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Is weed spiritually good for you?


ICMag Donor
This thread is very interesting and I've not seen ONE single post that actually addressed the OP question. (well, someone posted a bunch of Bible versus but then did nothing to add context to those scenarios...kinda making that all a moot post...and probably moot posts)

I for one...I'll step forward and I say - God - Jesus - Christianity as a result - the Bible being a book that is written to describe to man the character of the a fore mentioned...I believe in all that.

With that in mind, I will also say that my beliefs are not kosher with ANY specific denomination in their entirety, yet I truly feel my opinions on the subject are founded.

1. God created ALL things. Out of all things that man has been able to make or "create", we have yet to create a single BRAND NEW seed. We have not created a NEW SPECIES of plant. That means that God created cannabis.

2. Our bodies were masterfully created to interact with the world around us. We have a specific set of neurons in our body designed specifically for the reception of cannabinoids.

3. Our body is supposed to be a temple - taken care of in spirit and in health. SMOKING as a whole DOES NOT fit into this construct...no way, no how. Edibles though...

4. Things are either of God or of Satan...there is no in between. Things in this world are black and white - grey areas do not exist. ALL things good are of God ... ALL things bad are of Satan. There is NO hierarchy of sin. ALL sin is just that - sin. It is all detestable -it is all the same. Murder the same as a white lie. Theft the same as rape. Greed the same as wasting away and doing nothing.

5. Each and every person on this earth has a life that is uniquely their own. Each and everyone one of us have different struggles that we personally deal with that are of greater burden or consequence to us than they are to others. These are the things that we are all asked to refrain from - things that prevent us as individuals from maintaining and keeping a close relationship with God. Those things change as the relationship matures...just like any relationship.

6. We are all faulty...no one is perfect. We all share this world and as such we all share the same struggles. Our only task .... is not one of judgment. We were created to be creatures of communion and love. At our most lost core ... we are supposed to be reflections of the love that Christ displayed to humanity.

7. There are people in every segment of society that exemplify in the smallest of actions every single day, notions of love. It is our task to cling to those moments that allowed us to express that concern and passion for another...It is our task to love, like a child, unquestioningly...at all times...to all people. After all ... God is love.

That means, in my opinion, there are those of us in this world, who are ACTUALLY CALLED to share the message of love (God) with all those we encounter... ie God needs those of us in the stoner circles to give glory and praise to him for all his wonderful creation...I can't see God being upset at me for enjoying something He created. Trust me, I sing praises when I pull a super frosty bumper crop....and I think God is probably proud of me for tending to something that has been nothing but a resounding blessing in my life with diligence and responsibility. He is also probably glad that I have something in my life that I constantly attribute the benefits of to his creation. In fact, I'd say that cannabis has been an immensely enlightening and beneficial addition to my spiritual life...

Now, I'm sure I'll get laughed at and flamed to no end for this...but whatever. At the end of the day, no matter what you ascribe to, it TAKES FAITH.

I personally, have it in the top 5 first questions to ask God - [as all things (roses grew thorns, pests appeared, etc) are affect by sin as a result of the fall, so says the Book] - "What was your original intention for the plant cannabis - and how / when do we partake together here..."

I think the answer is clearly yes, if you're a Christian.

I am an atheist myself, but I have read about Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus abandoned his family via voices in his head, quit his job and walked the Earth preaching love and tolerance with a group of scragglers he picked up along the way.

Clearly, he was much more interested in a passive, slow way of life. For Jesus, the only worthwhile pursuit a man undertakes is spiritual growth, eventually coming to a place where one can truly love his or her enemy.

This is all obviously retarded, amoral at best but probably closer to flatly immoral, Jesus didn't exist, and the book was written by men seeking to control the plebes. I'd stop following this childishness. But if you insist, clearly, Jesus was closer to a homeless pot-smoking hippie in Humboldt than he was any of the conservative "money money money!" half-wits who constantly invoke his name.

bench warmer

"Good" or "bad" is highly subjective. ;)

Discussions about Spirituality often leaves me feeling further from having any level of understanding of what Spirituality might even be.

As a means of introspection into my own sense of Spirituality, Cannabis has often helped to unlock the chains that seemed to limit my consciousness, freeing it significantly enough to contemplate possibilities within & beyond that which orthodoxies (in my experiences) tended to deaden.

