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I've got a high tolerance...looking for something to rip my head off!


I smoke a lot...a joint an hour all day, every day. My usual's aren't cutting it any more...they leave me wanting more.

So, here I am...asking...begging...for some suggestions on what to get next. A Sativa for sure...but which one? Who has a RELIABLY potent strain that I can buy in seed right now? I don't want to have to search through 1000 or even 100 plants to find that ONE really potent one. I'm looking for potency only right now. Potent with no ceiling...is that too much to ask?



Senior Member
Lol i love how people can smoke WAY too much pot to the point theyy cant get high, then rather than just cutting back your plan is to find some sort of super strain to keep your habit going. This is NO different than somebody who drinks all day everyday and is looking for stronger booze, you would say this person is an alcoholic, and that they should either learn to set limits like everybody else, and if they simply lack the self control to regulate their own use responsibly, then they probably shouldn't be drinking at all and should quit. Because of prohibition we don't have any set "social norms" like we have developed with alcohal. i think once pot is legal people will start to realize there is a difference between use and abuse. That just because you aren't going to overdose, smash your car into a tree, beat your wife, or become a lifelong addict doesn't mean you can't overdue it, become lazy, put off important deadlines, become less outgoing and social, and have a case of black lung from smoking 12 to 16 joints a day...can you even walk up 3 stories of stairs?!?!.weed is just not strong enough to get you high all day everyday for extended periods of time, and even if it was it wouldn't be good for your lungs or your life...people that spend their entire lives stoned are missing out. pot is great for a little variation on sober consciousness, we cannot understand what it is to be sober, without something else to compare it too but that gate swings both ways. if you are stoned for so long that you have no idea what it is to be totally sober than high becomes the norm and your body learns to IGNORE the high, even though its still there so that you can function somewhat...smoking a joint an hour is crazy and i honestly can't understand how anybody that smokes that much could get anything done in their life...not to mention they are probably the most boring people in the world to have a conversation with...just a zombie...i get carried away occasionally and throughout a day i'll smoke 4 or 5 joints with freinds while disc golfing, but my tolerance builds fast when i do it and i usually take it as a sign to take a break, when my tolerance is at the level i like to keep it at id be retarded for half the day after one joint of chemdog or og kush...in fact i am about a week into a clean session, i figure i'll start again when my next harvest is finished, though that will be about 7 weeks away so ive got some time. it's good to clear your head and get back to accomplishing tasks you have been putting off, personally after 6 months of smoking taking a break is like doing another drug for the first few weeks, i have so much energy now and my appetite dissapeared, lol great way to lose a few pounds...Like it or not though pot is a powerful drug and can be abused, it's better to set time aside to get high and enjoy it, rather than just trying to do everything you normally do high...do yourself a favor and quit for a month, then all strains will take your head off...then grow up and learn some willpower sso you dont just abuse it till you cant get high again!


I smoke a lot...a joint an hour all day, every day. My usual's aren't cutting it any more...they leave me wanting more.

So, here I am...asking...begging...for some suggestions on what to get next. A Sativa for sure...but which one? Who has a RELIABLY potent strain that I can buy in seed right now? I don't want to have to search through 1000 or even 100 plants to find that ONE really potent one. I'm looking for potency only right now. Potent with no ceiling...is that too much to ask?


have a month off smoking and then any strain will hit you.


Well-known member
Gotta agree with the two previous posters. I used to smoke an oz + per week. Now I only smoke now and then and it slams me good every time. Added bonus: Weed lasts me so much longer and I'm not cutting plants early just to have smoke. I'm also not jonesing like a fiend if I do run out. Using all things in moderation is the key.


All the above^^^^^ works well. Or you could just say no to moderation and yes to medication! Go Grindhouse...


pit wisper/ rare strain collector
well i guess you could stop smokin for however long, or you could get your ass on the botique and order yourself some strains from grindhouse. you can smoke all you want and time after time shit will grab you a give you a good shakin lol. just look at grindhouse and i promis youll never look back...................


Well-known member
I smoke a lot...a joint an hour all day, every day. My usual's aren't cutting it any more...they leave me wanting more.

So, here I am...asking...begging...for some suggestions on what to get next. A Sativa for sure...but which one? Who has a RELIABLY potent strain that I can buy in seed right now? I don't want to have to search through 1000 or even 100 plants to find that ONE really potent one. I'm looking for potency only right now. Potent with no ceiling...is that too much to ask?


Just get some reputable strong sativa (Haze, Neville's Haze, Mango Haze, Kali Mist, etc.). Get some strong lights, cure well. When you switch to it, you won't get much high in the beginning but with every day you'll get higher and higher from the same amount, as your tolerance is going down (pure sativas don't develop such tolerance). After 2 weeks you'll be perfect. The transition feels much better than stopping for 2 weeks :)


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Grow lots of plants until you find the one that hits you, but I think the key is having a roster that can keep your body guessing. Super silver haze and ace panama hit me every time.


I smoked for about 15 yrs straight, quit for 18 months, started back up, EVERYTHING was toooo strong. I was almost at the point i was like "wow i dont even enjoy being this high" lol

Strain confusion (always smoking different strains and smoking them in different ways joints, bongs, vapes, edibles, ect....) is a good way too avoid the "blahs" when your a serious smoker, gotta keep all different types on hand, hazes, to kusshes to sativas to indicas.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I smoke a lot of weed to joeser. Just like me, the problem you have is that your "usuals" are probably good smoke - the best youve been able to find, so trying to find better is useless. Ive had the problem you have for the past 20 years and your desire for "more potent" is a pipe dream man.. Listen to the guys above but you dont have to quit for a month. Cut down to a joint a day for a couple of days and then go for 1 day without any.

But dont be misled, as soon as you crank it back up, the doldrums will return. About 3 joints a day are all that one - anyone- can smoke day after day, year after year and still get a good buzz. 4 joints? Ok but a little dull. 5joints? "Am i high?" 6 joints? " Im not really getting high anymore" 7-9 joints? " I cant get a buzz on this shit"......even though that same joint would send 2 weekend smokers off to the hospital crying about overdose.


Active member
indeed if you smoke that much nothing will keep getting you high

been there , done that

it is a great way to suck the fun out of using weed


Thanks for the suggestions... For those of you concerned that I'm "wasting my life"...I'm retired, it's my treat to myself after many years of hard work...

Anyone grow any ACE Sativas? I'm thinking the Golden Tiger? Malawi when it's available?

Capital G

I smoke a lot but, over the years i've found that you have to smoke a variety of exotic. different types of highs keep the experience fresh and exciting. basically, sounds like opening up to indicas and adding concentrates to your flowers would serve you best. bigger joints help as well.

Fluffy Clouds

hi:tiphat: i dont know hows the golden tiger smoke, but im growing it now, im curious if it will be more potent than tom hill haze...

but i have tip for ya

Some dried bud shots before they are stuffed into jars.I can't say enough about the smoke, I've been smoking a few oz of chem D the last few weeks and this SSSDH was a rather refreshing electric high.Smoked the D and some hash all day and the SSSDH cut right through it and had me all baked up and glowing again.Quality in every dept, this individual was quite a find.Very happy to work with her in the future...

hope i dont have to remind you, that its all about pheno hunting...:wave: