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Legalize MJ ! Really? No I mean REALLY?


Just Call me Urkle!!
people are sick of prohibitionists.
people are sick of cowards who hide behind med recs.
people are sick of seeing some joyfully profit from the suffering of others.

your nasty little attitude does more to get this bill passed than 1000 well reasoned arguments.

so thank you and WHEN this bill passes.....you will be our MVP you and grape

FUCK THIS BILL! You vote for it you are a turn coat straight up!!!!!!!!!!!

CHECK THIS FOLKS!!! Insider info you will soon find out, Phillip Morris gave the DEA and CAMP the money they needed to bust people this year. CAMP wasn't going to be doing many fly overs at all but Phillip Morris comes in and gives them something like 10 million (not sure on the exact amount) and they go and buy 800 acre's in Humboldt County!!!!! Oh did I mention the land they buy is from busted growers! That they funded to bust! Talk about some mafia style shit!!!!! All you guys talking "oh corporations aren't going to do anything illegal" That may not be illegal to do but is illmoral I'm so sad after getting this news all I know is I'm fighting the good fight with the folks up north this shit is gonna be war you don't do this kinda shit. If you disagree you shouldn't be on the site as we are all growers and users of this plant and I'm sure we ALL agree it's not cool to send folks to jail over it. This bill is already doing that and hasn't even passed yet!

This shit is going get ugly you are fucking with people's lives...


Active member
I've been medical for years and I've had LOTS of cops, CHP, and DHS agents fuck with me. It's not fun and it's a true waste of resources. Most officers I've ever been arrested by..... 18. That's right 18 LEOs to fuck with 1 "legal" med patient....

Do something right. Let's make sure no one needs to suffer the same atrocities I and others have suffered... This is 2010, no one deserves a felony record for mj.

I'd have to say that is better than a good post,that is an excellent post.:respect:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
FUCK THIS BILL! You vote for it you are a turn coat straight up!!!!!!!!!!!

CHECK THIS FOLKS!!! Insider info you will soon find out, Phillip Morris gave the DEA and CAMP the money they needed to bust people this year. CAMP wasn't going to be doing many fly overs at all but Phillip Morris comes in and gives them something like 10 million (not sure on the exact amount) and they go and buy 800 acre's in Humboldt County!!!!! Oh did I mention the land they buy is from busted growers! That they funded to bust! Talk about some mafia style shit!!!!! All you guys talking "oh corporations aren't going to do anything illegal" That may not be illegal to do but is illmoral I'm so sad after getting this news all I know is I'm fighting the good fight with the folks up north this shit is gonna be war you don't do this kinda shit. If you disagree you shouldn't be on the site as we are all growers and users of this plant and I'm sure we ALL agree it's not cool to send folks to jail over it. This bill is already doing that and hasn't even passed yet!

This shit is going get ugly you are fucking with people's lives...

Funny how so many people think Richard Lee is a bastard for making so much money selling Cannabis and information to patients, yet the ones pointing fingers want to live under 215 and stop Prop 19, mostly because then they can sell at higher prices to patients groups, does anyone else see the hypocrisy of this?
Anyway this will not be decided on this forum, that is for sure, and it is my hope that Prop 19 still has a chance even if many growers vote NO as they seemed to be inclined to do.
I would bet that the older the grower the more likely to vote yes for Prop 19, younger growers may have not seen firsthand the total devastation that Cannabis arrests can bring to families, with age comes experience, something many of the youth are lacking in this issue, in my mind.
I think I will print T-shirts with a simple LOGO....

Me and my buddies will be voting NO on Prop 19...

and then list all the prohibitionist groups, LEO groups, parent groups, that will be voting NO. Then all the NO voters can proudly wear their T-shirt with pride with all their "friends" that will be voting NO with them. Sick hun? Wish I had a picture....
One thing is for sure, all of the people and groups fighting Cannabis legalization, and BTW these LEO groups also fought against 215 from being passed if your memory is short, are not your friends and are laughing like hell at the thought of growers helping them defeat Prop 19, if they needed any more proof that Cannabis makes you go crazy, they got it.
The so called Cannabis community is in a real sad shape to help LEO's defeat Prop 19, or am I wrong?


