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I've never found a single vitamin or supplement that noticably changed my health


Active member
the best vitamin supplement i tried that REALLY make a difference are fresh fruit and vegetables every day in abundant quantities


you should at least take a multivitamin daily, in my opinion. won't hurt.

Multi-vitamins are another thing that can suck my dick..

Sorry that dgr character got me pissed off no offense!


multi-vitamins dont really enhance anything they just prevent deficiencies, your body has a tuff time assimilating most high dose multi-v's. Your much better off increasing the amount of fruit and veg you eat in relation to meat and grains.


Active member
Real vitamins cost real money

no real vitamins grow on plants that you can simply eat and grow yourself

And again you go on trying to sell your petflora crap

s, plus using petflora (part of why I adopted it as my UN). It's sold as a pet product, but is human grade. Being a soil-based probiotic it has no growth hormones, antibiotic residues, and no lactose intolerance issues.

GTFOH :spank: :fsu:

h^2 O

the daily vitamin packs make me like normal...probably because I don't eat healthy or at all.


I'm not sure why it does help but I do use Milk Thistle and it does help me personally.


Thanks for the laugh Blazing. Get over yourself and try and see the humor in your diction choice. Maybe you should smoke more/less weed. She could be an OB/GYN for all we know. You certainly seemed to have jumped to some ugly conclusion. Here's an idea for you. If you don't want people reading your posts and commenting on them, don't post them in the Toker's Den.

Oh no! A neg rep. Haha. What a 'tard. It's the internet. Try and get over yourself.


Active member
L-Theanine is one that I definitely noticed effects from.

Get the Suntheanine Brand, I take it everyday before and during work to help alleviate stress from dealing with people. (can get it at vitamin shop)

Puts me in a good mood, 5-htp I can feel above placebo as well.

Anybody try alpha gpc?


Active member
Did you ever wonder who makes the vitamins and suppliments? I'll end the suspense by telling you it's the pharmacuetical companies. Who else has the infrastructure in place to make package and sell pills and potions along with the money to market them? Big pharma loves the fact you buy suppliments, if you aint filling their pockets one way then you do it the other way.

There's a great book/Guardian column called Bad Science which deals with this kind of thing http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/series/badscience
funnily enought the latest entry is about vitamins

Green lung

Active member
A multi-vitamin isn't bad, you might be lackng some vitimans or minerals in your diet.

Those vitams that come in packs of ten and look like horse pills are unnecessary, Just a gimmick so you think your are getting more.

Protein works.

Most of the shit you see on tv, magazine ads and what not are dubious at best, ripped fuel, power punch, andotestioneeeee, whatever cool sounding name with a high price tag people will buy the shit, it don't work.


Active member
While taking vitamins may not harm anyone, Scientific American has published study after study over the years showing how ineffectual and worthless they really are to human health.

If you want your body to absorb vitamins, they need to be ingested as a whole with enzymes included (whole apple, whole orange or raw vegetable for instance). without the enzymes, the vitamins are just washed through your body in the form of yellow piss.

For the most part, supplemental vitamins are totally worthless. You the consumer think you need them due to supreme marketing efforts.

My 2 cents.


Active member
wanna feel better . start juicing no not roids a juicing machine . my acme unit croaked. either getting the juiceman unit or maybe the one montel is pushing


Super Pump 250 gives me noticeably more stamina, and a more pumped up look after a work out. When I use it I can lift greater weight and do a few more sets and/or reps.


While taking vitamins may not harm anyone, Scientific American has published study after study over the years showing how ineffectual and worthless they really are to human health.

What studies? Maybe with certain compounds but most vitamin and mineral supplements raise blood levels of that corresponding nutrient which contributes to human health if it was otherwise low. This is pretty heavily documented in various nutrition journals, google scholar has a ton of hits.


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