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Blunts, Where did they Come From ? and when will they leave !

Greetings from the EASTCOAST my fellow bud buddies, bwhahha bud buddies i like that. I will start off this thread saying I am from the Tri-State Area. Now that thats out of the way, the main point of this thread is to hopefuly educate some young bucks, or even smart people on other parts of the US that dont see this craze goin on. What craze ? The blunt craze !

I know rolling marijuana in cigars has been around for a while,ever since the backwoods days before there was dutches and phillys,optimos and swishers, the newly US jamacian citzens would stuff the fucking backwoods with there yard weed.Weed rolled in cigars mainly started as a special treat type thing, where a group of friends could enjoy almost an hr of inhaleing and exhaling marijuana thru a smooth slow burning blunt. The while circle,and passing the blunt around was almost cerimonial. But yet agian only done from time to time, when large group of friends wanted to relax and really enjoy weed.

The blunt has then turned into a way to make the smoking experice last longer, whats gona burn longer some mids in a nice sheet of paper or, mids wrapped in trated tabbaco leaf.

This was then spread all around the lower income potsmokers (unfortanitly mainly the more urban un educated areas, and spead like wildfire.

Then people started running with the method using diff types of cigars with flavor, giving people in these areas more of a reason to smoke there weed with because the weed in the lower income urban areas was usally dirt, so these flavored tabbaco blunts would make the weed smoke taste more pleasant. IE Vanilla,Honey,Strawberry,Peach,Grape

and the ultimate factor in the spread of blunt smoking is (once agian sad to say)
..................HIPHOP .................................
aww man, weed and music has been togethor forever, and weed and hiphop, well lets just say with the upward hustling/thug trend , weed and hiphop are preety much hand and hand :(

So these fuckking rappers, majority whom have came from these lower income areas on the EAST COAST(where hiphop was born) obvious rap about there lifestyle , and or course they rap about weed, but always referring to blunts. Now that we have reached the WWF level of hiphop and everything and everyone has a "swagger" and is using as much designer clothing,diamonds, and guns to lure kids into there music, not to mention, you will allllllllllllllllllllllways catch these cats with blunts in there mouth at all media/interviews they do. Fuckin majority of them cant even inhale the blunts and talk about how they smoke each day.

Anyway that shit spreaded around my way NYC, like motherfucking wild fire. Im telling you guys out here if u ask the majority of smokers to hit a pipe or bong there gona look at you like your crazy. Dutch and Philly cigars get sold out at mad convience stores goin thru boxes a day(30 cigars).

Most of us on this site are daily smokers or have been, Imagine smoking a tabacco blunt with ur weed everyday, and if u smoke a few times a day imagine once agian all that tabbacco. And its cigar tabbaco outerleaf, the ones which u are not supposed to inhale, well id say 50% of the youth poplulation overhere smokes at least 3 Blunts a day to the face if that, some going on years and years of this. Ive noticed a big change in alot of people when becoming blunt smokers, more psyical than anything but still.

Where Im trying to get at is this is my generations thing, no generation has really been blunt smoking like mine, and we have yet to see the effect. I really think there needs to be some type of movement in these areas to get these kids off blunts, To be honest. Im a daily blunt smoker, I hate bongs, and from smoking so much the vape wont do it to me.

When the ALEDA first came to the US I was at ever convience store i found (probly 50 in my 4 city radius) and sold them to the shops hoping it would appeal to the young kids ,yet keep there lungs healthy. anyway that shit fuckin flopped because the kids were just to used to blunts, and did not like the taste.

Anyone else have any input, Im know im not the only hood that is feelin bad for these kids who dont got a clue, it's really not there fault.