I guess all of us that are voting yes are just turn coat ya that makes sence.


FUCK THIS BILL! You vote for it you are a turn coat straight up!!!!!!!!!!!
I could argue if you voted against it you are a greedy grower, or an inconsiderate selfish person that has no heart. That isn't willing to sacrifice a little to help a lot of people.

CHECK THIS FOLKS!!! Insider info you will soon find out, Phillip Morris gave the DEA and CAMP the money they needed to bust people this year. CAMP wasn't going to be doing many fly overs at all but Phillip Morris comes in and gives them something like 10 million (not sure on the exact amount) and they go and buy 800 acre's in Humboldt County!!!!!
Links please. So.. Someone took money from someone else to fund something. That happens all the time. If you are afraid of big biz then don't shut out legalization altogether. Just get the masses of people not to buy from them. People are growing illegally now to supply this country, and the same can still be done after it is legal. UNLESS the reason they don't want it passed is because it will cut there own revenue(which it is).

Oh did I mention the land they buy is from busted growers! That they funded to bust! Talk about some mafia style shit!!!!! All you guys talking "oh corporations aren't going to do anything illegal" That may not be illegal to do but is illmoral
If it was legal they couldn't have busted these growers in the first place. No, mafia style shit is what is happening now with marijuana being illegal. Putting people who grow marijuana illegally in jail isn't illegal, IT'S WRONG no doubt.. BUT so is keep marijuana illegal to keep prices high, and demand high, and supply low. Charging sick people, most of whom are on a fixed income, huge amounts of money for something that is cheap as dirt to grow. Those selfish greedy bastards deserve to rot. If you help them then you should too.

I'm so sad after getting this news all I know is I'm fighting the good fight with the folks up north this shit is gonna be war you don't do this kinda shit. If you disagree you shouldn't be on the site as we are all growers and users of this plant and I'm sure we ALL agree it's not cool to send folks to jail over it. This bill is already doing that and hasn't even passed yet!
Fighting the good fight.. You are fighting to keep illegal marijuana growers in business. You are fighting to keep supply low and demand high. You are fighting to keep the violence that goes hand in hand with illegality. Your are fighting to keep sick people paying their arms and legs to get their medicine. Your fighting your neighbors and fellow citizens to be on the same side with the 'right' people.

If you disagree you shouldn't be on the site as we are all growers and users of this plant and I'm sure we ALL agree it's not cool to send folks to jail over it. This bill is already doing that and hasn't even passed yet!
I disagree that people should vote no. I agree that everyone here loves marijuana on some level or another, and that it isn't right to send people to jail for being involved with marijuana in any way.

This bill is already doing that and hasn't even passed yet!
Really.. can you not see that this shit happens everyday. REGARDLESS of wether or not this bill was even introduced. People go to jail everyday for marijuana. The only way to stop that is to either: a) overthrow the government or b) make it legal.

This shit is going get ugly you are fucking with people's lives...
It is already ugly..

If you grow marijuana by the lbs and grow it illegally right now. The only thing that will change after this bill is you will need a business license, and have rules to follow.

Go to jail for years or follow the rules.. HMM such a hard fuckin decision.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
its ok with me if the bill passes it will probably be a good thing overall, but a lot of post have come around lately with people crying for legalization and making exaggerated points. It is pretty safe here in cali even without a med card that's all.

Some of us are thinking beyond the current moment. Some of us are thinking with a larger perspective than one state. FULL LEGALIZATION (even with regulation) in California is likely to set the dominoes in motion which will be wonderful for all of the US and the US is the #1 nation urging other nations to continue prohibition and the drug war. If the US backs down, many in the rest of the world will back down as well.

Please consider thinking beyond the borders of your own state and your own country.

Grapeman is TRYING to do that with all his bellyaching about the USDA. Hopefully he understands by now that the USDA can't get involved until it's federally legal and by the time it's federally legal, many things will have changed in the landscape.


Game Bred
FUCK THIS BILL! You vote for it you are a turn coat straight up!!!!!!!!!!!

CHECK THIS FOLKS!!! Insider info you will soon find out, Phillip Morris gave the DEA and CAMP the money they needed to bust people this year. CAMP wasn't going to be doing many fly overs at all but Phillip Morris comes in and gives them something like 10 million (not sure on the exact amount) and they go and buy 800 acre's in Humboldt County!!!!! Oh did I mention the land they buy is from busted growers! That they funded to bust! Talk about some mafia style shit!!!!! All you guys talking "oh corporations aren't going to do anything illegal" That may not be illegal to do but is illmoral I'm so sad after getting this news all I know is I'm fighting the good fight with the folks up north this shit is gonna be war you don't do this kinda shit. If you disagree you shouldn't be on the site as we are all growers and users of this plant and I'm sure we ALL agree it's not cool to send folks to jail over it. This bill is already doing that and hasn't even passed yet!

This shit is going get ugly you are fucking with people's lives...

your first bullshit claim was that they had already bought up thousands of acres...i disproved that bullshit simply enough. now you claim "insider" information about some dea and phillip morris conspiracy?

i have insider information that says Obama is a closet bud head and he misses the old "garberville green" strain from the 80's. so he has ordered the dea to leave growers in ET alone so he can find it.

see how that works?


.....All worried about whether pot is legal or not and ya gots the biggest oil spill.... ever... endin' life as ya may have known it....fuck this shit and yer bigger picture....I'm way mo' worried about what is goin' down in the ocean myself. If I could vote YES and get that ended I would. If I could vote YES and end these stupid wars I would. They still raidin' clubs here.....they will still raid if it were legal...I shed not one tear. Yer gonna need yer "legal" bud when yer peelin' down a face of oil slick. I say legalize all drugs....I might need them......fields of poppy on every corner.....talk about vision of the bigger picture. We're such a selfish life form....

....on a positive note: there are plenty of jobs in the oil clean up business....and ya may not have to relocate too far....


Sorcerer's Apprentice
.....All worried about whether pot is legal or not and ya gots the biggest oil spill.... ever... endin' life as ya may have known it...

I discuss the biggest oil spill ever on International Oilspillagraphic.

On this forum I like to discuss things cannabis related.

Guest 88950

damn Thunderkle, you got called out. looks like you are NOT fighting the good fight. your fighting to protect profits.

Grapeman, i see you going on the attack w/o providing anything to back up what you say. you expect all of us reading to just believe that you know the FDA requirements / guidelines well. why should anyone believe your word, post links to back up your statements. thats how this site works.

and no im not their room mate either


If you notice PABLOS the title of this thread is marijuana legalization. That's why we are talking about marijuana legalization here..

There is a thread about the oil leak were we talk about the oil leak.. Other people are worried just as much as you. Just because we don't talk about that and only that doesn't mean we are concerned or worried, so don't try to make it out that just because we aren't only talking about that we are cold hearted or something.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Whatever laugh at me and my crazy shit all you want but you see it happen and the live's of the people who have kept you high all these years gets crushed and it's not just a few big farmers here. You are talking about a WHOLE NETWORK of people from trimmers, to bud tenders to clone vendors who have been making there living this way for the last 5-30 years!

I agree this oil spill is fucked up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They can CAP IT!! My old producer's wife's family has been in the oil biz her whole life. Her pops says this shit has happened many times before and we NEVER HEAR ABOUT IT!!! They cap the shit easily this is all a big smoke screen for something bigger and I'm truly worried about what that's going to be....

Motherfuckers think our gov wont do this or the corps wont do that but yet it's rained JELLY IN THE TRIANGLE!!! Would you like the results? I truly feel the next civil war coming the way these assholes are playing!!!

The sample my family member kept and had analyzed contained the following....

OL = Optimal Level

Our Rainwater:

Acetone: 3.5x's the OL in parts per million

Barium: 22x's the OL in parts per thousand

Kerosene: 44x's the OL in parts per million (Not actually Kerosene but a Kerosene lookalike. Not diesel, because test was negative for benzene which is present in diesel)

Now that right there sounds like they are trying to ruin the crops up there and fuck with peoples health. Vertigo, forgetfulness, violent vomiting and shitting like crazy is what folks went through after the shit fell from the sky. Now my family up there are no growers but have a lovely garden with orchids and all kinds of other flowers and native plants from the pigmy forest. Well most of the plants died turned yellow and DIED!!! This bill is hurting more people than it will be helping. Like The Pablos said they will still raid and people will still go to jail over it. I'm sorry to those in other states looking to us in Cali to lead the way with Legalization but the way it's been going they are going to hire their own crews and push everybody in the med scene out on their ass. Growers are already standing together on this shit you may want to be careful who you are talking to now being all about this bill cuz folks are fighting for their families and that's when it gets real....


Just Call me Urkle!!
damn Thunderkle, you got called out. looks like you are NOT fighting the good fight. your fighting to protect profits.

Grapeman, i see you going on the attack w/o providing anything to back up what you say. you expect all of us reading to just believe that you know the FDA requirements / guidelines well. why should anyone believe your word, post links to back up your statements. thats how this site works.

and no im not their room mate either

Fuck you bro I am fighting the good fighting the good fight and you fucks are straight red coats in the shit. Call me out? Go to a real grower meeting if you know ANY real growers and hear what's going on SERIOUSLY this shit is not a joke. Get a job for the big guys pushing us all out and see what happens on your way to work!!! You'll see the news was only given yesterday in the circle of cats I know so I'm sure as the days progress it will come out. I'm not the only one willing to stand and fight for this there are a lot of us....


ok Anti....right on.....pot whether legal or not....just is not the most pressin' issue.....that's all I'm sayin'. In the light of thingys....I have mo' pressin' issues to deal with then. I probably should delete my account as I'm not seein' this these forums as fun or even interestin' anymo'.....I'm growin' my herbs....legal or not....and actually prefer the shade.....as in: Made in the Shade.....has nothin' to do with makin' a livin' or anythin' else...just the way I prefer it. Hope that's ok with everyone (obviously not)......and if not......it doesn't change a damn thing.....I'll still grow.....freedom is a state of mind. Late...p

Same point back to ya bobby.....come out to California broham....I can show the bigger picture about yer cause. Fuckin' yawn....dude...really......don't think yer coldhearted....just misguided in yer priorities....do ya even grow?....or are ya waitin' fer them to tell ya it's ok?.......I notice a lot of thingys bobby.....yer lack of history here....just one of them.

Guest 88950

Fuck you bro I am fighting the good fighting the good fight and you fucks are straight red coats in the shit. Call me out? Go to a real grower meeting if you know ANY real growers and hear what's going on SERIOUSLY this shit is not a joke. Get a job for the big guys pushing us all out and see what happens on your way to work!!! You'll see the news was only given yesterday in the circle of cats I know so I'm sure as the days progress it will come out. I'm not the only one willing to stand and fight for this there are a lot of us....

No, I don’t know any REAL growers b/c im in fla. Not in youre “circle of cats” there in Cali.

I use Cannabis for spasms and as a Legit Patient I have to fear years in prison for growing my meds b/c of where I live. Wether you like it or not Californias attitude and laws regarding Cannabis directly affect every non medical state. We are trying to change the laws in fla to allow Medical Cannabis, PUFMM.org, and when im out advocating change most people know about Medical Cannabis ONLY b/c of the laws in Cali so a Legalization bill in Cali would be a HUGE step forward for the other 36 non medical states.

What gets me is the bickering between those who will probably be the deciding factor in the vote for legalization and all I see is the DEA & LEO laughing at the Division between those trying to Unite.

