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Jact55 Landrace Thread


Active member
If you ask I myself wouldn't discard the hermies as those plants are pionneers, first of their kind taken off the great outdoor to grow in small pots under lamps, I wouldn't be surprised by a chaotic sexual behavior. My bet would be they feel cramped for space in an unheard of situation, possibly cuttings of those would behave differently if put into flower mode without veging. It's been a while I've not been growing in an indoor setup but to me 90% of hermies were due to a roots problem like gnats, rootbound or root rot.
But again it's been more than ten years I didn't flower a plant indoor and as we all know stoners have memory issues :D


Well-known member
@baduy- this is kind of my thoughts too. I don't have alot of these plants to play with, and tossing em isn't what I want to do. I also don't want next gen seed stock to be hermie prone either. Worst case, I will isolate their seed stock and play with the next gen to test for hermie traits before mixing them with the other seeds. I am fighting knats constantly, and small pots are all I use, so hopefully it is environment and not genetic. Thanks for your input.

@vonbudi- thanks for the compliment. Glad you enjoy. Im just a pollen chucking landrace junkie like alot of others on here.


Well-known member
I think the leb is fairly stable. Indoors, my 3 females were very uniform, my males were too. Oddly I found the males to be very different than the females in structure. Outdoors I only had one female, but she was a beauty.
Sinai, the fluctuations are minor but they are there. Besides color (some green, some purple-red) I have not been able to pin down different pheno types. I have 20 sinai seedling growing, so that might change this summer :)

I love them both, but Sinai has a special place in my heart. No problem in cold climates, outdoors they finish early October. Wonderful color, and a perfume smell I love. I will get to your pm in the am. I'm all buzzed up on vacation right now.


Active member
about the hermies:

I would kill any hermie plant you see

they will do this in India too, rigorously

going through crops to weed out hermies was a traditional specialised job in ganja cultivating regions (as opposed to charas grwing regions, where hermies are less prevalent)

I think it is very likely that these hermie traits show up more frequently when these plants are grown outside of their usual habitat

I didn't see any such plants when I was in Manipur in late harvest season


Active member
just to emphasise:

you really don't want to be giving this intersex trait any chance to perpetuate itself

so I'd cut down those plants now before they release any pollen


remove intersex, any benefit you might get from genetic diversity is nothing compared to the trouble of using hermaphrodites.... you want to KNOW what plant if donating pollen, and not have all future generations confused by the possibility of stray pollen... if diversity is the concern... go back to the source, choose a larger pool parent plants, you can achieve your goal of preservation, without the intersex!
Incredible Thread, thejact55!

You're definitely on your way to a lifetime of great smoke and at least 2 years ahead of me.

I have RSC's Lebanese(2014 Zeno Repro) in 3rd week of flower now with 5 males pollinating 7 females.

By the way I would just say in regards to the Senegal that it is in fact a strain belonging to jahgreenlabel at USC. Tropical Seeds was just the reseller.

I would also agree with ngakpa and especially OnceUpon.
The Shebs... perhaps someone else is up to the task.

:plant grow:

I know, due to the constant state of war that region is in, we are now the caretakers of these ancient lineages.

If you do not plan to reproduce and share these in the not-to-distant future, please, release them to someone who will. thejact55 would be my candidate, seeing as he's got the visible dedication, both indoor and out, and stable grow, to make it happen.

Otherwise, I am offering my space, and my dedication and love for this plant to begin reproducing these within 4 months, and make them available as freebies to RSC, if that would work for ngakpa.


Well-known member
Thank you all for the input. I tossed the Manipuri hermie a day or two back. Full on hermie, and pollen sacs were about to open. I have kept the ukhrel hermie, as the lower couple sacs haven't kept forming really, worst case i can pull em off, and everything above is full on female. I only keep them on it to really see if they form and try to open. Right now, they seem non-active oddly.
So down to one female and one male Manipuri, and still the 5 ukhrel. I have decided to split the two strains up, to keep them pure. I am happy enough with the male and female mani, so i dont need to lean on the ukhrel to help. On Friday they will go in separate tents, as i am out of town until then. Pollen will start flying soon, hopefully not before I get back.

The plants are getting tall, too tall. I will have to bend and tie them soon, no doubt. Slow rolling into flower and have basically maxed the tent with a long time to go. Initially I expected this, but then didn't expect it really based on their short stout beginnings, but they are going full on crazy.
I have kept the ukhrel hermie, as the lower couple sacs haven't kept forming really, worst case i can pull em off, and everything above is full on female.

I've seen this on a durban poison hybrid from femmed seed. I believe it's due to low light intensity.

