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Is This To Much ( N ) Or Not Enough ?


I have heard of people using maxi bloom in veg with success. the thing i never understood is why they didnt just drop 15$ more and get the maxi gro too. why not get both?

Homer J Pimpin

I use maxibloom from first feeding through harvest. This includes veg. There are lots of growers growing lots of dank with maxibloom as their nute.

I do agree that there's no real reason to be fertilizing a plant that small, though.

Dude. Ever heard of Lucas? Ever heard of FloraNova? Because MaxiBloom is FloraNova without paying for the water.

Lots of growers swear by MaxiBloom (go read 100+ pages of the K.I.S.S. thread if you doubt me) as their primary (or only) fert.

Bashing a guy when you don't even know what's up yourself doesn't show much class.

Once again, I agree that he doesn't need to be giving his plant anything other than ph'd water.


Kool Bloom powder is something you use at the end of harvest for a lil extra smell and swell.

Maxi Bloom is a powder version of FloraNova Bloom, which has been used by many people here and elsewhere for many years with much success. IT's great for beginners because it's harder to fuck it up. FloraNova comes $20/qt. and is mostly water. Maxi Bloom comes $15/2.2 LBS and it comes as a powder that you mix in water. One $15 bag will last me an entire cycle!

So... Yeah... Kool Bloom = end of flower, once. Maxi Bloom = can be used as a one stop shop. (though I recommend the addition of silica and Cal/Mag when needed.)

The part in bold is useful information. The rest is you puffing out your chest and being an internet tough guy.

Welcome to the community.

*The K.I.S.S. Method*

fuck yer kiss shit.........so many variables to consider so dont even try to insult my years of experience with your ultra sensitive lad routine......plus you choose to teach with sugar and spice whilst I choose a more direct aproach.....So I guess you agree with my diagnosis eh merlin? just dont like how I dont blow hot air and fruit loops up yer ass.....right ? So you have a problem with my personality....Well I don't really give a rats ass........


Sorcerer's Apprentice
fuck yer kiss shit.........so many variables to consider so dont even try to insult my years of experience with your ultra sensitive lad routine......plus you choose to teach with sugar and spice whilst I choose a more direct aproach.....So I guess you agree with my diagnosis eh merlin? just dont like how I dont blow hot air and fruit loops up yer ass.....right ? So you have a problem with my personality....Well I don't really give a rats ass........

Yeah. Fuck something that works for lots fo people who post pictures and videos of their grows as evidence. It's clearly bullshit.

Instead, take the high road and act like a prick to anyone who doesn't do it exactly like you!

Bravo Sir!

Well played!

(OP, sorry for mucking up your thread.)

Homer J Pimpin

Yeah. Fuck something that works for lots fo people who post pictures and videos of their grows as evidence. It's clearly bullshit.

Instead, take the high road and act like a prick to anyone who doesn't do it exactly like you!

Bravo Sir!

Well played!

(OP, sorry for mucking up your thread.)

would love to see all the lockout pic's and failed attempts from your kiss bull shit buddy.......But who's gonna post those right.......Oh check my posts I post plenty of pic's too I'd tell ya jus ta check my albums but I got the troll block on um......And why are you straight up lying to the op sayin' sorry.when you aint. your hyper posting style and self rightous giant picture collage clearly says otherwise......


Sorcerer's Apprentice
would love to see all the lockout pic's and failed attempts from your kiss bull shit buddy.......But who's gonna post those right.......Oh check my posts I post plenty of pic's too I'd tell ya jus ta check my albums but I got the troll block on um......

My albums are unlocked. My threads are also unlocked. I post success and failure.

And none of those pics I just posted were mine.

Here are some of mine, in case you wanna try to hurt my feelings:

Nothing in these pics is going to win Pic of the Month
, but you can watch these entire grows from cuttings to harvest. That entire grow was maxibloom + silica with nothing else.

And why are you straight up lying to the op sayin' sorry.when you aint. your hyper posting style and self rightous giant picture collage clearly says otherwise......

I'm posting up pictures of people who have had success with maxibloom. Which is relevant to the OP since he's using maxibloom and getting flamed by some guy about it.