THEY WIN, not you, not Real Medical Patients

Im sorry that real communities will be affected financially IF legalization occurs but instead of bitching & moaning about being pushed out by $$$ from Big Corp why not band together, you are well on your way with your “Circle of Cats” who are REAL growers, and pool your $$$ and compete with Big Corp.

It seems to me that yall cats need to pony up the $$$ to compete in a free market or find other work like Medical Cannabis Consultant to Big Corp.

in a changing environment The Dinosaurs go extinct.

Im a med patient in a non med state that lives with the realization that Cali does affect the rest of the USA and their perception of Cannabis and IM A RED COAT!

[FONT=&quot]BRAVO, you sound like a real winner.[/FONT]

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Thundurkle man. you have stated exactly why we should legalize. Because until then Companies like phillip morris can do that evil stuff. Even if they didnt do it.

The best way to weaken that company is to take money away from it. pot legalized in just cali alone will do just that. why would people want keep smoking cigs. Do you know how many people would never even try a cig if weed was available to them? Not many. Phillip morris knows this. They also know they will eventually kill all their customers, and depend on hooking young smokers still.

If they even did it, Phillip Morris didnt want to take their land to grow on it. There is much better land to grow weed on for sure than northern cali. It is just used because that is where the growers and hippies went to stay remote at the end of the 60's

If they financed CAMP to have growers busted, they did it so they could take out their competition for tobacco not weed. They bought the land to keep other buyers from growing on it. phillip morris cant grow on it because they have to follow the federal laws they have helped institute over the years. they made their cancerous bed, and if cali legalizes then they will have to lye in it.
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Fuck you bro I am fighting the good fighting the good fight and you fucks are straight red coats in the shit. Call me out? Go to a real grower meeting if you know ANY real growers and hear what's going on SERIOUSLY this shit is not a joke. Get a job for the big guys pushing us all out and see what happens on your way to work!!! You'll see the news was only given yesterday in the circle of cats I know so I'm sure as the days progress it will come out. I'm not the only one willing to stand and fight for this there are a lot of us....

it sounds like you are being convinced by some fear mongering to vote no. The growers promoting this fear mongering will never compromise because they are scared they cant compete in a legal market. Please do not punish the rest of the country to keep a small group profitable, with out competition.

dont punish the rest o the country because they cant handle capitalism. They have lived up there in their little grower community bubbles and have built a life that is built and depends on those prices. They even rat out new growers to the paid off cops to keep competition out of the emerald triangle.

This is no less crooked than phillip morris.

I could say you are a turn coat as well (but i dont think you are), if you want to play that game too. I think it shows patriotism to sacrifice some profit to keep your nice neighbor, and fellow citizens out of prison. voting yes is patriotic. I also see legalizing hemp production as patriotic. everyone keeps forgetting about the hemp market. BP loves that. They dont want us to know about hemp.

In the end though, I think demand across the nation will sky rocket, as cali pot logic catches on with the globe. I really dont see prices dropping much

If I were you i would be more worried about the jelly rain. that shit fucked up
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Gert Lush

Active member
It always amazes me how those who say they want to keep cannabis "Free" and "out of the hands of the System", are quite happy to hide behind the proverbial skirts of a bunch of sick people, and abuse a law/loophole that was - ultimately - granted to them by that very same System which they oppose so much. Ooooh, so, so much...
What a bunch of heroes, every single one of them.

But hey, if they really meant what they said, they'd be doing this in Arizona... wonder why they're not?



I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
all these fools will understand when theres NO MONEY to be made off ganja anymore. when the big corps come in you better believe shits gonna drop. $1000/lb in no time i mean shit look at how cheap it already is.

Gert Lush

Active member
Well, that ain't a bad thing, is it?
The purpose of ganja is not to make money from it.
Make money from hemp, fibre, hemp-oil as vehicle fuel, etc.

Why the fuck should anyone make easy money from ganja?
Although I am still sure that there will be a good market for expensive, high-quality ganja, like there is for wine, cigars, Scotch and other luxury items.
Big corps won't do it - too niche.
Connoisseurs will, but it will require some work.
Oh, dear, did I say a bad word?

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