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I've never found a single vitamin or supplement that noticably changed my health


Active member
Oh i gave u a laugh did i?

U make a blatant swipe at me inferring the Mrs was... well u know damn fucking well what u meant.. then u try to deflect my straight up advice for u.. urve never talked to me not once in this forum ever and u decide to take a jab at me for your own humourous benefit.

Then when i defend my gf of many year's honour, u go on the defensive trying to downplay what u said.

Suck my dick you fucking faggot i would break your face if i had the chance

Ban me mods if you think its appropriate.. i don't give a fuck

As for DGR you are lucky im not standing in front of you i would machine you bitch

wow someone went down in flames.


Active member
when bs was asked what his lady was doing to bring home germs ,my mind thought of daycare or teacher not anything sketchy like . man did bs get mad . ooh well


Is that what happens when you smoke too much haze? Sheesh. Punk threatened me in PM and karma ratings, too. I just don't understand all the anger out of him.

I must have hit some unknown sore point. I had a girlfriend once that was just incredible in bed. I jokingly said I was going to leave money on the night stand. Realize we were living together so it wasn't like it was a booty call. She got really pissed. Come to find out she was once a stripper. Doh!

Sorry about the intermission. Back to your regular scheduled programming.


Vitamins are rarely harmful - A and Iron are the only ones that you could conceivably poison yourself on.
E is something that does not work well if you overdose for an extended period. You can get pretty sick. If you're on coumadin (a blood thinner) and eat foods with a lot of K, or take supplements with K in it, you're in for a serious world of hurt.


If you try, you can overdose on anything. Interactions with prescription drugs or prolonged overdosing doesn't mean that the vitamins are dangerous....


L-Theanine is one that I definitely noticed effects from.

Get the Suntheanine Brand, I take it everyday before and during work to help alleviate stress from dealing with people. (can get it at vitamin shop)
Theanine is cool stuff...promotes alpha wave production in your brain just like when you meditate. It's a natural component of green tea and one of the reasons green tea has less of an edge than coffee as there's no theanine in coffee. Monks in Japan have used green tea for centuries. They get the caffeine kick to keep them awake during meditation but the theanine promotes a meditative mind state. I always got a bit groggy afterward like a melatonin hangover but maybe I was taking too much.

Take some germanium sesquioxide and place under your tongue. It's been awhile and can't remember how much but you get a blast from that. Helps oxygenation and man did I feel it! Maybe 250 mg? Maybe 500 mg? Don't thin kit was more than a gram.

Asea is very cool stuff and works. You really notice it if you're heavy into hard work or exercise, run, bike, hike, etc. Before when you would hit a wall take Asea and you just keep on going and going. You go to an entirely new level. It takes a few weeks to really kick in but when really exerting yourself you feel like the Energizer bunny. For the average person not too much effect. It really shines in the situations I mentioned.

ImmunExtra from Allera Health is cool stuff for people with allergy issues. Not saying it's guaranteed to work but well researched and documented.


But they are a huge money maker, so why tell the truth about them? I think we all know how corrupt big pharma is.

Hate to rain on your conspiracy parade, but big pharma is an OPPONENT of the vitamin and supplement industry.
It is well documented that pharmaceutical lobbies are behind much of the anti-supplement legislation that has been proposed, as well as a lot of the bashing you read in the news.

Which makes total sense- they'd rather keep you sick and paying exorbitant prices for pharmaceuticals then have you stay well using relatively low cost supplements.

So I agree about the corrupt part...


If you try, you can overdose on anything. Interactions with prescription drugs or prolonged overdosing doesn't mean that the vitamins are dangerous....
That's reasonable. What I mentioned about Vitamin K is not a drug interaction. Vitamin K and coumadin kind of do the same thing. Not an interaction.

Yeah you can die from drinking too much water too fast. Still though some synthetic vitamins can cause issues if over consumed. Take too much Vitamin C and...you'll be on the toilet. Take too much magnesium and...you'll be on the toilet.

I like the whole food approach. If you take supplements I'd focus on things like whole food extracts such as spirulina, chlorella, grass extracts, plant/fruit extracts, etc. Most herbs are medicinal but many are nutritive in nature. Chickweed, Miners Lettuce, Lambsquarter are excellent greens to add to your diet. More nutritive than most any green you can buy in the store or grow yourself. Native plants rock.


Agree with you there- I've always felt that a small handful of wild (or maybe "naturalized", cause it isn't really "native") arugula from the yard must be as good as a head of broccoli from the store. Most of our family's (and many other families in our community) medicine comes from herbs we wildcraft from our yard, neighborhood, or the surrounding mountains.

I still take several supplements that come in a bottle though...


