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Is weed spiritually good for you?


Active member
I heard many religious fundamentalists say that weed is work of the devil and other such things

So i am asking you can you smoke weed and still be in tight relationship with God?


Active member
Further more, will you be smoking weed in heaven when/if you get there?

A man once said: if smoking isn't allowed in heaven i am not coming.
But i think he was talking about pipe tobacco :biggrin:


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cannabis has quite often been found in the graves of shamans, what does that tell you? :)


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but does benign a shaman means you are close to god?

I think a shaman is someone who has developed their psychic abilities but does it mean he is holy / a saint?


shamanism = "technique of religious ecstasy"



Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of benevolent and malevolent spirits, who typically enters a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing.

As masters of the spiritual world and cannabis found in theyre graves says to me yes cannabis is spiritually good for you.

For me it calmes me down and ups my spirit and puts me in a good mood for the most part.


Active member
Next question: isn't weed and mdma and other similar things can be considered "fake" or "artificial" love, when really you should live your life straight and earn and experience love first hand without entheogens?


Active member
mdma, does not create love.

it creates ecstasy (the chemical released when you orgasm, mdma releases it and prevents it from degrading for a few hours.)

and orgasm is not love. ;) (it can be an expression of love.)

mushrooms for example, enhance feelings.

weed can either raise you or relax you.

on weed being spiritual and connecting you with god?

well, so say some and if it helps them? hey, who is anyone to say they are wrong?

holy men of india smoke it.

connecting with god..

well, if god is love, then you need to be love to connect with god.

fear gets in the way.

anger and hate too.

and then you know that everytime love speaks in your heart, that is god speaking.

some say that. :) though personally i like just calling it love, god is more an idea to me, some guy sitting up there and judging does not work for me.

to me god would be more of an force, dont have a god really.

i speak to life sometimes and life speaks to me. lol



Nice post sso, Hubbleman Im not sure about your question as I never met god to see if he approves of weed, or even know if god exists.
But if he exists then he created weed.

Most major religions want you to go through them to access god (eg confessing your sins to catholic priest) hence they ban/frown on things that give you personal spiritual/mystical awareness/experience.

Mdma is not like weed, weed is a plant, mdma a synthetic drug.
I hear some people say it is amazing, but most serious stoner's agree mdma is actually pretty shallow/fake experience.


Active member
see, if god is a person, then god is just another person.

might be the most advanced person around, but still a person.

also might be something you are an ant to. :) (persons can grow infinitely large. spiritually and native americans speak of the great spirit.)

but when i look at life,

where is god?

i see life responding to me and me to it.

i see myself motivated by simple things, food, shelter.

i see myself motivated by base emotions, horny, stuff like that.

i see myself motivated, by fear and love.

i see other people and animals included, respond the same, being motivated by the same.

i see the cosmos and the still life, the earth and the elements, operating on simple principles.

physics have shown us that same as the vedics thought, life might be unreal on a certain level.

but still, things operate on simple principles.

and same goes for people.


where is god?

well, lets see.

god(s) allegedly speak to people, so therefore do we know..

there is the, apart from everything yet everything sprung from it version, completely out of reach, it needs nothing yet is essential to everything.

there is that god.

then there is the sitting on a throne and casting seeds into a field and then judging which corn came up good or bad god.

then there is the nicer version of him, but still retaining hell.

the modern version is that god is good and just and lets leave it at that, now hush child. :)

but anyways, if god is a person, the you´d approach and talk to god as a person.

and if god is love (that is a person who is perfectly enlightened and always responding from and out of love.)

then god should be really nice. ;)

and easily approached, if you approach with love.

but some say the tiniest whisper in your mind, that is god.

its all conjuncture, make up your own mind. :D


Active member
Let me tell you of this dream i had few month back.

I was in some big city. and as i come out of the car a person points to me a park on the other side of the road.

This park is unlike anything i have ever seen. Its got young people in it 99% and these people, they emit love and vibes i only ever experienced when in love or on mdma.

Their vibe felt sooo strong and the impression i got from this is that is the park where evolved souls hang out, and no drugs were involved!

Their vibe was so strong and beautiful that it matches and even exceeds pleasure i had from my most intense mdma/weed experiences.

