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Jamaican, dub stylee


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It was about 14 weeks of flowering, its aromas were not those of a hybrid, rather they were discreet, but tasty, sweet strawberry (with the sweet sativa different from the sweet indica), a touch of mint / eucliptus, slightly floral lavender. the first quality psychoactivity effect.
I have smoked many more powerful and tastier varieties, but never a more pleasant effect. my favorite smoke, also that of my friend who grew this clone.
I say it was not that powerful but moppel found it strong, at that time I had received it under the name Lambsbread 85, so we called lambsbead 85


Active member
in 2006, moppel passed through Chile, my friend brought him a small bud of Jamaica 85. Then a forero asked him about the Jamaican and he answered "


lambsbread is super, we smoked one. and I have just one more joint. But stronger.

The LB was great, I smoked 1 with those guys and I"


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When crossing with destroyer it gave some psychedelic individuals
Jamaica 85 x Destroyer, cats pissed on the substrate several times so it did not have the best pH is somewhat abused.


  • 19190jam_x_dest_011.jpg
    79.1 KB · Views: 43


Brand new oldschool
About the supposed years of strains I think it is done for commercial purposes. It would sell JBM 85 much better than calling it JBM 2000. In fact names today are just brand names.

Where did I suggest that??? the post is clear and I never questioned the year, in fact, Siete said it himself. :confused:

The line was personally collected by him during some holidays he spent in Jamaica in 1985 indeed. There were other wilder looking expressions too but they were mostly present in the first releases from what I've seen. Whether there were BLD genes in Jamaica around that time or not, I don't question it and I believe the plants speak for themselves nicely.

I believe that Jamaica 85 is a good representation of a Jamaica of the 80s that in the physical aspect seems to have an influence of a Mexican from the lowlands strengthened either by hybrid vigor or by a very diluted Indica influence, leaving very few locis of indicates it. and you are not related to the effect

I've also believe it's a nice representation too, but there are compact expressions as well, especially present within the posterior F2 generations where some recessive tratis are segregating. If you compare those with an untamed 70 NDL or "sativa", they are very different in both flowering time, structure and so on.

Last JBM release was probably CBG Deluxe mix 2002, which contained:

  • Blueberry
  • Jamaica x Blueberry
  • Brasil/Colombia x Afganistán
  • Jamaica Lambsbread (JBM85).
  • Nigeria x Manali/Afganistán.
Hey friends

The last drop of Blue mountain jam was in 2012, on the cannabiogen shop, edition limited, in the same time, ghana and mangobiche were in stock too.


Active member
I re arranged the tent this morning and found that two of them are not as far along in flowering. Still barely throwing Pistils. Looks like I may have a couple of the really long flowering phenos. Hope they are trippy


Active member
Where did I suggest that??? the post is clear and I never questioned the year, in fact, Siete said it himself. :confused:

I've also believe it's a nice representation too, but there are compact expressions as well, especially present within the posterior F2 generations where some recessive tratis are segregating. If you compare those with an untamed 70 NDL or "sativa", they are very different in both flowering time, structure and so on.

Last JBM release was probably CBG Deluxe mix 2002, which contained:

  • Blueberry
  • Jamaica x Blueberry
  • Brasil/Colombia x Afganistán
  • Jamaica Lambsbread (JBM85).
  • Nigeria x Manali/Afganistán.

as the great mustafunk says it is not the representation of an NLD sativa, but it still retains the effect of an old Jamaican lady, for me a true trip back in time, in addition to covering part of the range of Jamaican effects that does not cover the lambsbread of bushman, the vives collective, rahan and JGL


Active member
I wish it would come around again.
A couple of years ago I spoke with Kaiki and he told me that he would not sell these strains anymore, why many plagiarized and sold cheaper and with that they took away the desire to continue working. Besides not helping with the costs of recovering these lines
many people interested in making money by reselling varieties and denying and hiding their origin and provenance of the line many profiting from the work of others
Hey Rembetis,

