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Japanese growers


Active member
Yeah, well those weaklings are arresting dozens of pot smokers a month. It's a slack attitude that gets most people caught.


Glad I`m living in the countryside - lots of outdoor grow spots, no chance of rippers, hardly any neighbours, let alone cops. They`d still have to be pretty damn good to find my plants anyway.

But, good point - driving with paraphenalia/weed is increasing your chances of getting caught by a sh!tload. Although, I usually have a stash and a piece in my car.

Not in my glovebox, under my seat or any other obvious place - I`ve got a nice little customized hidey-place. Whenever I`ve been pulled over there was never *any* sign they were interested in what I had in my car, though. Just seems to be off the cop`s radar here.


Active member
This is my latest grow. This time around I tried going mediumless for the first time (much better) and no air-stone (still haven't decided). 20 grams left and about 14 days to go.



20 grams over 2 weeks? You`ll piss it in.
Being outdoor grower only, its a long cold winter until I get to grow again.

Prob. be getting out of here soon though, go to the southern hemisphere were its summer for a month or so. :jump:

That Blueberry? Nice yellowing coming into harvest. Let us know how it smokes. :lurk:


Active member
Nice one!! I'm down with you Japanese peepz! U wayy kewl! Ancient philosophy and all.. If I were in JP, I would sit under a cherry tree with a calligraph-set and space out, toke and just chill, all day long. Maybe be training some evil bloodsport when the other thing gets to boring! YEAH!

Too bad about the hard penalties, would be nice with more Japanese in here.


Active member
I've grown this blueberry out for over a year now. The smoke is probably like a 5 on a smooth scale, but I've heard from other blueberry growers that can be expected. The high is good strong high, average length but it's real easy to built up a tolerance in a short time. So I'll be smoking like mad and thinking my shit is just shitty and then look at my friends and they are out, so everybody else thinks it kicks ass. I'm actually going to change strains soon, maybe one more grow with blueberry.


Japanfreakier said:
This is my latest grow. This time around I tried going mediumless for the first time (much better) and no air-stone (still haven't decided). 20 grams left and about 14 days to go.

nice pic =) i love BlueBerry (=


Active member
Thanks. This was actually my last grow with it. I've grown it for over a year now and ready to try something different. Since it was the last grow I gave it an extra long flush to bring out some of the colors. This first pic is one of the side buds off of a plant in the back. The second pic is the top 1/3 of that one in the front, trimmed and ready to hang.



Mmm, quite pretty, nice yield. Looks like u got that strain dialled in alright.

Just ordered some Satori, Hasberry, Snow White and Zamal x Skunk Special this morning.
Adding in the freebie and the 3 Sensi Skunk #1 seeds, that brings me up to 6 diff strains. I`m really tempted to do another order, but prob won`t. Gotta make lots of crosses next season. Going to be fun :)


Active member
I read the Japanese thread. I would love to have the variety but I don't like the risk of ordering over seas. I've used dummy addresses for equipment in the past though.


Active member
Great strains you've picked there, Saibai! The Mandala wont let you down if you go easy on nutes and just let em liiiive!

Do you japanese grow guerrilla-style? Or maybe even garden grows?

Here's my Hindu Kush x Bubblegum from this year! She's so great, love the smoke, so stoney:

Another pheno:

Couldn't resist posting these, just thought you guys (and girls?) need a little more green for yours eyes, since there's a little lack of japanese ganja pictures in here! ;) It's understandable with your laws. So sad... But wth..


Quiet_Riot said:
Great strains you've picked there, Saibai! The Mandala wont let you down if you go easy on nutes and just let em liiiive!

Yeah, should suit my needs, I grow outdoors/guerilla so I can`t be pampering my girls all day every day. Just hope the m/f mold doesn`t get `em.


New member
I was back in Japan in the late Fall for business, there are some great growing opportunities in the countryside, but I wouldn't want to grow indoors there, high cost of electricity, maybe an earthquake to knock your stuff over and start a fire...

Japanese police are rooted in espionage, goes back to rooting out communist elements. Japan almost became a communist country post-war, might have suited their socialist tendencies better

I have a lot of friends in Japan who miss the weed, wish I could help them out, one of my friend's (Japanese guy) had a friend from his University here in the States that got arrested for mailing pot from U.S. to Japan. But, he had several packages go through before the one that got him arrested.
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Active member
Yeah the electricity costs are a little expensive but I think I only pay like around $40 a month to keep my 400watt going. I used to run 3,600 watts and that was like $500 a month with all the other shit thrown in. Of course when grass costs as much as it does here it doesn't seem that expensive to have a year round grow.


New member
I never would have tried to buy weed in Japan, all those guys are watched, and their weed is crap.

With all the Japanese going to the states to study, a lot of them opt for the whole "American" experience, trying weed for one, and they come back to Japan and the stress and 15 hour days and think, damn, weed would be great here.

My friends who work for a major integrated circuits manufacturer get to partake when they are doing assignments in countries where one can access weed, it's funny to hear them talk about it.

With all of the places not too far outside of the city to grow, it seems that instead of taking the risk to grow indoors, people should grow out in the country, just old folks out there, and deer and rabbits aren't as much of a problem like they can be here in the states.