To me, Cannabis is Nature & Nature is Spirit :ying:



Active member
the most Important part of enlightenment

is to decide what it is and what it isn't before you get there

after all, that's what god would do, right

thats a pretty neat attitude, but some things need to be experienced to be understood and you can only make logical decisions from understanding.

basically enlightenment is gaining wisdom.

I would say no because true spiritual practice is about taking responsibility and in my experience many if not most people who use it recreationally (including myself) use it as an escape from responsibility.

you must be responsible to yourself and that means being good to yourself.

enjoy yourself and find pleasure out of life along with learning more about yourself and life. (though the latter part is mostly unavoidable.)

This thread is very interesting and I've not seen ONE single post that actually addressed the OP question. (well, someone posted a bunch of Bible versus but then did nothing to add context to those scenarios...kinda making that all a moot post...and probably moot posts)

I for one...I'll step forward and I say - God - Jesus - Christianity as a result - the Bible being a book that is written to describe to man the character of the a fore mentioned...I believe in all that.

With that in mind, I will also say that my beliefs are not kosher with ANY specific denomination in their entirety, yet I truly feel my opinions on the subject are founded.

1. God created ALL things. Out of all things that man has been able to make or "create", we have yet to create a single BRAND NEW seed. We have not created a NEW SPECIES of plant. That means that God created cannabis.
well, im not gonna argue your faith. :)
2. Our bodies were masterfully created to interact with the world around us. We have a specific set of neurons in our body designed specifically for the reception of cannabinoids.

3. Our body is supposed to be a temple - taken care of in spirit and in health. SMOKING as a whole DOES NOT fit into this construct...no way, no how. Edibles though...
why must things be so serious? a temple?
4. Things are either of God or of Satan...there is no in between. Things in this world are black and white - grey areas do not exist. ALL things good are of God ... ALL things bad are of Satan. There is NO hierarchy of sin. ALL sin is just that - sin. It is all detestable -it is all the same. Murder the same as a white lie. Theft the same as rape. Greed the same as wasting away and doing nothing.
thats bit extreme, comparing hurting someone physically to removing their possessions.
5. Each and every person on this earth has a life that is uniquely their own. Each and everyone one of us have different struggles that we personally deal with that are of greater burden or consequence to us than they are to others. These are the things that we are all asked to refrain from - things that prevent us as individuals from maintaining and keeping a close relationship with God. Those things change as the relationship matures...just like any relationship.
so you talk with god and he answers back?

and tells you to be nice and shit?

takes 2 to make a relationship.

6. We are all faulty...no one is perfect. We all share this world and as such we all share the same struggles. Our only task .... is not one of judgment. We were created to be creatures of communion and love. At our most lost core ... we are supposed to be reflections of the love that Christ displayed to humanity.
our innermost core is love.
7. There are people in every segment of society that exemplify in the smallest of actions every single day, notions of love. It is our task to cling to those moments that allowed us to express that concern and passion for another...It is our task to love, like a child, unquestioningly...at all times...to all people. After all ... God is love.
the more you understand, the more you love.
That means, in my opinion, there are those of us in this world, who are ACTUALLY CALLED to share the message of love (God) with all those we encounter... ie God needs those of us in the stoner circles to give glory and praise to him for all his wonderful creationwhy does god need glory and praise?...I can't see God being upset at me for enjoying something He created.does pure love get upset? Trust me, I sing praises when I pull a super frosty bumper crop....and I think God is probably proud of meisnt pride a sin? It goeth before a fall.. for tending to something that has been nothing but a resounding blessing in my life with diligence and responsibility.great things are going good for you. :) He is also probably glad that I have something in my life that I constantly attribute the benefits of to his creation.undoubtedly, one who loves all, cares for all. In fact, I'd say that cannabis has been an immensely enlightening and beneficial addition to my spiritual life...
it can do that, with the proper mindset.
Now, I'm sure I'll get laughed at and flamed to no end for this...but whatever. At the end of the day, no matter what you ascribe to, it TAKES FAITH.
the problem people have with the bible, is that the first half resoundingly does not fit with the second half´s message of unity and peace and love.

even some parts of the second part do not fit with the message of love and look to have been tampered with. (for sure actually.. :))

i personally dont need the bible to love , nor god, but im happy that you found solace in it :)

I personally, have it in the top 5 first questions to ask God - [as all things (roses grew thorns, pests appeared, etc) are affect by sin as a result of the fall, so says the Book] - "What was your original intention for the plant cannabis - and how / when do we partake together here..."


i would say that cannabis was put here to mellow people the fuck out. ;)


May your race always be in your favor
You can have God, but you don't need all the fundamentalist B.S. that goes with it.\
just my opinion


ICMag Donor
SSO....to keep the conversation to topic and in realms of TOU I can't really address some of the greater specifics of the how/why/what of parts of it. But I do appreciate that you took time to look at the different pieces in a constructive way.