Homer J Pimpin

love the glitter ball in your growroom,,,,,,,,,Maybe I'll hit ya up when I wanna learn how to salsa and tango my way around the plants.......

But as far as growin' weed............well I'll stick to my methods


Sorcerer's Apprentice
But as far as growin' weed............well I'll stick to my methods

Nobody ever called your abilities or methods into question, homie. I'd be happy to smoke any of that stuff with you. Good job!

I wasn't posting my pics as an attempt to wave my dick around. I'm sorry if you took it that way.

My pics are examples of plants that grew with maxibloom (1 tsp per gallon, every watering + 1/4 tsp of ProTekt Silica per gallon) with about a week of plain water at the end.

That was my first grow in coco and I under-watered big time. But I still got 17 zips from 2x400w of some frosty goodness.

Nobody ever said you couldn't get results with other methods. Nobody (least of all me) ever said that KISS was the best method, bar none. Nobody said I was the best grower. I certainly would not claim it.

With all of that said...

Why have you got such a big chip on your shoulder? We're all strangers and we're trying to BUILD a community here. Pissing contests and attitudes don't really help.


Homer J isn't the only one around here acting like a prick to anyone who doesn't do it exactly like them..
i hate how some motherfuckers around here act like they're the only ones who know shit.. I'm not claiming to know it all, but i do know the OP is having a problem and would like insight. and will get better results using something else IN HIS SITUATION... clearly the maxi bloom isn't working with his little plant in veg, we agree on that. There is nothing else you need to be discussing with me. this is not my thread, nor yours.. why do you feel the need to turn this guys thread into your own "maxi bloom is the shit everyone else is wrong thread"?!
i know the difference between maxi and kool. nobody's talking about kool bloom.. move passed that idea, your fixation is making you come off as an ass..
I've been saturated for years in this industry from all angles, son.. i've managed hydro shops (where becoming well familiarized on most all fertilizers is basic), I've been seriously growing since '99 (and I'm not talking little micro in my closet grows). pretty much everyone i know grows, and we all share info. And i'm willing to bet my knowledge runs circles around yours. maybe thats why you're caught up on the "k.i.s.s." method... stupid. you don't even get that not everyone is [stupid]... get over yourself. humble yourself.
this thread isn't even about you. you are not the all mighty. the fact that you defend maxi bloom so rigorously tells me you're afraid there's a better way out there, you just can't figure it out, and don't want anyone else to, either..
I'm just trying to help the OP get on track with the help he's asking for.. without limiting himself to one product; but as to get results..
The OP already stated his course of action, anyways. why are you even commenting on here if not to muck up his thread?? no one's even trying to talk to you or about your maxi crap you swear by. let it go, man...
OP FWIW, ionic is a (but not the only) great one part veg and flower fertilizer. effective and easy for "beginners".



Sorcerer's Apprentice
I'm not claiming to know it all

I never did either. Claimed the opposite, in fact. More than once.

why do you feel the need to turn this guys thread into your own "maxi bloom is the shit everyone else is wrong thread"?!
I don't.

Anti said:
Nobody ever said you couldn't get results with other methods. Nobody (least of all me) ever said that KISS was the best method, bar none. Nobody said I was the best grower. I certainly would not claim it.
Have a nice day!
i really dont understand what the issue is here(with all butthurt arguing going on)... HE HAS A SEEDLING THATS NOT EVEN TWO WEEKS OLD!!!! looks like she's either cold or getting hungry.

Homer J Pimpin

As for me I am a prick........I'm not concerned with how I come across,or what method anyone wants to grow........I said what I did in retort to Anti stating that I didn't understand the lucas formula in conjunction with the kiss method......I clearly do ..........I also think it's cuttin' corners or taking a short cut.......
Imo that encourages problems......I told the guy the right advice in my own voice......people seem to take offence to my voice.......I don't care about that......We all got our own ways,Aint a one of us anymore right or wrong as another..We all got things ta learn from one another......So yea I may be gruff and a dick you may be sweet and sensitive.......We don't havta like these personality traits as individuals...........The point is I gave the guy solid advice.......He just didn't like the sound.......And honestly that's not my problem......