Japanfreakier, do Japanese authorities ever correlate high electricity usage with the possibility that someone is growing? Seems to me that wouldn't have crossed their minds yet. Another question for you, do you see Japanese students coming back from the states wanting to get access to weed and going about it sloppily? I had heard some stories about such things happening.


Active member
Weed consumption has sky rocketed here in the last 4~5 years but they are punks about it and arrests have skyrocketed as well. They have no respect for police and brag about being able to smoke in front of police stations and shit. The reality is that police are pretty good about catching people and there has been a huge crack down in Tokyo because they want to host the Olympics. They have changed the laws to allow more undercover work and have placed 10's of thousands of cameras around town. Pushers are always excited to have foreign customers though because it makes their job that much easier. The way it's handled these days is that you get a phone number and arrange for a meeting place later that are in code.

Things to remember are that police don't enter business unless they are called or are chasing somebody. They also don't ride on the trains so it's much safer to go by train and meet in a coffee shop or something.

Police also have the right to body search anybody or their vehicle. They don't need probably cause.

Most arrests still come from traffic stops and snitches. And of course idiots who set off their fire alarms with their lights and stuff.

Outdoor growers seem like real lazy ass mofos here. This past season one was arrested growing pot in a corn field, another for growing at a ski resort during the off season. And off course there are people who just travel to Hokkaido the northern island to collect the grass that is growing naturally, but the cops are onto that as well and will stop any rental cars and check their trunks.

Most of the grass they sell on the streets is crap. You used to be able to get really good thai stick but I haven't seen anything like that in over 7 years. There are more and more growers though and the quality is getting better slowly. I have yet to see any grass that is properly cured though.


New member
Thanks for the response Japanfreakier, with the Japanese attention to detail amongst the more mature growers, I have seen some really impressive indoor grows, very clean, all computer controlled, nice.

True, the cops need to be given credit, I have always been impressed at their ability to always know what is going on, now, whether they choose to do anything about certain crimes is another matter, but, to look good as an ally on the "war on drugs", they tend to go after this stuff. However, Japan has always had a meth problem that goes way back to pre-war and that seems to have reached a status quo level of attention.

Seems like you have lived in Japan a long time, I have read some of the posts in Japanese (I am almost ni-kyu level of reading, same for speaking) and it doesn't seem like any of them approach it very seriously, like you said, most of them don't even cure the stuff (a critical part of the entire equation)

Don't you feel somewhat vulnerable as a foreigner? I know the police love going after the foreigners, my Iranian friends would tell me that the cops who would round them up every couple months would be saying "kore kantan da na..."

Do you plan on staying in Japan?


japan sounds like a good market. while commercially moving over there sounds fun, japanese prison does not. me being american(ballsie and stupid) i always wanted to move to some place like Shikoku island(?)- rural hills kinda area, and grow some big trees. atleast, from the small research into moving - that island looks like the best bet. what concerns me the most is the random stop and searches especially for foreigners. i think a lot of the california guerilla grow techniques would translate well. and i think bringing over some of the california gene pool will help with getting rid of the 'blueberry' status quo.... can't wait till the chem craze hits japan!


New member
ampersand, something to consider about moving over to Japan as a foreign national is that they have access to a great deal of your personal information and foreigners moving over there are heavily scrutinized (not a bad idea, eh?)

Shikoku is awesome and would be for the reasons you stated. I was only randomly searched once, and that was because the cops were pulling people over to hit their monthly or quarterly quotas for tickets and they stopped me because they thought I was Iranian, when I took my helmet off, they were like,"oh, you're American, no problem, we're looking for Iranians" Iranians and Brazilians and Chinese are involved in a lot of crime, Israelis too to a certain extent. But, they can't lift a finger without the approval of the the organized crime syndicates there, go ahead and try and you will be wishing you never had. I don't know if Yakuza are doing anything about the demand for cannabis on a significant scale, anyone know the answer to that question?


Active member
hotcooter said:
True, the cops need to be given credit, I have always been impressed at their ability to always know what is going on, now, whether they choose to do anything about certain crimes is another matter, but, to look good as an ally on the "war on drugs", they tend to go after this stuff. However, Japan has always had a meth problem that goes way back to pre-war and that seems to have reached a status quo level of attention.

Exactly! I used to club a lot and everybody would pour out into the street fucked out of their minds and the cops would let them be as long as they weren't causing a problem. They knew what was up but they care more about the meth then other stuff. Of course the cops have to do something when it makes the news. They outlawed shrooms after a celebrity freaked out and they shut down all the head shops after a college rugby team was caught growing in their dorm. They would rather let it be but if it's on TV they move

hotcooter said:
Don't you feel somewhat vulnerable as a foreigner? I know the police love going after the foreigners, my Iranian friends would tell me that the cops who would round them up every couple months would be saying "kore kantan da na..."

Just being a foreigner is enough to get stopped and searched these days. I've been stopped a few times myself and take great care when ever I go out. There are hot zones though like Dogenzaka in Shibuya or Akihabara and Roppongi. I've also adjusted my appearance to be on the safe side. It sucks but better than getting nabbed.