shamanism = "technique of religious ecstasy"
but most serious stoner's agree mdma is actually pretty shallow/fake experience.
I heard many religious fundamentalists say that weed is work of the devil and other such things
So i am asking you can you smoke weed and still be in tight relationship with God?
Let me tell you of this dream i had few month back.
I was in some big city. and as i come out of the car a person points to me a park on the other side of the road.
This park is unlike anything i have ever seen. Its got young people in it 99% and these people, they emit love and vibes i only ever experienced when in love or on mdma.
Their vibe felt sooo strong and the impression i got from this is that is the park where evolved souls hang out, and no drugs were involved!
Their vibe was so strong and beautiful that it matches and even exceeds pleasure i had from my most intense mdma/weed experiences.
I never knew such things could be experienced sober, because the current of love in that park was soo high, only previous experiences on entheogens come close