I never knew such things could be experienced sober, because the current of love in that park was soo high, only previous experiences on entheogens come close


Scholastic Warrior
Sounds like the people in the park had already grown in their own beautiful ways from past substance experiences of enlightenment.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I heard many religious fundamentalists say that weed is work of the devil and other such things

So i am asking you can you smoke weed and still be in tight relationship with God?

There is an entire religion called Rastafarianism that used it as there sacred herb. It is an essential part of there religion. Bob Marley was part of it. It is all about peace, love, and wisdom through the sacred herb.

Let me tell you of this dream i had few month back.

I was in some big city. and as i come out of the car a person points to me a park on the other side of the road.

This park is unlike anything i have ever seen. Its got young people in it 99% and these people, they emit love and vibes i only ever experienced when in love or on mdma.

Their vibe felt sooo strong and the impression i got from this is that is the park where evolved souls hang out, and no drugs were involved!

Their vibe was so strong and beautiful that it matches and even exceeds pleasure i had from my most intense mdma/weed experiences.

I never knew such things could be experienced sober, because the current of love in that park was soo high, only previous experiences on entheogens come close

Want more cool dreams like that start taking Lecithin supplement. It is brain food. it increases dmt production, and lower your tolerance to weed. In fact I'm about to go get some.



The Lord said unto me, 'I will take my rest and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs.' " -- Isaiah 18:4-5

God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat." … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31)

For so the Lord said unto me, "I will take my rest and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs. For afore harvest, when the bud is perfect and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks and take away and cut down the branches." (Isaiah 18:4-5)
Moreover, the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 23 Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even 250 shekels, and of qaneh-bosm [cannabis] 250 shekels, 24 And of cassia 500 shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of oil olive an hin: 25 And thou shalt make it an oil of holy anointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil. 26 And thous shalt anoint the tabernacle of the congregation therewith, and the ark of the testimony, 27 And the table and all his vessels, and the candlestick ahd his vessels, and the altar of incense, 28 And the altar of burnt offerings with all his vessels, and the laver and his foot. 29 And thou shalt sanctify them, that they may be most holy: whatsoever toucheth them shall be holy. (Exodus 30:22-29)

this is about wine, referring to escapism
Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wine unto those of heavy hearts. Let him drink and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more. (Prov. 31:6-7)

it is really up to you to decide. Are you a good person? do you think your actions are respectable? Does weed influence you in a negative way? If you smoke to relax, hang with friends or otherwise be chill, ya it is probably ok. If you smoke and then go jack a car so you can get more, you might want to make a few changes. Fuck going to church. Church has become more corrupt than government. Read the bible for yourself outside of church. The storys are very different when the pastor doesnt sound bite them. If that doesnt work for you try reading some Buddhist teachings. Maybe go for a long walk and site quietly somewhere and think about it.


Active member
cannabis and the like, have this to do with love,

they relax and loosen us up, make us forget our worries (and our fears at best)

and help to bring out our natural state.

and our natural state is love.

look at the offspring of all the species, look at the actions of the mothers and the fathers.

look at a lil kitten or a puppy (raised in love in a good home.)

we learn to fear.

love we crave from the beginning, hugs and kisses and play.

its just that we have to learn to give it too. :)


Active member
well, without god.

we still have to explain, how things came to be, why things came to be.

why things fit as they do.

why life exists, how it came to exist, did it always exist?

why single cell organisms just decide to evolve?

how did life decide to grow eyes?

i dont know about you, but i cant just decide to grow some new organ.

why could the first life forms? and if not.

is life sentient?

the totality of life sentient, somewhat like a beehive?

how did all these rules of come into being?

if life doesnt just decide what next to do (make sexes f.e)

then where are the mutations of life just spontaneously evolving without direction?

why is it that, a creature can be relocated geographically and a few generations later be evolved to fit the location better?

how did such marvelously complex bodies come into being?


im not saying there is a god, but it seems kinda weird, if all this , just happened.

out of all the chaos that could have been, this rather orderly existence is.

doesnt that strike you as odd?

it just happened, clears it up for you?

evolution, big bang and thats it?


Active member
hehe, maybe in the beginning all the spirits came together and created life.

or maybe in the infinite universe, great spirits create life all the time and have children who grow up to be great spirits and create their own worlds. ad infinitum. maybe , why not? :D


being too serious about this, however, is ridiculous, these are big questions, so big that we dont even know if they are questions or if they are the right one´s.

its just a conversation sprung from idea´s.

humanity hasnt really delved long into these matters with any science. (meaning serious study using logic.)

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