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Is war on drugs worth it? Maybe not, new FBI data suggest.


Legalizing x but not z is not the right attitude. Controlling and regulating a substance not only decreases crime, but it also decreases addiction. Look at alcohol. Although there are many alcoholics out there, there are many resources out there to help them with their addiction. Proper education, opening more treatment centres, and just overall showing the REAL truths behind these other drugs is what we need to do, not incarcerating a user just because he likes to get a little fucked up sometimes.

And just because coke and heroin are labeled "hard drugs", it doesn't mean that everyone who uses them is or will become an addict. That's the kind of crap you hear from DARE, and it simply isn't true.

I always look at the issue and compare it to alcohol. Sure, it's readily available everywhere, and everybody knows the risks.. yet people STILL purchase and consume the drug. An alcohol addiction can be just as life threatening as H, so you can't say "well alcohol is just ALCOHOL.. heroin is much worse!" It's more addictive, yes, but shouldn't we leave the choice to use that drug up to the individual?


Nicotine is highly addictive, and has a very similar effect on the brains dopamine levels as heroin. Unlike alcohol, you can't die from heroin withdrawal. Let's see how where illicit drugs fall in the annual causes of death in the US:

Annual Causes of Death in the United States (2000)

Tobacco 435,000
Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity 365,000
Alcohol 85,000
Microbial Agents 75,000
Toxic Agents 55,000
Motor Vehicle Crashes 26,347
Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs 32,000
Suicide 30,622
Incidents Involving Firearms 29,000
Homicide 20,308
Sexual Behaviors 20,000
All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect 17,000 (HEROIN CRACK COCAINE METH X)
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin 7,600
Marijuana 0

So, it seems laziness, fast food, and cigarettes kill more people than everything else combined.


Active member
anyone i've ever known who has done cocaine or heroin has always ended in a shambles after a few years of abuse..except for one person (not me..just sum1 who dabbled and never got hooked, and can probably dabble to this day, weird unique personality) .. i've done my share of C, luckily .. i finally had enuff and figured i wasn't gonna go nowhere if i kept that monkey on my back. thousands of dollars later, no joke..

the dumber you are.. the harder it is to come to the realization that it's not a good habit. the longer you do it, the harder it is to stop. i too said nah, not me.. never! but there i was fiending and jonsing, handing over 100s of dollars for some more every other day. yeah, me too.. that's when i said nah, this ain't gonna work, it has to stop..slowed down, and then cold turkey roughed it out. never H tho, i don't think it would be that easy...i just never tried it. wouldn't want to go thru the C thing all over again.

one person (close) died from C.. at a young age. C costs more then H, so if you're short cash you start selling all your shit, you start reasoning out that damn i don't realy need this anymore.. here take my xbox.. etc.. it becomes one of the most important things to you, and money loses its value too, 100s fly out of your hand without thinking..

H is cheap.. lasts a long time...probably a great high.. but duh, if ur smart u can see what happenz

H had a very successful friend of mine lose their job, car, drivers license..credit, you name it. and they never fully recovered. even tho i think they stopped now 10 years later.. or so they say 'yeah im clean! seriously! i got my license back!'

H caused one friend to lose their kids custody, and lives on welfare in shit in the ghetto now, and probably will never amount to anything. not so bright..doing it just makes you look run down and beaten after a while..

i know quite a few smokers, and that's all they do (as far as i know) they have houses, cars, jobs, kids, etc.

i'm all for the herbal being legals, but i think the harder ones should stay somewhat illegal, and rather then prosecute buyers and addicts, offer them treatment if caught or found bottomed out somewhere. with no criminal record.

but being available to anyone who wants it, isn't that what we have now? just ask your dealer for some if you want it that badly..and if your one of the lucky ones, maybe you will lose all your shit too. if it was in the store, we'd have many more addicts, i'm sure. many more weed smokers if that was legal yeah, but we all know that ain't a big deal.

maybe another way would be to legalize it, and heavily control it - like if you desire harder drugs, you can get them, but they ain't sold in any stores.. you have to apply, through your doctor or some agency to get it.. and then only special places can sell them to you, but..when you pick it up, all you are bombarded with is its "time to quit", "we can help you" w/free treatment centers, apply here..etc messages forced down your throat everytime you go in to pick it up...and eventually people will hit rock bottom and sign up to the programs.

but weed can be sold along side of alcohol in liquor stores, for sure.

oh yeah, i vote!



imagine a drug that is a clear liquid that causes sensations similar to GHB (acts on GABA receptors) causing feel good sensations. But higher doses result in loss of consciousness, slowing respiration, sometimes causing death. long term use causes loss of brain cells, liver failure, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer, epilepsy, nerve damage, and heart failure. It addictive, with withdrawal symptoms include seizures and death.

