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It's the CLUBS not the GROWERS!!!

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weed fiend
But bro, the problem is, with ppl saying that you only need to fling a li'l water, and POOF!!! You have Top Shelf!!
This is not true--

And we have the op stating a $1600 cost justifies a 4x return, in the eyes of the dispensary he's referencing. I think it's an example of the wholesale/retail market gone unethical.

This is not fortunate.

IMO, tol's comments have been subjugated with additional simplicity. IMO, weed is no harder to grow than any other plant we have the opportunity to experience.

IMO, the growers that supply mmj deserve more of that profit. IMO, an operation that justifies 4x to cover expenses (or whatever reason) isn't justification at all. IMO, 25% of retail is taking advantage of growers.

I can take seeds from shitty weed...and make it bomb-- Have done it plenty!!
It is ALL about what is given...the best genetics will not produce anything worth smoking...without the proper food--:tiphat:
Manufactured rebuttal. Why would one deprive shitty to advance lass than? Will your shitty weed example produce w/o the same care your best genetics example does? If that's the case, it might be to your advantage to go the shitty weed route.

(Yes...if you take great genetics, and give it everything it needs...that is better-- But that is a whole other subject--)
Well, thanks for the reminder. I hope you didn't take what I posted personal.


Game Bred
My cat's breath smells like cat food.

my dogs breath smells like cat poop....



Freedom Fighter
And we have the op stating a $1600 cost justifies a 4x return, in the eyes of the dispensary he's referencing. I think it's an example of the wholesale/retail market gone unethical.

This is not fortunate.

IMO, tol's comments have been subjugated with additional simplicity. IMO, weed is no harder to grow than any other plant we have the opportunity to experience.

IMO, the growers that supply mmj deserve more of that profit. IMO, an operation that justifies 4x to cover expenses (or whatever reason) isn't justification at all. IMO, 25% of retail is taking advantage of growers.

Manufactured rebuttal. Why would one deprive shitty to advance lass than? Will your shitty weed example produce w/o the same care your best genetics example does? If that's the case, it might be to your advantage to go the shitty weed route.

Well, thanks for the reminder. I hope you didn't take what I posted personal.

Oops..I hit the helpful post thing by mistake--
I don't take much on here personal bro-- I'm sure me and you could enjoy a day of blazing together just fine--
But I am a bit confused on your stance-- I thought you were supporting the "Overpriced" thing on the basis that TOL presented--
Here is my stance, just to keep it clear--
If it gets too cheap...none of us would bother growing to sell...I put a whole lot into every plant I grow...and to be reduced to a minimum wage job...well, I would just go back to work as a General Contractor--
But I don't believe it will ever get to that...it is only a few's silly reasoning--
I fully support Legalization, and I believe that if it were to happen, prices will not be effected as much as most fear/hope for--
I do, however think it will make everyone step up their game...if you want to make $$ in this Biz...get good--:tiphat:


weed fiend
yea i agree that prices will lower, but not to some 10 bucks an hour 50 an OZ crap that some want to see.

I'm reluctant to numerize what will happen with my assumption of legalization and pricing. That said, I would hope your cut beats 25% of retail.

good weed will still fetch a solid price in a med state. as long as my OG kush can fetch 200 an OZ im straight...even though i sell it for a steal at 250 now. i can fathom lower prices..honestly i would make a killing off lower prices because of my brokering side business but i dont want to see my growers getting lowballed to shit.
That's a great argument. My idea of a good situation would see growers and consumers closing the 4x disparity. And I realize 4x ain't the gospel. It's just the op's example.

2010 was the biggest flood we have ever seen in california history. you could find OZs of dank on the street for 150 an OZ....but at every single club they were still hawking 60 dollar 8ths and 360 ozs all day because thats simply what people outside of inner circles are willing to pay for good shit...
Maybe the black market should subsidize. Seriously, I recognize your examples as demonstrative of price disparity. IMO, it's a black market legacy that bleeds into the new realm.

IMO, if your price goes down the retail price should reflect accordingly. Doesn't have to be exact. Everything has a way of coming out in the wash so long as growers and consumers don't get taken to the cleaners.


Now in technicolor
Weed is dirt cheap to grow. CannaStats calculates it costs about $4 per ounce for the wattage and nutrients. Here in NYc I've seen pot sell for $800/oz.

You guys keep mentioning legalization and "growers." When it's legalized, there will be only a handful of giant growers supplying most of the US. Moonshine's setup is a pretty good prediction of things to come. I don't know anyone making a living growing tobacco in their basement nor making gin in their bathtub. Maybe you'll be able to fetch big bucks for your homegrown here at a farmer's market.


Active member
IMO, if your price goes down the retail price should reflect accordingly. Doesn't have to be exact. Everything has a way of coming out in the wash so long as growers and consumers don't get taken to the cleaners.

yea and that balance is around 200 an OZ for top shelf...50-100 for sub par crap...eventually thats where i see prices headed..growers can still make some bucks and consumers get a nice price break..


Active member
Weed is dirt cheap to grow. CannaStats calculates it costs about $4 per ounce for the wattage and nutrients. Here in NYc I've seen pot sell for $800/oz.

your kidding right?? based on what calculations lol....4 bucks an ounce is the biggest load of crap ive ever heard...unless you are growing guerilla on someone elses property using your own compost as nutrients.....


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
4 bucks and ounce is absolutely ludicrous.

That doesn't even cover electric in cali. Never mind start up costs and don't even get me started about it being a 24 hour job. There is something to do all the time, everyday.

Anyone who says otherwise isn't growing with the passion that it takes to beat the steadily increasing competition on quality time and time again


weed fiend
Oops..I hit the helpful post thing by mistake--

I hate it when that happens.

