. The Koch brothers won't have to fund multimillion dollar, astro-turf protests that disguise corporate interests (but they will.) And they won't have to rent buses to round up protesters. They won't have to rely on the legions of Dobson disciples groomed in the art of public protest via newsletter.

Prohibition advocates have been entrenched for decades. Add all the clown show, issue-oriented focus groups who've sprung up over the last few decades, seeking to keep extreme views on the front burner will just be icing on a bad cake.

IMO, believing one guy is the avenue is like believing another guy slides down the chimney once a year.

Add the fact that a plurality of the country can't get past the unprecedented hatred for the president and it's mind boggling that some actually think he should or even could move on his own.


Active member
The problem here is: Obummer already betrayed us and went back on his word about no more raids by the feds on medical cannabis dispensaries. So we know he is a liar and a traitor. The question we are faced with, and it is a daunting one, is do we want Mitt Romney, from the cult of Mormon calling the shots? He has already promised to shut down 100 dispenseries in his first 100 days. The "good times" in California might come to a screeching halt. We are damned if we do, and damned if we don't. Maybe if Romney were elected, and the raids began, it would be the trigger to wake the American people up from their stupor and take to the streets in mass protest, because really, we need to revolt.
I couldn't vote for either of these bastards, but I can write in Dr. Paul's name, even though I know he can't win. Maybe, someday, a successor to him, someone from a strong third party which we so desperately need, will have success. We can only hope.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I couldn't vote for either of these bastards, but I can write in Dr. Paul's name, even though I know he can't win. Maybe, someday, a successor to him, someone from a strong third party which we so desperately need, will have success. We can only hope.

Once he no longer has to worry about getting re-elected it's very possible that Obama might be more inclined to participate in the legalization debate.

I suggested this in Yukon's "How do I deal with being filthy fucking rich?" thread, but I'll suggest a similar idea here...

How about we put together a Cannabis Super PAC and then solicit anonymous donations from the general public the way that Steve Colbert and Ron Paul do?

The CannaPAC or PotPAC or 420PAC could then make a series of advertisements and then run email/youtube/facebook campaigns and run TV/radio ads in support of decriminalization.

A cannabis superPAC that pointed out the inconsistencies in public policy at the right times could help sway politicians into pandering to the cannabis vote.


weed fiend
The problem here is: Obummer already betrayed us and went back on his word about no more raids by the feds on medical cannabis dispensaries. So we know he is a liar and a traitor. The question we are faced with, and it is a daunting one, is do we want Mitt Romney, from the cult of Mormon calling the shots? He has already promised to shut down 100 dispenseries in his first 100 days. The "good times" in California might come to a screeching halt. We are damned if we do, and damned if we don't. Maybe if Romney were elected, and the raids began, it would be the trigger to wake the American people up from their stupor and take to the streets in mass protest, because really, we need to revolt.
I couldn't vote for either of these bastards, but I can write in Dr. Paul's name, even though I know he can't win. Maybe, someday, a successor to him, someone from a strong third party which we so desperately need, will have success. We can only hope.

If the president can ignore existing congressional law, where's the statute that allows it?

Did we ever establish that every so-called medical provider is legit? I was always under the impression we'd still have illegal growers, distributors, users and unfortunately, existing laws that may apply.

IMO, organized reform advocates are taking one step forward and two steps back. They want to encourage Obama to more directly initiate the debate necessary to generate enough energy for congressional reform. But they place too much emphasis on Obama as the broken link while ignoring the chain of influence.

Blogs suggesting the idea that Obama's committed reform treason use similar tactics as AGW deniers. A few dozen bloggers repeat and interlink their relative few arguments several thousand times over, giving the appearance of wide-spread influence that basically originated from venture capitalists and would-be entrepreneurs who may have taken the audacity of hope to faith proportions. Long story short, the freedom argument is always pure but to a significant degree, money has contaminated it. We've loosened restrictions w/o establishing market price controls. This only encourages would-be illegitimate players.


Enormous Member
Once he no longer has to worry about getting re-elected it's very possible that Obama might be more inclined to participate in the legalization debate.

I suggested this in Yukon's "How do I deal with being filthy fucking rich?" thread, but I'll suggest a similar idea here...

How about we put together a Cannabis Super PAC and then solicit anonymous donations from the general public the way that Steve Colbert and Ron Paul do?

The CannaPAC or PotPAC or 420PAC could then make a series of advertisements and then run email/youtube/facebook campaigns and run TV/radio ads in support of decriminalization.

A cannabis superPAC that pointed out the inconsistencies in public policy at the right times could help sway politicians into pandering to the cannabis vote.

Damn, man! After reading your post, I wanted to leave you BOTH negative and positive rep.

1st - So, It's okay for obama to punt on the "legitimate cannabis debate" during his campaign, just so that he can get re-elected? The campaigner-in-cheif is looking less and less presidential.

2nd - The CannaPAC idea is fantastic! It wouldn't even need to be a PAC though, right? The money is for a platform, not a politician, but the idea is still a good one. How would we get something like this started?


why do we believe ANYTHING that any of these clowns say when they are trying to get into the white house?

i hope everyone has noticed by now that i'm not a big fan of any politician. so please don't see this as support for any of these idiots

they ALL make promises that they know they can't keep (gingrich and $2.50 a gallon gas is the last "epic" pile-o-shit we heard) but for some reason we want to believe that one liar lies less than the other.

things are so far along that we actually believe that one guy is going to fix every damn thing this time too.

what the ass hats in washington say, and what the ass hats in washington do are 2 different things! for as long as i can remember they always have been, and the way things are going they always will be

not one single president has done fuck all for us stoners over the years because it would be the political version of shooting yourself in the ass ....... and these fucks look at the world a little different from us, so lying through your teeth is something that moves you up the ladder in their world, while the same thing gets you buried in ours

obama is just another politician that has been sent to do a mans job ....... and laying all the problems with our entire government on him aint gonna solve anything. which i am convinced is exactly the way ALL THE GUYS IN WASHINGTON ON BOTH "SIDES" WANT IT


Sorcerer's Apprentice
1st - So, It's okay for obama to punt on the "legitimate cannabis debate" during his campaign, just so that he can get re-elected? The campaigner-in-cheif is looking less and less presidential.

I don't think it's "OK." I'm just being realistic. Public polling has only RECENTLY had support for cannabis legalization above 50%. If it was at 75%, it might be a different story.

But think about it. (And once again, I'm not defending Obama's stance, I'm just thinking out loud.) Conservatives are VERY good at controlling their base. Fundamentalists are VERY good at controlling their base. Anything that they can jump on to get Obama out of office, they WILL jump on it.

Now, I can GUARANTEE you that even if "100% Decriminalization - free to grow, buy, sell with impunity" were on the ballot for 2012, that there are several members of THIS WEBSITE who would not get around to registering to vote. Many in OUR base are disenfranchised and don't believe the system can ever work, so they won't be bothered to vote, even if they could vote for something positive.

2nd - The CannaPAC idea is fantastic! It wouldn't even need to be a PAC though, right? The money is for a platform, not a politician, but the idea is still a good one. How would we get something like this started?
The reason it should be a PAC is because PACs can endorse candidates if they choose, and the money being donated is anonymous. So they can't come and find you because you donated. The Soros wannabes of the world could donate to a cause that their conscience supports without worrying that they were putting a target on their chest.

AFAIK, it can be started for about $100 and some paperwork filed. I'll look into it some more today and get back to you. I'll also create a thread for the PAC idea so that we don't muck this one up any more.


Anybody who has ideas is welcome to share.
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