I wish too, but with others parents, because this last drop was not the best. It have to be worked with olders parental generations.
From two packs only 1 male, and it was hermi and autoflo. not a lot of very sativa phenotype. And all the females were showing male flower (sterile) indoor. Outdoor it was perfect, really easy to grow, and big production.
I was growing the Double jam in the same time, and i think the double jam is maybe better. I think JGL was using plants from this last Blue mountain generation to produce the double jam, in this years (2012-2013)
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Active member
I re arranged the tent this morning and found that two of them are not as far along in flowering. Still barely throwing Pistils. Looks like I may have a couple of the really long flowering phenos. Hope they are trippy


Active member
A couple of years ago I spoke with Kaiki and he told me that he would not sell these strains anymore, why many plagiarized and sold cheaper and with that they took away the desire to continue working. Besides not helping with the costs of recovering these lines
many people interested in making money by reselling varieties and denying and hiding their origin and provenance of the line many profiting from the work of others

I remember in the Lambsbread thread I think, where Kaiki was gathering cuts and seeds to make a repro of the Blue Mountain and then all of a sudden the Spanish shops were flooded with it. I cant blame him for dropping out of the scene at all.

Maybe one day the U S Federal prohibition on seed will end and we can trade seeds between collectors. Otherwise I dont know how some of these lines will continue. I'm sure they will in the form of hybrids but the unique qualities will be gone for good


Well-known member
Hi Rembetis
I like your postings in this and other threads and I mostly agree with you

I know you are pissed off about this but the knowledge being shared and coming up in your thread is really interesting and super cool, it is being done with great vibes and respect
I will post in spanish because most people reading this use a translator tool so no broken telephones on translations
These american strains certainly arise passions. And seems the newer generations are not interested in the stuff of old, be it in Jamaica or South America, everybody seems to care for the hyped up fast flowering strains

Hola a todas las partes intervinientes, muchas gracias por las respuestas, por la onda y por el conocimiento compartido
Antes que nada quisiera aclarar que muy lejos estoy de generar controversia y me interesa aprender la historia de las distintas geneticas y aclarar lo que no lo está

Hola Mustafunk
No conozco la historia de la Blue Mountain 85, cuando pregunté por ella me dijeron que está descatalogada y al no estar accesible jamas lei ni busque informacion sobre ella
Estamos en un hilo sobre esta genetica:

Esto dice el breeder:
Lineage is Jamaican Blue Mountain 1985 x Jamaican Lambsbread 1960

Cuando la compré no tenia ni idea de lo que estaba comprando
Despues de leer acerca de la Lambsbread que fue una genetica compartida en un festival de reggae en Martinica en el 2000(estoy escribiendo de memoria y no estoy chequeando nada, por favor corrige todos los errores que pueda cometer por desconocimiento) y el hecho de que en el 85 no habia safaris ni expediciones de caza de semillas pues en esa epoca la marihuana en todo el mundo venia semillada, por asociacion cuando ves todo lo que pasa en el mundo cannabico piensas lo mismo de todo lo demas incluida la BM85, tu sabes perfectamente que los cuentos de hadas, la fantasia en las descripciones de las geneticas y la ilusion son moneda corriente y la trazabilidad de las geneticas deja mucho que desear
Entonces cuando te venden y te describen la lambsbread del año 1960 y no parece ser asi, piensas que la BM85 no es de tal año, maxime teniendo en cuenta que aparentemente las geneticas que han sido recolectadas en Sudamerica fueron a partir de fines de los 90's
En el foro de CBG es donde está la mejor info de la Blue Mountain con su historia o en otro sitio?