I don't take much on here personal bro-- I'm sure me and you could enjoy a day of blazing together just fine--
But I am a bit confused on your stance-- I thought you were supporting the "Overpriced" thing on the basis that TOL presented--
I was being facetious about getting personal, my bad. I did address tol's contribution that weed is easy to grow. I think I even iterated that easy is relative. IMO, I've treated dag with no less respect than he delivers. I just get a little rubbed from the added or ignored context and left field comparisons. But it's easy to point out so I get dag's troll moniker.

When I haven't been addressing hippos and square melons, I've iterated my opinion that 4x isn't ethically justified. But much attention has focused on the niche market, black market and free market.

Here is my stance, just to keep it clear--
If it gets too cheap...none of us would bother growing to sell...I put a whole lot into every plant I grow...and to be reduced to a minimum wage job...well, I would just go back to work as a General Contractor--
But I don't believe it will ever get to that...it is only a few's silly reasoning--
I fully support Legalization, and I believe that if it were to happen, prices will not be effected as much as most fear/hope for--
I do, however think it will make everyone step up their game...if you want to make $$ in this Biz...get good--:tiphat:
I agree with your stance. My personal preference would be for suppliers to enjoy enough profit to stay in the business. And it's my opinion that legalization won't help good growers and quality product. I see at least some of you guys serving the upper class of consumer because few to none will offer that $1300 bottle of cognac at a loss. Might narrow your clientele but the bottom line may justify.

My argument isn't and never was directed against growers. In fact, I have no general beefs with dispensaries. But IMO, the one(s) that justify 4x are not far from being outskeed by their competitors. That or they'll have to back up and regroup. That may seem like I'm suggesting that growers should also take the hit. On the contrary. IMO, if anybody justifies 4x it ain't the dispensary. IMO, they deserve a profit that better reflects the macro.

On the tomatoes and ease of growing, I much prefer growing indoor weed. Granted, I don't have to buy hardware to raise tomatoes, other than gardening implements and stakes. I'd rather be in an air conditioned, indoor environment than toiling in the hot sun. So in my case, indoor weed growing is easier.


Active member
^that makes sense DB but in the real world...the dispensarys are taking a very large risk compared to your average grower. they have their necks out in the open...and the feds can hit a "legal" dispensary whenever they please so of course they have a larger cut at the current time. even harborside in oakland is risking federal charges of drug distribution and rico conspiracy if the law really wants to get technical with the books....

under federal legalization and truely legal co-ops then im sure we will see more reasonable percentages split between grower/dispensary/consumer..


Active member
^that makes sense DB but in the real world...the dispensarys are taking a very large risk compared to your average grower. they have their necks out in the open...and the feds can hit a "legal" dispensary whenever they please so of course they have a larger cut at the current time. even harborside in oakland is risking federal charges of drug distribution and rico conspiracy if the law really wants to get technical with the books....

under federal legalization and truely legal co-ops then im sure we will see more reasonable percentages split between grower/dispensary/consumer..

I dunno how we got back to my original position. Its been a wild trip to Japan inside square and black watermelons. Somewhere cognac and hippos came into the picture. But we're BACK baby!


Game Bred
It's simple really

Top shelf is top shelf no matter what the product and will always fetch a premium price.
I guess that very simple fact got lost Among the weeds of how mean I am. Or whaterve the complaint de jour is.
Try to obfuscate all one likes with attacks on my spelling,grammar,posting style or legality of hippos(I just said the comparison was more apt) the undeniable fact(not subjection,conjection or speculation) is that top shelf products fetch premium prices even in a legal market.
Some would like to ignore that FACT or attempt to diiss it with ad hominem but it is FACT none the less and has been my pemise the whole time.
Well that and growing top shelf is alot harder than tomatoes.


Game Bred
Retail price remains constant as weed has become more legal.
Another fact dismissed as opinion.
Yet the fact remains $100 1/4 in '97
same quarter same price. But now you CAN'T be arrested for it.


I think the question is "when companies are interested in profits, how much will they actually support the cause?"

The answer might change with different owners but the bottom line, if anyone has not learned from the last 50 years or so is that profits suck :)

Unfortunately, at the same time, the biggest cost to us, both private and commercially is the electricity and that will dictate to a large degree..

Are prices too high overall? Absolutely!


weed fiend
... Top shelf is top shelf no matter what the product and will always fetch a premium price.

new argument.

Retail price remains constant as weed has become more legal.

old argument, the one I happen to disagree

the undeniable fact(not subjection,conjection or speculation) is that top shelf products fetch premium prices even in a legal market.

Back to the new... which I never argued. Because you never argued that point either.

As far as I know, nobody's suggested that crap and premium would ever be the same price.

I guess that very simple fact got lost Among the weeds of how mean I am. Or whaterve the complaint de jour is.
Try to obfuscate all one likes with attacks on my spelling,grammar,posting style or legality of hippos...

Mean and victimized. :chin:

Some would like to ignore that FACT or attempt to diiss it with ad hominem but it is FACT none the less and has been my pemise the whole time.

That would depend on which "fact" you opine.


Game Bred
No new arguments or opinions...
Same thing I've been saying all along.
No matter what the product top shelf anything will fetch a premium.

How can you disagree?
Laws have changed prices remain the same.
Do you disagree that laws have changed?
Do you disagree that prices are still the same?
As for my "new" argument about top shelf fetching a premium...
Nothing "new" about it.
I pointed out several examples of high end products fetching premium prices.
You were to busy nit picking spelling to notice.?
(see melons)
Some more examples would luxury cars,fine wine and microbrewed beer.

The rest is your standard ad hominem and is dismessed as such.
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