Somebody needs a maxi pad... BWUAHhaHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Jumbo even! Don't know used dozens of ferts during my 30yrs of growing from thousand part ferts to one part even create your own.During all that I have found that maxibloom works, period! Maybe some people don't need to try and get 3 pounds from a 400w light and pump there shit up like it's on steroids, shit they just need to smoke and if maxi gives it to them, good. I've grown some of my best with maxibloom also some of my worst. I don't praise any nutes just what works and maxibloom does. Now young man maxibloom will work in your situation stop giving your plants 5grams and break it down to 2grams until they get a bit more established then bump up gradually til you top out at 7grams. But if you are doing it correctly just get an ec meter fuck weighing and feed accordingly PEACE!.


Im not a new grower ,

iv been growing in soil for quite a while now and iv used maxibloom all the way through with success on my indoor and outdoor plants

I am new to hydro and just dont understand how it all works out yet but im trying to learn

Their are some type of nutes already in soil so the seedlings are getting nutes anyway and they always done fine ,

So at first i thought my dwc is just water so no nutes like in soil so maybe i should give a little , so when the yellow tint started showing i did knot know if it was because of to much or to little

Maybe the seedlings are more nute sensitive in hydro , i dont know but im trying to find out

yes i put her back in soil but only because i did not want to kill her in my dwc

I will try again and next time i wont give any nutes at all for a little while

i posted this thread looking for a little help and shit goes to hell for some reason , just because i said you dont have to insult me does not mean im sensitive , it just means you dont have to insult me

I know i can grow i just got to get the hydro part down

Like i said iv used maxibloom all the way through on my soil grows and they turned out fine

so i just need to learn how to apply it right in hydro

here are a few pics of my soil grows all grown with maxibloom from start to finish


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Seedlings that germinated and are growing in 1300 ppm maxibloom.

I guess you can use it on frikken seedlings, who knew?





weed out the bad n keep the good

weed out the bad n keep the good

that prick homer is the only one who grows mmj here , everyone here grows not just that over confident ass. theres good advice everywere just take in the good info weed out the bad. ok now thats said in my humble opinion bloom ferts grow healthy roots , grow ferts flurish folige or above soil growth. i feel light feedings of both are cridical , most mediums have these already in place. i like fox farm soil myself so untill needing an extra boost of ferts i use water or a light dose of ferts 2mil per gallon even for seedlings , clones they should be fine. again its my humble opinion . take in the good weed out the bad info . maxibloom is a good product , in my experience , are there better products im sure there are worse ones as well. dont let someones negative additude discuradge you learning ask ask and ask again to better get opinions . thats why we are all here , to help and learn. my best wishes bro. peace all.:thank you:


Rubbing my glands together
Anti;4998145 Ever heard of FloraNova? Because MaxiBloom is FloraNova without paying for the water.[/quote said:
You know I keep hearing this. Not calling you or anyone else out over it just saying i jeep hearing this.
A couple of years ago I was trying to decide if I was going to use Maxi grow/bloom or Flora Nova/Bloom. So I did a side by side with the 2 from veg through bloom. Same plants, same set ups, same additives, same lighting, Same size rez's, same EC's, same Ph's, etc
Now, just putting this out there, Flora Nova is thick and dark brown and looks like mud. Maxi Grow/bloom don't look anything like this when mixed with water. Either green or pink water. Maybe just a different base and mixing process or something.
When everything was said and done the table with the Flora Nova vegge'd faster, I actually had to lower the EC for the Maxi Grow to catch up, and the Flora Nova plants yielded bigger, smelled better, tasted better, and seemed to have a better resin profile. Just everything about them was more appealing. I was really hoping the table with the Maxi Grow/Bloom was going to preform about same mainly because it's a cleaner product to use as I had just found out during the grow(doesn't stain the tables like the Flora Nova) but it didn't. I had been using powders for years but they quit making the brand I was using so I had to look for something else and knew how to use powders..
Been using the Flora Nova ever since and the ONLY time I ever regret it is when I clean the table and res, lol