Lo que a Rembetis y a mi nos interesaba eran los fenos largos que se asemejen a la Lambsbread y la verdad es que estamos buscando un fantasma que no existe. Bueno, lamentablemente en esta repro esos fenos fueron hechos jabon segun palabras del propio breeder del link de Cannapot, recien ahora estoy entendiendo lo que significa, cuando lo compre no tenia idea:
" For first cleaning step I kicked all hermas out, to long flowering plants and plants I did not like"
O sea que si quieres encontrar un feno Lambsbread de estos F2, la unica chance es hacer una polinizacion abierta y rezar que por recombinacion de alelos aparezca algun feno Lambsbread en el f3, cosa que no me interesa y no lo voy a hacer

En una foto muy bonita de Ghana que en su momento publicó a modo abierto Criposo, un lector preguntó si esa Ghana era suya y la respuesta de Criposo fue asi es. Pregunté porque no estaba claro, la respuesta da lugar a interpretar asi es la genetica es mia o asi es la planta es mia.
El dia que pude por fin tener un modo de poder pagar y comprarle a CBG la genetica, justo ese mismo dia se dio de baja del catalogo de CBG la Punto Rojo, Jarilla de Sinaloa y Ghana, y ese post fue muy cerca en el tiempo luego de eso.
Me resulta muy llamativo en estos dos años que estoy leyendo foros la cantidad de geneticas que en tan breve plazo de tiempo han quedado descatalogadas y para un recien llegado no resultan claro los motivos

Y a modo de critica constructiva seria muy interesante si las geneticas sudamericanas que se comercializan estén al alcance de los bolsillos de los maestros y plomeros sudamericanos y no solo al alcance de los plomeros y maestros estadounidenses que en el estado mas pobre ganan 5.000u$s por mes. Y lo mismo que las geneticas africanas y asiaticas esten al alcance del bolsillo africano y asiatico y no solo al alcance del bolsillo de los sueldos de paises ricos

Y otra cosa muy interesante es la recopilacion de la historia de las geneticas sudamericanas para aquellos que somos recien llegados y para los que llegaran mas adelante en el tiempo.
Todos uds son la historia viva del cannabis sudamericano y son contemporaneos por haber leido en tiempo real las expediciones en busca de geneticas perdidas, la info está disperdigada como rompecabezas por toda la web por toda clase de hilos enterrados en distintos foros y se hace complicado recolectar la info
Hay preguntas que no le encuentro la respuesta como por ej:
Que pasó con la genetica paraguaya de los 80's? Bombardearon con paraquat en Paraguay como lo hicieron en Jamaica
Luiz y Zamalito hicieron una expedicion al Paraguay para el 2006-7 y para esa epoca la genetica de los 80's estaba perdida
Ojalá Bahia o algun visionario amigo de él lo hayan hecho

Muchas gracias a todos por la onda, las explicaciones y el conocimiento compartido


Active member
Hola Mustafunk
No conozco la historia de la Blue Mountain 85, cuando pregunté por ella me dijeron que está descatalogada y al no estar accesible jamas lei ni busque informacion sobre ella
Estamos en un hilo sobre esta genetica:
blue mountains la recolecta personalmente siete estudioso ,viajero y coleccionista del cannabis en las montañas azules de una rama semillas que le vendió un rasta como lambsbread

Lo que a Rembetis y a mi nos interesaba eran los fenos largos que se asemejen a la Lambsbread y la verdad es que estamos buscando un fantasma que no existe. Bueno, lamentablemente en esta repro esos fenos fueron hechos jabon segun palabras del propio breeder del link de Cannapot, recien ahora estoy entendiendo lo que significa, cuando lo compre no tenia idea:

Funky horse te tengo buenas noticias las floraciones largas de jamaica suelen ser un rasgo recesivo así que es posible que lo puedas segregar medida que vas juntando esos recesivos. Lo malo es que en las jamaicanas siempre existen intersexuales tanto en genes dominantes y en gene recesivos, los dominantes son bien fácil de sacar, los recesivos son bien difícil de erradicar por los genes enmascarados por genes más dominantes. Cuando tuve el 2004 ese feno de Jamaica 85 empecé a estudiar sobre las variedades jamaicanas en distintos foros, muchos de ellos ya no existen, y los que quedan han perdido muchas fotos y post con imformacion. Por ejemplo en esos foros había una foto de una revista que mostraba un lambread de loslos 70's con una gran cola central con una similitud bastante grande a fenos intermedio de blue mountains

En una foto muy bonita de Ghana que en su momento publicó a modo abierto Criposo, un lector preguntó si esa Ghana era suya y la respuesta de Criposo fue asi es. Pregunté porque no estaba claro, la respuesta da lugar a interpretar asi es la genetica es mia o asi es la planta es mia.