ICMag Donor
I dont eat very well ,alot of chicken burittos..Breakfast burritos ..and general fast food and sodas.I had run out of vitamins months ago ,and last week realized how shitty and unbalanced i felt.

They had a sale at Cvs pharmacy ,i got omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil capsules,a daily vitamin and vitamin C.Ive been taing the daily for a week back on now.And i can totally tell the difference,its like something was missing and i felt unhappy and imbalanced.I 100% believe in vitamins ,especially if you have a poot diet.


I do love me some breakfast burritos, but seriously- do yourself a favor and cut down on the sodas and fast food, and try to substitute with some fruits and veggies- it will make an even bigger difference in your health than vitamins.


Active member
Hate to rain on your conspiracy parade, but big pharma is an OPPONENT of the vitamin and supplement industry.
It is well documented that pharmaceutical lobbies are behind much of the anti-supplement legislation that has been proposed, as well as a lot of the bashing you read in the news.

Which makes total sense- they'd rather keep you sick and paying exorbitant prices for pharmaceuticals then have you stay well using relatively low cost supplements.

So I agree about the corrupt part...

Sorry, but it's not my conspiracy parade.
I didn't make this stuff up.
I have taken vitamin supplements all my life, but after doing some research, found that most supplements are not only unnecessary, but can be harmful. If you are deficient in a particular vitamin due to really poor diet or illness, that is one thing . But if you have a balanced diet, vitamin supplements are of no consequence.
There's tons of research to back that up:




"Vitamin pills are a waste of time'. This was the conclusion Rory Collins, Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology at Oxford drew, after leading a five-year trial to establish the effects of supplementing the diets of over 20,500 individuals with a high risk of developing cancer, heart disease and strokes, with high doses of antioxidant vitamins - vitamin C, E and Beta carotene. The study conducted by the Medical Research Council and the British Heart Foundation, published in the Lancet, found no evidence to suggest that these vitamins had beneficial effects in protecting against cancer or heart disease. Professor Collins concluded that eating fresh fruit and vegetables was a better way of protecting the body from disease."

"Last week, a clinical trial found that the vitamins E and C had no effect on cancer rates for men, and another recent study found that they had no effect on heart disease. Last month, a trial on vitamin E and selenium’s effect on prostate cancer ended early due to concern that they were having harmful effects, and doctors also reported recently that vitamin C protects cancer cells, in addition to healthy cells."



Tons more if you look.
Basically, you need to rebut The Journal of the American Medical association, The National Institute Of Health (NIH):tiphat: Oxford University, Harvard, and numerous other universities, medical journals, associations, scientists and doctors, not me.

While there is some disagreement among them on one or more aspects of the overwhelming conclusion, all of them said, "get your vitamins from a healthy diet, not supplements".
Also there is general agreement that vitamin D is the only one that people might not get enough of, depending where they live, ie, in countries where they get little sunlight.
But vitamin D can be harmful if taken in excess, as can many other vitamins, including vitamin E, which I have always thought beneficial, but will now stop taking.

"The official position of the American Academy of Family Physicians is not to recommend vitamins or other supplements for the general population. They say

The decision to provide special dietary intervention or nutrient supplementation must be on an individual basis using the family physician’s best judgment based on evidence of benefit as well as lack of harmful effects. Megadoses of certain vitamins and minerals have been proven to be harmful.




I can easily post literally 100's of links from jama, nih, and dozens of universities about specific studies on specific vitamins showing clearcut health benefits. All you are doing is parroting the exact same thing I already mentioned in this thread- generalized paplum to appeal to uneducated readers.
It's not even worth my time to cut and paste, but I could flood this thread- for every negative "study" you can come up with, I could post dozens of well documented rebuttals.

But believe what the pharmcos feed you- it's your choice...


a basic multi once a day isn't 'excess' and nobody is going to overdose even with a balanced diet.

now if you are popping super multi's multiple times a day and drinking vitamin drinks all day then you may experience issues.


Active member
generalized paplum to appeal to uneducated readers.
It's not even worth my time to cut and paste, but I could flood this thread- for every negative "study" you can come up with, I could post dozens of well documented rebuttals.

So I'm uneducated, and you are enlightened.
Too funny!
You can't even spell pablum.
You can't rebut me, because they are not my studies.
Rebut the scientists & doctors.
You won't because you can't.
Nothing but hot air. a bit of arrogance, and a whole lot of ignorance.


May your race always be in your favor
Vit D 1000mg per day, you'll have a huge increase in energy. I also take Arjuna and a bunch of Ayurvedic supplements.


not vitamin supplement has done anything but make my piss stink

Only thing I have found that give a noticeable difference in how I feel is Juicing organic vegetables and fruits at least one time a day, it will give you dramatic results, I make about 40oz of juice in the morning and pound it. within 15mins I feel it, its like coffee a coffee high without the jitter.

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