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Its all about the LIGHT (plant to light ratios)



12plants Topped 3 or 4 times Per 1000w Has always worked best for me..
Veg 3 or 4 weeks.. Flower 7 Weeks..
Purple Strains.. Usually hit Just under a Pound and a Half..


Even in Arcadia I exist
This is where productive growing discussions go bad...

When you start talking about radiation and your science class and being civil.

The threads about plant numbers and light ratios.

I don't give a shit what bulb you use.

What strain?
how many lights?
how many plants?
how much veg time?
how much yield?

Now work your answers into a statement used towards the discussion. Amazing if you can stick to the topic and not try to get into pyscholoigical nerd games.
sorry if I offended any of you. Try going back in the thread and reading what its about and read my initial statement...look at the pretty pictures and try to do something similar

The type of light source will affect the final yield, this is just science, I know you don't care about the science in this, but it's the governing force here.

Even so, here's my info:

What strain? AK-47
how many lights? 1 - 600W
how many plants? 4
how much veg time? 25 days from rooted clone
how much yield? 2.0 - 2.75 ounces per plant depending on feedings.



What strain? Sour D IBL
how many lights? 1 - 400W
how many plants? 1
how much veg time? 45 days from rooted clone
how much yield? about 6.5 ounces per plant

Early flower:


A little later:


Later still:




I get a better yield from 4 plants under a 600 watt lamp than 6, primarily because of better bud quality/density further down the main cola vs more plants, where only the canopy is big, dense, and sticky.

Spacing is important, so is training. With some training I can run 6 plants under a 600 watt lamp and nearly match my yields with 4 plants; nearly but not quite.

Hope that helps.
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Active member
i don't think it's a simple plants/lights ratio... more to do with how efficiently you fill the canopy space with nice tops, no matter the plant numbers (to an extent).

a dedicated veg room is a must imo if you're worried about bottom line, especially with larger ops. keep the flower room running 12/12, 365.


Good stuff guys....im using hortilux eye bulbs...I've thought about supplementing with a mh on a mover between all my systems but my goal is ...

How much top shelf medical herb can we grow with as little electricity, labor, waste and time as possible.

I agree that there is no set number of plants to lights and that its really lame to try to generalize rules like that. Just too many factors involved. When I stumbled upon this thread and saw members making claims I just had to chime in.
many people are stealing power or doing illegal things so money, energy, resources are being wasted or used irresponsibly/carelessly.

We all need to be more efficient..that's a good goal to set everytime...potency and efficiency.


a dedicated veg room is a must imo if you're worried about bottom line, especially with larger ops. keep the flower room running 12/12, [/B]365[/B].

amen! i cut and hang, clean and flip... the bloom room is running before the trim starts later that day.

ps..its a good training tool to have people start by just tending to the veg and if they f*ck it up, its not as costly.


hydr_ stealing power is silly when it cost 6 or 7 cents per kw. its practically free here, as is water. in Hawaii especially or cali, its 4 to 5 times that much... but you are right, conserving resources is a better way to operate for the planet and your pocket.


light per area is a much better measurement than light per plant. and actually, while more lamps usually never hurt, there is a point where the added light becomes inefficient because the plants can only use so much

i think 600w per m² is a good compromise between yield and efficiency. if you instead use 1200w on the same area you wouldnt actually yield double.. more like 30-50% more.. because not all of the added light would actually be used by the plants. if you would only use half, 300w/m², then you'd not yield half, but more like 2/3 of what you would have gotten at 600w/m², because they'd use that little light much more efficiently

that's also why 1gpw is no accomplishment if you lets say use a 600w lamp on 2m². if you however use 2 600w lamps on 1m², then 1gpw would be a HUGE accomplishment



Active member
600's = sissy lights.
light becomes inefficient because the plants can only use so much
not when you set em up right. they can handle it, and when they do they grow fast and big. learning in practice is the key.


learning in practice is the key.

i agree, and i guess 7+ years of growing on more than 5 setups and over 1000 plants total agree with me

600's = sissy lights.

600w are basically the best lights. best power to lumen ratio of all lights (250, 400, 600, 1000), and because they are not as hot as 1000w you can move them closer towards the plants. which is ofc important because light loses strength over distance to the square



Active member
600w are basically the best lights. best power to lumen ratio of all lights (250, 400, 600, 1000), and because they are not as hot as 1000w you can move them closer towards the plants. which is ofc important because light loses strength over distance to the square

600's are most efficient in lumen/watt ratio but are not the best lights for everyone. if i was doing a sog, 4 plants per sq ft 600's could be kept closer to the canopy and would work good but i'd still rather get more weight with the same amount of plants with a 1k. fewer plants per sq ft and 1ks work even better. the closer you move the 6's to the plant the smaller the light footprint which don't work well with larger plants.

fewer, larger plants, easier to stay legal. the penetration of 1ks and the fact that they'll produce more weight than a 600 in the same area makes them a better choice imo. i guess you could put 2 6's over a 4x4 but you'd need twice the lights and you wouldn't get the penetration of a 1k, pretty impractical.

in other words.. 16, 1oz plants under 6's or 16, 2oz plants under 1k's. i'd rather pay a bit more in elec. and get twice the weight from a given number of plants and not meet bubba.

just my opinion, didn't mean to offend anyone with the sissy comment.


room 1
6 lamps/36 plants 8 lbs (0.61g/w)
room 2
10 lamps/24plants 12.5 lbs (0.57g/w)
room 3
12 lamps/ 30 plants 18 lbs (0.68g/w)
room 4
6 lamps/ 24 plants 10 lbs (0.75g/w)

I think using 48 plants with 12 lamps would have been your best yield ever!

Your best yeild is the room 4!

Your conlcusion are wrong! Room 3 had more light / plant and you yield more but LESS GRAM/WATT!


You lab tested?

I just don't see 25% coming off 30w/ft^2
$3000/lb is to much for regs (not +20% THC)

And if you are pullin like you say, why waste time working for some loser that profits off your input when they aren't there? More than $30k per year on your own time is gravy.

You go look at the shelf in legal territory. 10-20% THC all day. Gotta distinguish. Its about the potency and terp output. Any rich person can pump lbs of standard output.

Five times the light...a bunch of veg time, five times the cost of ac and your only clearing 30 more geeeeees.

Better hit the drawing board.

Usually people doing these kinds of things are stealing power though....I don't, im legal, 10x10 space and under 99 plants at all times....means I can sleep well at night and still make it to my real job every morning.

Peace to all...real recognize real

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