It's available at your nearest hardcore heavy users club (i.e. a bar). Alcohol is a hardcore drug. We are all just used to it being around. One reason I'm not an abuser is because being hungover sucks ass. Just like withdrawing from heroin sucks ass, or being cracked out after smoking some rock. You see what crackheads look like. I don't think people are going to run to the nearest dispensary and get some rocks and shoot up. If you want to, then that's your right in my opinion. Everyone I know who wants to smoke cracks is already smoking crack. It's where there money is going that is the problem.


Sorry Doctor. Sudden withdrawal by heavily dependent users who are in poor health is occasionally fatal, although heroin withdrawal is considered much less dangerous than alcohol or barbiturate withdrawal.


Active member
it takes a lot of work .. physically (actual drinking liquid) and a long time to get to the point of hardcore dilerium tremens alcoholic withdrawel states..that's why everyone isn't a major alcoholic, most can just occasionally have a beer or two..or be social weekend drinkers.. sure personality plays a factor..if your more of an abusive type then sure you're gonna hit it hard and harder and if its in your genes..you're gonna get hooked to it..sure you got people who drink every weekend, but i dunno if you can really say they are addicts to it..they abuse it sure..but i dunno if they would die if you took it away from them..i think one of the issues here to explain to people is you really shouldn't be driving or operating heavy machinery while using it..all these years and people still havent figured that out. lol.

not so with C or H, i'd think about 5 or 6 sessions you'd pretty much work it into your permanent weekend plan, then every few days, then possibly your DAILY. it's a very easy and a quick delivery..feels much better..less work, more gain..you hit end game rock bottom 50x faster then alcohol..and those who probably wouldn't become alcoholics even if forced to drink daily i guarentee will become addicted and abuse those other substances..even if they only have a handful of experiences w/them...think about the person in your life who you think would never ever be addicted or even do any of those substances...would be hooked for sure.. then the lying, and BS..downhill spiril starts much more quickly..you really can't do them responsibly without it taking a turn for the worse, in either a year, or two, or three..

and if you are currently using and believe you are in control, really thats the problem w/it..its not so bad, until your sitting in an alley with your hands on your head thinking wtf im so sick, wtf am i doing here, etc..and im sure that is not what you wanted..

if they become freely available..this will be the case for those which would not normally try it because it was so easily obtainable..i dont want my kid taking heroin, or coke, will it stop them, only time will tell..but ain't gonna get one past me thats for sure.

u take a major alcoholic, a useless heroin addict, an anorexic cokehead, and a pot head who all have been doing it abusively for 5+ years and put them on an island w/no substances...which one do u wanna be for the next 36-48 hrs?

sure who cares what anyone does..make it all legal..but those who are gonna do C or H or whatever, are gonna do it no matter what ..legal or illegal..sometimes u gotta protect the stupid and believe those w/the experience that it aint no good..or maybe some are just not there yet..when does the meth head say ok maybe i should stop..thats the last of my teeth that just fell out!!

i dont want the post to sound like a preaching post, cause whatever anyone does you know ..its your own thing..definately jail and criminal records should be removed from the situation..you aren't a criminal if you have a disease.. but just keep your head on straight and know when enough is enough..and get out before its too late..and think if where your at now..is really where you wanna be.




Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
^ praise some asshole?

that statement coming from a guy who gave people those records for life... what pure bullshit

I take quotes from people who lead a good life and live a good life, not ones who have spread such harm and then think there clear by changing there mind of all the bullshit they cast there whole life..

Yeah, because cops and cops alone are responsible for the laws that are passed. :rolleyes:

But when some stand up and say "Hey, this is not what we signed on for, this is ridiculous" you spit on 'em. Not all cops are bad, just like all growers are not drug kingpins.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
I go through chocolate chip cookie with draw, that is bad. I get a horible rumbling in my tummy, that is only conquered my cookies. m&m's help too.

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