Id also like to add that another fuckin reason blunts go so hard in my area is the abundance of PIFF,HAZE,UPTOWN,FRANKIES whatever u wana call it. SHIT IS ALLLLLWAYS WET so if these little g's try and roll up a joint, that shit aint burnin rite ever ! SO they automaticly just think papers suck, when really its the non properly dried or cured nugg.

im tired and high

peace to the gods



Im gonna be honest here, I F*!@*n hate blunts!! Always have probably always will. I feel you SS You and I are probably around the same age as Ive seen this "Blunt Craze" go on now for 15+ years. I smoke only the best organic or super flushed hydro granja so Ive always hated how blunts fuck that taste up. Kids think there "cool" cuz they smoke blunts, its sad to say the least. As long as mainstream hip hop continues to perpetuate the "Blunt Craze" kids will keep smoking them.



Custom User Title
Better to smoke blunts than ciggs. One of my best smoking memories was me and 3 friends in a tent in an apartment living room passing around a blunt for like 45 minutes. Talk about ripped...

I only smoke them on special occasions, but I don't see any reason to preach against them. If all the can get is dirt or wet stuff then why not smoke blunts?


Active member
I dislike blunts just because I'd roll 3x what I put in my pipe. Same amount in a blunt just doesnt do it for me.

the only time I'd really WANT to roll one for my own enjoyment would be with a car full of homies and a big bag of some average herb. :smoke:

not a fan of those peach optimos though, had too many and burned myself out I guess :biglaugh:
I also wanted to add that just like the hiphop craze, this blunt craze is even reaching the suburan kids, and once agian its spreaddddddding and becoming the NORM !


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Forgive my ignorance. I thought blunt simply referred to the shape. Does a blunt require tobacco wrappings?


Blunts have been around for longer than you think. When I was in highschool over 15 years ago, we would ceremoniously light up trees after school with about 10-15 people. White, black, mexicano it didn't matter. Everyone got together, threw down, and got lit.

sow the seeds

I used to smoke about 7 blunts a day 4 years ago. They're good for groups, but otherwise yeck! Smoking nothing but blunts also makes ya cough up a whole lot more brown/black shit.

Now the guys I work with always want me to smoke a blunt of dirt mids with em. I even offered to smoke em out with FFA, ECSD, MSS, blueberry, etc out of a pipe...they decline and say they'll only hit it if its in a blunt mixed with their MIDS! Their loss. I just can't understand why they're so fanatical about blunts.
I understand how certain people dont like pipes, I know the only reason I still smoke them is because I enjoy smoking while doing shit, and not having to relight my joint 10 times or pack a bowl is great. The other reason is 10 years of vanilla dutch habbits, and yea well im hooked.. I also dont enjoy the burnt ash taste that kinda comes alongs with bongs and pipes, it sounds funny but to me weed actully taste better in blunts, but agian the vanilla dutch taste + weed is normal to me. and the lassssst reason i still smoke blunts is my lungs are not like the used to be, plus i deff have some congestion problems, so on a nice tite(not to tite) blunt I can take soft pulls, and kinda "sip" on the blunt, I have an Ulcer and this is the only way I could smoke.. When im chillen with my white boy stoner friends, they always pull out there 1 footer and im not the type to say no and only smoke blunts or joints, but i deff irratate my lungs everytime and get smoked stuck in my nose wich is never plesant. I am in the process of cutting down my blunt smoking, usally only 1 a nite for now. Im in the process of searching for a king sized joint paper, that will burn even and slow like dutches, So far the only papers i fuck with are "Bambu" the king sized, they seem to burn the slowest and most even, anyone have any other recomendations ?

ohh i also forgot to mention, rolling with cigars can also be done, with less neg effect on your body, alot of the kids like to roll with as much paper and as long as possible to keep there cypher going, this is a BIG NO NO. The more skilled of a blunt smoker/roller you are the less paper u usally use.Me and the og's whove been burning L's for over 10 years only roll with the thin outerleaf of dutches. This is the best way possible, but most cant manage to do it.

Obviously the other route is just to make them stubby and fat, the pulls will be wayyyyy better than a long pinner, ull have less tabbaco to weed ratio, plus that shit was cheif and last as long as the LONG WAYS ones.

and for those of you that roll inner leaf and wrap with outer, a good trick is to roll the outer leaf into somewhat of a cylender like u would with a dollar ur gona use to snort something(???)and then just rip it in half, use just half of it to wrap the rolled inner back up, deff will imporve the taste, lessen ur tabbaco input, while still burning slow.

