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I've always wanted a lung brush.



i've always wanted a lung brush because quite frankly i smoke a lot of pot and i have asthma. yeah yeah i KNOW i should eat it or vaporize it, but i don't like the dosing of eating and i don't seem to get that hi vaping.

so a while back i started experimenting with essential oils. i tested a bunch and found that lemon oil seems to break down resin and oils better than anything else (that i tested). so i place about 20 drops of lemon oil, with a drop or two of Basil oil, into a nebulizer and i inhale it for say 5-10 minutes every day as needed. i've done this intermittently for 8 years.

i find that this combination of essential oils really knocks out the resin from my lungs. it makes me feel great. and in addition i found that i didn't get colds or the flu nearly as often!! no shit. and i've been 'sick' all my life, so i know what i'm talkin' about.

seriously, if i could tell my offspring one and only message before i died, it would be to use essential oils for good health and prevention of disease. it is the single best thing that has ever happened to me, besides POT! pot is just another essential oil, that unfortunately i have to burn for it to work, soooo go essential oils!!!

anybody else have some essential oils or other methods for cleaning out our lungs? i'd luv to hear your idea!



I always wanted to put those fish tank aquarium hoses in my lungs and vacuum out da budder


yup. i like eucalyptus, but i would mix it with lemon oil. eucalyptus is STRONGGG


it requires effort but sweating for 1/2 hour a day releases more toxins than anything. followed by a shower to wash the toxins away. 1/2 hour of cardio or a more effort less method would be a sauna.

also footpads are good at releasing toxins. they use oils and herbs that draw toxins through your feet. Kinoki type but, I would'nt got through Kinoki though they suck as a company but these guys got the same product at a better price and way better customer service.
foot patches
good thread. I'll have to try the nebulizer. Also Shaklee puts out some good cleansing products one is Herblax. It cleanses your colon (were energy transformation takes place).
cleansing is probly the #1 proven way to have more energy and cleaner energy and less fatigue.


could you elaborate a little on how you do it hogg?

no problem bbb! i simply get a cold air essential oil nebulizer, made of glass like this one here (sorry i can't post pics yet) http://www.simplers.com/essential-oil/uses/diffuser.htm

then i fill the bottom portion of the diffuser with my oil of choice, which is primarily lemon oil and a drop or two of something else. whatever i'm in the mood for. i turn on the nebulizer and i put it right up to my mouth and nose and inhale the diffusion directly. i do this for as long as i feel, which is about 5-10 minutes. i don't mess around with diffusing it into the air. that's aromatherapy.

lemon oil is extremely powerful at dissolving THC and burned THC resin. check it out for yourself!! it will break it down immediately and lemon oil is safe for human consumption.

sometimes i will add a drop of basil oil, garlic oil, thyme oil, or clove oil to the lemon oil solution (about 20 drops) . WARNING: do some research, these oils are NO JOKE! they are powerful anti-bacterial anti-viral anti-fungal ointments! just because some silly(but good) hippies are promoting "aroma therapy" does not mean these things aren't strong. for example; basil oil applied by itself is too strong for your skin and it will make it crack if it isn't diluted with olive oil or something else. lemon oil will dissolve some plastics!!!

i like to use organic brands like Simpler's lemon oil. i'm sure that there are a lot of other brands that are good, i just happen to like this one.


bongorilla, i agree! cardio workouts, showers and saunas are awesome.


sometimes after i toke up, i will brush my lungs with lemon oil. it tastes great, and makes me feel great too!

nature's natural solvent and disinfectant!!

pure lemon oil

do it

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
mullein, Verbascum thapsus is a great natural expectorant
that will have you coughing out shit
you can make tea or smoke it too
never used essential oils in this manner though


can you use the vaporizers they use for weed with these oils ??


Where does the resin go when you knock it from your lungs...?

the lemon oil breaks it down to be adsorbed by your body...it's quite powerful stuff really.


Thank god, when I saw this title I pictured someone going into hospital and literally getting a brush put down their throat and into their lungs...*shudder*


You got any links to scientifically back that...?

nope...but you can see for yourself how well lemon oil breaks down burned and unburned resin. just take a drop of pure lemon oil and put it on your own sticky fingers, watch it dissolve!! nature's natural cleaner. why do you think they put it in so many consumer products...it really does work, AND it's safe to consume.