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Jettas Micro Cab



So I have been working on a cab for about 4 months and finally got it all finished up about 3 weeks ago. Germinated some old bag seed and most of them died. ouch. One of the youngest ones grew a tail so I threw that in some Black Gold seed starting mix and put it in my cab. About 5 days later I decided to germ another seed and it grew a tail also. Just put that in soil about 15 minutes ago. *fingers crossed for a seedling*

When I get a new cord for my cam I'll post up pics but for now your gonna have to use your imagination.

Cab: dimensions are 20.5"wx13"lx30"h with approx 20" of grow height available. It is painted flat white and am able to lower a shelf that the plants sit on.

Lighting: one 70wHPS in the middle with two 26w 6500K cfls on its sides. Currently running 17.75/6.25 (my HPS still produces light after it is turned off so I give it 15 minutes to become fully dark) When flowering comes its gonna be 11.75/12.25

Fans: edit:got a new set of fans They are Scythe Ultra Kaze 120mm x 38mm with a 3000 rpm motor, 133.6 cfms at 45.9 dBA. The 3000 rpm version has a Static Pressure feature but I havent found anywhere the actual rating. I can tell you though that I'm running these fans off of 7.5 volts and they are cooling better than my old fan at 12v!!!! I still have the 40cfm 20dB inside cooling the HPS from behind and blowing air towards exhaust.

Smell Control: have yet to install but using one of those covers around CD-R cases cut down and wrapped with panty hose and has about 2.5 inches of carbon in it. Will update in flowering how it works. EDIT: The cdr case thing didnt work worth a damn so I'm making a box designed with a tray of carbon in it that gets blown into from the case and sucked out with another fan. I hope this works!

Nutes/Soil: am using Black Gold for seedlings and Fox Farms Ocean Forest for when they grow larger. I added some lime and more perilite to the FFOF. I will be using the Humboldt line of nutes(Grow Natural, Bloom Natural, Duece Duece) and will hopefully be adding supplements when I get more monies. :joint: I'll keep you updated in this thread and the "What Kind of Nutes are You Using" thread about the Humboldt line.

Grow Method: Not exactly sure yet. Probably gonna LST them and when harvest is over re-veg and maybe try my hand at a scrog with some clones. Or maybe even a perpetual SOG.....

cant wait to get a new cord so I can take some pics.


Grow like nobody is watching
Nice one MK! I like that you're using 6500k's. It makes a lot of sense to me.

Grow Method: Not exactly sure yet.

I have tried this a few times and can vouch for it :)

Interesting take on the timing too. I thought all hps took a while to cool down? Well, an experiment is always good. Peace.


Active member
Pics or it didn't happen.

Just kidding, but I want pics!

Good luck on the girls and I look forward to watching


Panconqueso- ya it would seem that i've got it all figured out right? But there are still a few things that need to be addressed like light traps and wat not. Also not sure if my temps are gonna soar after installing the carbon filter.

Fuzz420- glad to have you along sir!

ScrubNinja- Ya i thought the 6500ks would help out. I didnt want to just run the HPS because I dont have a lot of height and thought it might stretch out my girls too much. As far as the HPS timing goes, I had it running for about 14 hrs than turned it off. It took about 12 minutes for my room to become completely dark after the shut off. So I figure I'll turn my lights off 15 minutes before I want the plants to be in complete darkness vs. turning them off on 12/12 but still having lumens produced by the lamps.

grouchy- I want to show you guys so I think I might go out today and buy that cord. Do you have a great website to host your pics on? Maybe one that doesnt work with the feds?

o btw I am naming them S1 and S2 (strain1, strain2) should be easy to keep track and I dont know their original strains so they could be indicas or sativas or a hybrid of some sort. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed they are females right now tho!!! I only have 4 more seeds at my bidding, but they are the old bag seeds from shwag that I've kept in a little wooden jar out of the light and in a dresser drawer.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Upload your pics to icmags gallery. Its safe and secure, i wouldnt put my pics anywhere else.


Active member
grouchy- I want to show you guys so I think I might go out today and buy that cord. Do you have a great website to host your pics on? Maybe one that doesnt work with the feds?

Motivation - I will hit you up with some rep if you get that cord and get me some pics.

I just use my gallery on icmag to host my pics like fuzz420 said earlier.


So you guys take them from your camera using a program than just go into the icmag gallery and upload images into an album?

K well I got called in early to work but I'm gonna go buy that cord tomorrow.



Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Exactly jetta. Just hook you camera up go to the albums and upload, then find your source as the camera and thats it. The best thing about the gallery is you dont have to resize it does it automatically. I take all my pics in in the full 6mp that camera is capable of :)


Grow like nobody is watching
Protip: It's actually best to resize it yourself. The resizing algorithm that ic uses is crap so your pics will look better if you resize them in photoshop or something, plus you can keep them at the largest dimensions allowable. Also saves bandwidth for the servers, from a nerdy perspective. When you come to compose your post with the pics, click "Go advanced" and maybe this helps. I use the bottom option.



dope. thanks guys for the help!

Well a little imagination update. My S1 is about an inch tall and I can see the second real node starting to grow. The first one with three leaves is tiny but it has three leaves!!!

My S2 hasnt popped soil yet but I am ever hopeful.




woot I went out today and bought a card reader. so here you go grouchy.

pics because its happening right now.

That is the little beauty right there, even though not so beautiful. It accidentally fell over when it was young and one of the cotyldons snapped off causing the growth to be a little weird.


Before that pic was taken I took off the plastic bag that was being used as a humidity dome for the left cup. It had a seed in the soil. I got home from work today and it died. gay. really gay.

So now I have the dwarf seedling left and hope it pulls through.

I am really thinking of buying some Zombie Virus and planting a few of those. I've read great reviews and they look dank as fuck!

in the mean time i'm gonna try and germ the remaining 4 bagseeds I have. wish me luck on these old ass seeds.

BTW how do I make a signature that is just a sentence and not a 'link' ie panconquesos : 'Proud Member of the 70wHPS club'

I want those exact words in my sig, sorry for copying panconqueso but its fuggin awesome!