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It is gay to name your plants

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Active member
Now first of all, I don't mean gay in a homosexual kind of way, like Perez Hilton or some other asshat like that, I mean gay as in weird or strange.

Everybody has their own techniques and if somebody currently gives names to their plants, then go right ahead and keep on doing it. I'm not trying to change anybody's habits, I'm just offering my two cents on something which I find to be peculiar.

People give names to their kids and to their pets, that I can understand, but I always find it strange when I read some grow journal and somebody has given names to their plants (Jane, Mary, Lisa), as if they were adopted and a part of the family.

Why would somebody personalize something that often gets tortured while it is alive (Supercropping, Nute-burn, starvation etc.), and something that will most likely be killed and destroyed after it is harvested?

If I'm growing 3 Northern Light Plants for example, I'd probably just call them Northern Lights #1, Northern Lights #2, Northern Lights #3. I certainly wouldn't call them Jane, Mary and Lisa.

It's weird to read stuff like - Today I fed Jane and I broke Mary's stem in two places while Lisa got mutilated by a fan blade that was too close for comfort. Tomorrow I'm going to feed Jane extra good and Mary has two more days to live before I kill her (that nasty, stinky bitch). I've been starving Lisa and doing heavy bondage on her for the past few days before I move her out of the closet so that she can get gang raped by Harry and Tom who are just waiting around for their next victims.

Anyhow, carry on. This is just my opinion and I felt like voicing it.



No but you might be in the closet. By gay I mean homosexual. How's talking like your 15 working out for ya?


East Coast Grower
lmao. gay as in weird? I don't think its that weird but I see where your coming from. Maybe this sounds 'gay' but I named my plants because I wanted to be connected to them as I was giving them life and all that. People name things that are close to them i guess is what I'm getting at, sorry for the incoherent rambling


B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
my sweet little snow angels, that's pretty gay
hello big green corn stuffer, that's even gayier
daddies little girly boys, gayiest so far
need more help


Active member
No but you might be in the closet. By gay I mean homosexual.

I'm not gay, as in homosexual, but if I were, I wouldn't have a problem with saying it. Maybe you're gay (not that there's anything wrong with that :dunno:), since you seem to be butthurt by this thread.

How's talking like your 15 working out for ya?

How is spelling like an 8 year old working out for you?

Hint: it's you're and not your


B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Would you name your cow if was off to the slaughter house in 4 months. It's like getting attached to your chickens, can't tell the dif between them either.


Is this thread for real? I sure as hope there isn't any heterosexuality going on in my garden! 100% females here. Gay all the way as far as I am concerned.
Who are you worried about thinking your "gay," anyway ( We know, you mean 'weird')? Your plants? Randy Mcrandom on ICMag that knows you named your plants Lisa, Marge, and Maggie for the sole reason that you started this thread?


Active member
So what do you call your weed from a SOUR DEISEL PLANT???

The breeders name their pot so we can tell what is what......THINK ABOUT IT before you make such a ........ poor post about nothing!

I am aware you may mean naming a SD plant TRISHA but that is the same difference as the SD NAME....Just a way to say what is what...Like our USERNAMES :D


Active member
The breeders name their pot so we can tell what is what......

Yes, breeders name their strains so that they are identifiable to the consumers.

Reading a grow journal about Mary, Jane and Lisa means nothing to the people reading it, except to the one person who actually grew it. Do they expect other people to keep track of silly names and what is what in their journal?


B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
the only nick names i give my pot are, dude that's killer. Or man that's kickass. Other than that i call it what it is, good shit or the strain name. I like putting the word "little" before something. Like my little kush's, it makes me feel like a big man. lol


Active member
So you keep the GAY NAME the BREEDER gave your plant? GREENHEAD?

One plant is different than the other VERY OFTEN... I don't name my plants individually but to make some lame statement that is a bit of a sexual slander towards gays in a public forum is much worse than what you are complaining about.

No I am not gay either... Not that there is anything wrong w/ that :D


Active member
So you keep the GAY NAME the BREEDER gave your plant? GREENHEAD?

If you can't recognize the difference between a breeder naming a particular strain which they have created and a grower with a confusing journal renaming their plants and giving them stupid names, then I don't know what to tell you.



Active member
This post is rediculous and you are very immature.

Don't make gay slurs like a small minded person and don't judge others for something that has no bearing on you IN ANY WAY!

GROW UP and OPEN YOUR MIND... Seems if you like weed you would understand what a POOR RESOURCE PREJUDGING PEOPLE IS!

I get the difference...You obviously don't get what I am saying!
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