If you care to have me ACTUALLY answer some of your highlighted areas, I will do so in a PM. Not because I plan to be all preachy...but simply because I don't want to deviate outside the construct of ---->cannabis-religion-judgement-right/wrong<----

Not to say my first post didn't do that a bit as well though...lol. ;)

I think religion as a whole is made WAY too complex. I would guess my experiences with it (religion as a whole) are drastically different than most. It is something I have spent a great deal pondering in life and researching and studying and listening and attending and processing...origin and such...can't help it. Wired that way. Must ponder the cosmos.



Active member
Weed IS spiritually good for you, if you understand its' properties. If you just smoke it recreationally you might not understand what kind of cleansing it is capable of, and you don't recognize it as a teacher-plant.
I believe religions that have something to hide see cannabis as the devil's plant. After all it brings out the GOD in each of us, the loving energy we're made of.
If your religion doesn't let you try and experience "god" within yourselves then you have been mislead imho.

Man created god in his image, not the other way around.


ICMag Donor
edited for being off topic...

I'll stay out of it b/c I'll end up straying outside guidelines...hehehe. I've put in my two cents...



Active member
SSO....to keep the conversation to topic and in realms of TOU I can't really address some of the greater specifics of the how/why/what of parts of it. But I do appreciate that you took time to look at the different pieces in a constructive way.

If you care to have me ACTUALLY answer some of your highlighted areas, I will do so in a PM. Not because I plan to be all preachy...but simply because I don't want to deviate outside the construct of ---->cannabis-religion-judgement-right/wrong<----

Not to say my first post didn't do that a bit as well though...lol. ;)

I think religion as a whole is made WAY too complex. I would guess my experiences with it (religion as a whole) are drastically different than most. It is something I have spent a great deal pondering in life and researching and studying and listening and attending and processing...origin and such...can't help it. Wired that way. Must ponder the cosmos.


oh sure, you could pm me, why you think god would need praise and glory. :) and feel pride.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I realize the more commonly accepted definitions of spirituality are entwined with religion but I think it's fair to say that spirituality and religion are two different things. That is to say one can be spiritual without believing in any of the commonly accepted religions. To me spirituality is more or less just being in touch with the world around you and recognizing and fulfilling your role in it. If one had to put that into a "God" term (and many see God pretty much this way) one could say God is the world around of us, every person, every animal, plant, element and atom. The religions are really just another way to look at the same things and an attempt to explain the unknown. The biggest one being how did life begin and what is our purpose in life. Since the beginning of known history man has created mythologies to address these things and mordern day religion is just the evolution of that.

So getting back to how weed fits in, weed is just a thing a choice we make, something we do because we like the way it makes us feel. If you become obsessive over it to the point of it being the center of your focus and most everything comes second then it's effecting your spirituality negatively. If however you use it responsibly say to unwind from a stressful day or to help you complete some mundane task and retain a good mood then I say it's a positive part of your spirituality. Thing is in either example it's not the weed that determines the spirituality but rather how you use it.


Active member
Weed IS spiritually good for you, if you understand its' properties. If you just smoke it recreationally you might not understand what kind of cleansing it is capable of, and you don't recognize it as a teacher-plant.

Ok how about a different outlook: some i have noticed took a different turn on and claim that it is good to smoke cannabis to obtain enlightment but once you obtained it smoking is WRONG.

Anyone heard that one?


Active member
Haven't heard of that, but I could imagine it attracting energy of some frequency that doesn't respond to all energycenters in the body, maybe it gets your energy stuck in certain energycenters. :dunno:

EDIT. Oh and if you by Enlightenment mean opening of the 7 chakras and maintaining a "rainbow spectrum"..