So down to one female and one male Manipuri, and still the 5 ukhrel. I have decided to split the two strains up, to keep them pure.

Good to hear. I am sure you still find lots of diversity from the Manipuri once you bulk your seed stock.

The plants are getting tall, too tall.

Isn't that due to root constriction i.e. small pots?


Well-known member
Small pots are how I combat them from getting any taller. If I had then in 5 gallon pots instead of 1 gallon, they'd be huge. Just the nature of the plants, they get tall no matter what. Root constriction is a sativa indoor growers friend.


Well-known member
Here are the updates on my mother selection and outdoor plants

I transplanted my Sinai & Senegal plants into one gallon pots, and put them outside today. Final count was 18 Sinai and 12 Senegal. maybe 5 Sinai stood out from the rest, and they were predominately later sprouting plants, so my personal thoughts that quicker sprouting seeds are more vigorous than seeds that take longer to sprout is untrue. The Senegal are fairly uniform and vigorous, hard to have any early favorites.

The outdoor bud production western strains are doing good, and stretching some. my dogs have learned they can bust through the dainty mesh fence, and mangled up a few plants in their romp. all is good though, no deaths.

pic one- the mother selection stock before transplant
pic 2- the overall pic of the outdoors. transplanted younger plants, and the other older plants. I pushed everything to one side for now, to create dog running lanes, in case they bust through again. I am sure this will do no good, they love to kill all my garden plants.
pic 3- one of my barney farm cbd critical cure, super wide leaves, stocky and shory
pic 4- three of the five TGA Jilly Bean plants, these are the taller, the others are shorter. really nice stem smell so far.
pic 5- my two seedsman skunk #1. taller plants, stinky already. these make me nervous for the late flower smell they put off.


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Well-known member
Well this is the last time I use my new computer to show pics, they come in sideways, despite them being up in my library. will have to go back to my trustworthy ancient machine. sorry all.

The indoor seed run: I left for the week for work, and came back to towering monsters. I had changed the LED light I am using now to flower spectrum, and noticed that it didn't seem as intense. knowing these are growing fast, I moved the tallest plants to the edge of the tent, so they wouldn't grow into the light while I was gone, and I am glad I did, two of them surpassed the light in height, and another grew right up to it. The Manipuri didn't stretch terribly, but the ukhrel all did. I am very accepting of stretch, but this is a bit much by my standards even. I am unsure if it is the light spectrum, or just the nature of these plants. I turned on the veg spectrum, with the bloom spectrum, maybe that will help.

These are the last natural form pics, they are tied down now.

The males are pretty much ready to let pollen fly, the females are not ready to accept. the males are in a separate tent now, for a few weeks. when the females are ready, I will keep the mani's and ukhrels in separate tents for pollination, before reuniting the females to finish off in my main tent.

males first: pic one is the three males, one mani, two ukhrels.
pics 2 is one of the flower structures from a male
pic 3- this is the full tent I came home to, tall ass plants.
pic 4 is the Manipuri female, not as stretched, beautiful plant.
pic 5- my 3 ukhrel females
pic 6- the most advanced ukhrel female.


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Active member
I have kept the ukhrel hermie, as the lower couple sacs haven't kept forming really, worst case i can pull em off, and everything above is full on female.

I'd kill it, if I was you

at very least, definitely don't use seeds from it


intersex is intersex

it may only be showing to a lesser degree, but genetically the plant is intersex and will pass on the trait. it may only be slight environmental differences that make one plant "full on" hermie and another just slightly... genetically they are both intersex/hermie... and i suggest toss

fun project. cheers


Well-known member
I thought that most cannabis had some intersex stress response and that was the reason feminized seeds were possible.

so I don't agree that plants that show these signs to a lesser degree after being stressed by a definite stressor should necessarily be culled.

He might end up with absolutely no plants.
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maybe, but in my opinion you are better off being strict and using plants that DO NOT show hermie, even under stress. stress testing is a good idea. especially if you are femizining.
its so much work and time invested in a project like this. and a generation down the line you dont want to be dealing with a polulation of hermie plants... its just one now. stop it before it spreads


Well-known member
Haha ill meet all of you guys half way. I just cant toss it, the lower 4 male parts have not progressed. Just kind of dormant lumps. All female on up, the last pic on my last post is this plant.

I have a third tent that is not being used. She/he can go in there during pollination, and then we can watch her grow, unpollinated, and then i can post a smoke report. Im always a little bummed that i dont get to smoke my plants after i pollinate the shit out of em. Worst case, she can go in the trash if she throws anymore balls. best case we can see what these plants can do indoors without seeds taking away the bulking up of the bud.