Yo le mande un mensaje a criposo el dice tener buena onda con kaiki y que nunca tubo el problema, que mencionas dice de echo que es kaiki quien le regala semillas de ganha y un clon de red snake. También podría preguntarle a kaiki, pero su salud hace tiempo no anda tan bien asi que no quiero molestarlo con este malentendido

El dia que pude por fin tener un modo de poder pagar y comprarle a CBG la genetica, justo ese mismo dia se dio de baja del catalogo de CBG la Punto Rojo, Jarilla de Sinaloa y Ghana, y ese post fue muy cerca en el tiempo luego de eso.
Entiendo a mi me pasó algo similar con punto rojo, cuando tuve el dinero para comprar la primera edisión de punto rojo ya no quedaba y al salir la segunda no tuve dinero hasta que ya no lo vendían. Ghana la vendían pero yo me quería concentrar en variedades americanas. De echo creo que la ende aquí en chile todavía, la germinación no creo que ande tan bien, por qué son artos años
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Active member
Hello Funkyhorse. I am not pissed off at all. I didnt want the thread to stray too far away from the Jamaican is all. I am all for sharing relevant info or related info.

I wish Charlie was here. I learn so much from those guys like him. Most of my Landraces have come from him and CBG and also ACE. I learned early on that if those guys put out a pure strain to jump on it quick because for the most part they disappear. I know they exist within the various groups of collectors but for most of us we will never have a chance to enjoy or even help with the preservation.

If Jamaica ever calms down I will go back. Last year for the first time we went thru military and Police check points and right after we left Montego Bay and other areas went under Martial Law. The gangs have erupted into open warfare and Tourists are no longer off limits. They hide the news down there, always have. They dont want to scare off the tourists but the reports are there. Several murders recently.

I wish I could have saved seeds in the 80's but I always got searched. Something about a beard and Tattoos and long hair. My buddies are still on the hunt and I have seen what looks like the old in some recent photos. Probably has something else in it but we will see.
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Found a short Blue Mountain thread I didnt know existed. A couple photos and comments from Charlie. Looking at those photos makes me wonder why those were collected. There was still the old Jamaican at the time and this stuff looks hybrid.

Anyone else having trouble with posts? After I post everything is OK for a second and then the paragraphs rearrange. Very strange
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arbac;9008971 in the 70's for the persecution of the USA and the use of paraquat said:
It wasnt only Paraquat. The pinche CIA was dropping Fire bombs on the fields and huts. They didnt differentiate between growers and non growers. If you lived in a remote area you were a target. The old strains did survive in pockets. They didnt have the man power to be able to go after everyone. The growers got better at hiding their crops too. The guys in Fern Gulley had been able to avoid detection up until the time I met them. Dont know what happened after that.

Word got out eventually and I believe world pressure finally put a stop to that


Active member
Reading back thru some older threads I found a couple comments from therevverend that I have to agree with.

One concerns origins of Jamaican and it had to do with introduced Hemp evolving into a THC strain. I believe that is correct because the Hemp leaf that you see in illustrations is the same 5 bladed leaf that the old Jamaican was known for.

The other comment was about people chasing the highly serrated, narrow leaved Columbian pheno. Early in this thread I asked about that because I didnt remember the old Jamaican looking like that.

The Jamaica I experienced and guys like Bud Green who went before I did was the Jamaica of old. Few roads, impenetrable Jungle and poor people that didnt have transportation. I think that outside genetics were on the island but they must have had a localized effect until a much later time.

From what I make of all this is that what I witnessed in the part of Jamaica I was wandering around in was indeed the old Jamaican free of outside influence. By the 90's the BLD took over for sure. Going back a couple posts to the fat leaf Bl. Mt. I still dont understand why that was collected over the old that still existed.

Comment if you want. I'm just sitting here with my morning coffee reminiscing about good times in a place that doesnt exist anymore. The Lambsbread is the last remnant of that time and I sincerely hope that you guys that hold that precious line will do your best to preserve it for the future