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Ok how about a different outlook: some i have noticed took a different turn on and claim that it is good to smoke cannabis to obtain enlightment but once you obtained it smoking is WRONG.

Anyone heard that one?

I haven't heard that either but I'm wondering how it's meant? I can agree if the enlightenment tells you that smoking it is bad because smoking anything is bad, I can see where an enlightened person would not want to knowingly harm himself/herself.

If however the suggestion is weed itself is good until enlightenment is obtained and then becomes bad, that I can't agree with. How can the path to enlightenment be bad unless enlightenment itself is bad?


Andinismo Hierbatero
to answer this question you should first provide a definition of what 'spirituality' is; then people can answer under such definition.

and even then, it is still possible to argue the question is loaded, as it leads the answer under a specific arbitrary category.

and if people in general do not agree with your initial definition of what is spirituality, you reach a stasis of definition and the question will not be answered.

why do you ask this question to begin with?

what do you hope to find out through the variety of answers?


Active member
Bombadil: We all have unique paths to work through life so there's not one correct answer.
Spirituality is a conscious effort to evolve ones' spirit imo. And that can be done in infinite ways.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Bombadil: We all have unique paths to work through life so there's not one correct answer.
Spirituality is a conscious effort to evolve ones' spirit imo. And that can be done in infinite ways.


so for one dude cannabis is not spiritual, and for another dude it is.

there's many people who use cannabis and do not even have a concept of spirituality within them, while others have this extravgant idea of spirituality.

who is right, who is wrong?

who knows.

so again, I'd like to know why the initial question was asked, for what purpose? what does he want to find out?


3rd-Eye Jedi
weed is not homogenous nor is it's ability to evoke spirituality

it becomes a strain specific, some weeds "raise the spirit" as I like to call it, really stoke the fires of your soul. Some really get the third eye active, and some can facilitate a reasoning akin to Buddhism and some can evoke the "fear of god" as I like to call it, i.e. social fear and paranoia.

if your receptors aren't clogged with pharmaceuticals (opiates mute if not eliminate majority of these cerebral effect for example) or plethora of other toxins you might find these kinds of effects as a vehicle for envisioning the unseen

the invisible, can be conceptualized through causation much like the wind is "seen" when an eagle glides upwards on a updraft, we can see and understand humanity through the use of marijuana

marijuana helped me conceptualize the living spirit of humanity, and see that it has existed longer than any one person's lifetime, that is an entity in and of itself and whose undeniable existence is the foundation of most dogma and philosophy

i personally think its a weaker mind that would dismisses dogma and philosophy as a tool of control opposed to taking the time to understand them and derive at a conclusion for one's own self

the reality is that they are simply vehicles born from the human mind in an effort to understand the cause and effect of humanity, individually and collectively

anything that helps a human being understand and embrace humanity is all good and the fact that we all have the capacity to do so is more than mere coincidence or circumstance


^^^ Great post Weird! :ying:
I heard many religious fundamentalists say that weed is work of the devil and other such things

So i am asking you can you smoke weed and still be in tight relationship with God?

I'm also inclined to believe this isn't a question someone else can answer for you. What "The Spirit" or our conscience (or what ever you prefer to call it) convicts me as wrong may not be wrong for others. Does smoking strengthen your relationship with God? Only you can answer that.
Most religions preach "all things in moderation". Even the Bible doesn't condone alcohol and some would say that's a far worse drug than marijuana. I'm sure there were far worse drugs than booze around in biblical times. Why was their use not addressed? But, in the bible, God does condone drunkenness ie over indulgence.
Here's food for thought. Despite what Thomas Jefferson (or whom ever it was) said about disregarding unjust laws, the bible and many other religious and spiritual leaders instruct us to respect those in authority over us & follow their laws.
I believe that for some prohibition is not only an unjust law, it's inhumane! But does that make it unjust for everyone? Again, only you can answer that. :2cents:


Active member
Marijuana opens your mind to a broader view of the world, which is positive in a spiritual sense.


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
Yo hubbleman,
after reading your "secret stoner info" thread and a couple others...I think this multidimensional being i just ran across on you tube would be right up your alley if he's not already ;)

Bashar!<--click it

He's a Real Multidimensional Being From Another Planet Summoned Through The Body of This Guy!!!end sarcasm.