If you kids stilllllll wana smoke blunts all day everyday. You can also implement a joint paper. In stead of using the tabbaco inner paper to roll the tree, roll a joint like u would normal, but wrap it with the light outer leaf...

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
we were smoking blunts in the way early 90's.
i know they were used long before i started smoking.
its just a diff way to smoke.
i smoked blunts for a long time.
worst part is that alot of my buddies couldnt roll blunts.
i was like the designated roller for many moons.
even taught all my boys how to twist one up, like school.
i still burn a nice fat blunt once in awhile,
but the blunts back then never saw the true dank it does these days :D

p.s. blunts come 50 in a box

Styles P

i love all ways of smoking but i really love the blunt. i always have a vanilla dutch rolled up. even when im by myself ill smoke a blunt. i can light it sit back and smoke it till im high then dut it out then conveniently place it in my cig pack.


Well-known member
Blunts are just a way for guys to share their saliva as far as I'm concerned. I've always thought it strange that this soggy nasty tobacco product was being passed around, given a blowjob by everyone in the room repeatedly, and they didn't notice any slightly homo-erotic overtones. Fuck that. I don't want to get that close to group of men. What's next, naked oiled up wrestling or circle jerking?

Give me my bubbler any day and don't ask if you can put your lips on it.


eh, who cares, unto each his own

social smoking is a great way for people to chill together and talk

as for homo-erotic overtones, well we're all sucking on pipes, those are your own demons, you need to get over em

I've never worried about sharing a joint leading to a "circle jerk" Honestly I shudder at the thought, it's like saying a handshake could lead to some heavy petting

people share bongs without wiping them down in between

and if someone's slobbering all over the blunt they aren't doing it right

the best bud I've ever smoked was from a Jay rolled in amsterdam anyways, tasted way better then a bong, bubbler, or anything else

it was such a pleasure I wanted to bathe in the smoke

now my volcano, that's another level that I enjoy, but I still don't worry about my friends breaking out into naked oiled up wrestling, hahah


Ever heard of a century Sam? That's how we do it up in Canada.
non of that Philly blunt garbage.
but yea i would take a vap anyday over a blunt.


lives on planet 4:20
for me it all depends where I am smoking

if it is at home I love my glass RooR steamroller...taking perfect hits...and watching how smoke goes along the glass

when in coffeeshops...somewhere in natural surroundings...or in other people's homes...I smoke joints...because it is simpler and looks *normal* more or less


Ganja struetu?
i dont see the problem with soming a blunt. the only time we roll them is when we have a group of friends. other then thats its usually a pipe or personal bongloads.

i actually really enjoy a blunt, almost more then a joint sometimes.


They sell those flavoured 'Royal Blunts' in the shop down the road from me. They are fucking awful things. They stink of sherbert and are almost 1mm thick: it's like trying to roll a joint with fucking cardboard! But; they are the specially made blunt wraps so I don't know what the original cigar wrappers are like? If they are anywhere near as thick as the Royal Blunts or similar crap though, I wouldn't bother wasting my hard grown dank in one. I agree that they ruin the taste of good weed. I only smoke my home grown and think it is too good to waste between some piece of sweet smelling cardboard shite. And because they are so thick, you have to put loads of weed in one to get a decent roll out of it but when you smoke it, it isn't as strong as smoking neat weed in a normal Rizla or through a decent bong, I can't make one last longer than a normal spliff. And finally, they cost over a quid a throw; too much for one smoke, imo.

I don't think they will take off so much over here in the UK. People don't even like those flavoured Rips because they stink and are too thick. We like slim skins more cos you get less taste from the paper. Blunts seem to defeat the object of tasting a nice bit of weed and are just too thick.



Active member
A blunt tastes like a blunt, not what is inside of it.
And it uses an obscene amount of pot.

Besides getting "blunted" I don't really see the upside to it.
As long as hip-hop artists keep flaunting blunts, the urban youth will smoke them.
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