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Is This To Much ( N ) Or Not Enough ?


N.L x Big Bud auto , 11 days old


Maxibloom Nutes -- 1 tsp per gal , P.h 5.8

Im very new to hydro and do not know if im giving her to much nutes or not enough

Her leaves have a slight yellow tint to them and idk if it is because of to much N or not enough N

Can you tell by the pic which is it or if it is even a N problem ?

thanks in advanced for your help


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it looks like it needs more N.

doesn't look overwatered either so should be safe to feed again.

results of feeding again should show pretty soon, say three days ...

don't feed pure N tho or y'll put soil mineral balance out of whack.

if no improvement come back ...


Have you been adding nutes since sprout? Looks small for getting
any nutes


Its from seed not a clone

its an auto 11 days old

1 tsp per gal , should i add more because on the back it says that you can use 1 to 2 tsp per gal


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Its from seed not a clone

its an auto 11 days old

1 tsp per gal , should i add more because on the back it says that you can use 1 to 2 tsp per gal

I meant it was too small for any nutes.


maxibloom? please tell me you haven't given it any of this stuff yet, have you?? its way to strong, and really only to be used on bigger, much more well established plants half way through flowering, on.. do you and your plant a favor; get a mild veg fertilizer and give it a little of that..


I would guess too much N at this point for a seed plant.

You might wanna go to the KISS thread and ask those guys. They know more about Maxi than I do.

At 11 days from seed I would be at less than 1/4 of full strength with my nutes.

Homer J Pimpin

maxi bloom......really ? figured the name alone would be a indication of when to use it......People who don't read before they leap do things like this.....then wind up wondering what they did wrong, your plant is both overferted and in shock from the onslaut........And starving for N.......with a npk of 5-14-15 it's obvious that it's a bloom fert....the available/useable N ratio is alot lower than in a veg based nute......So congrats on over and under feeding at the same time.........change that rez pronto........And give it a light dose of a high N veg/grow nute........


Thanks everyone for your replies and advise


I am new to hydro , you dont have to be such an ass to me

damn , no shit its a bloom fert , its called maxi BLOOM , so i know its for flowering

you dont have to try and insult me the way you did

I did do my reading on things and i used the maxibloom because from what i have read you can use maxibloom from start to finish

If i got that wrong or miss read something then you could just simply tell me whats going on and how to fix it instead of being that way to me

Im trying to learn this shit and doing the best i can for now until i do get the hang of it

And your post was not helpful at all , all it did was discourage me and make me say fuck it and planted her into some soil

Hopefully next time i try to give hydro a go and come across any problems and ask for some help ill get it or at least get pointed in the right direction like the rest of the other posters did

Much thanks to everyone else


Active member

You have read correctly, many people claim you can run Maxi Bloom for the entire plants life. The reasoning behind this is the nutrient profile at 7 grams/gallon is nearly the same as the Lucas Ratio, which is close to the Mel Frank target of 100 N - 100 P - 200 K - 60 Mg. If you want to read up on it here is a good place to start http://www.angelfire.com/cantina/fourtwenty/articles/profiles.htm

In my experience I've had major deficiencies with seedlings and clones when trying to run Maxi Bloom for veg. Just check out my TsiFly thread and I'm sure you will recognize the issues I had with it.



, The Ghost of
I could see why someone would give a bloom fert all the way through an autoflowers cycle. Personally I wouldnt until flowers started to show. Luckily w/ hydro you can turn that around fast. If we dont make mistakes, we dont learn. cheers


Active member
maxibloom? please tell me you haven't given it any of this stuff yet, have you?? its way to strong, and really only to be used on bigger, much more well established plants half way through flowering, on.. do you and your plant a favor; get a mild veg fertilizer and give it a little of that..

RidgeRebel, I believe you are confusing Kool Bloom and Maxi Bloom. :tiphat:


no. Kool bloom, maxi bloom, purple dog shit, whatever you want to call it.. a 5-15-14 ain't right for a little plant like that. I'd use it in the later half of flowering, like i said. Not to say it can't be done, by all means, I'm not saying you can't use it, just that there's something easier, and a better time to use that stuff. But also, i have zero experience with autoflowers so maybe it has something to do with something i just don't know about.

Homer J Pimpin

Thanks everyone for your replies and advise


I am new to hydro , you dont have to be such an ass to me

damn , no shit its a bloom fert , its called maxi BLOOM , so i know its for flowering

you dont have to try and insult me the way you did

I did do my reading on things and i used the maxibloom because from what i have read you can use maxibloom from start to finish

If i got that wrong or miss read something then you could just simply tell me whats going on and how to fix it instead of being that way to me

Im trying to learn this shit and doing the best i can for now until i do get the hang of it

And your post was not helpful at all , all it did was discourage me and make me say fuck it and planted her into some soil

Hopefully next time i try to give hydro a go and come across any problems and ask for some help ill get it or at least get pointed in the right direction like the rest of the other posters did

Much thanks to everyone else

No insult homie but I'm not about being all fake and fluffy.you sound like ya need a hug.......bring it in big fella.there there let it all out......And contrary to your post mine was actually the most helpfull one in this thread.....Perhaps you should re read it....when your feeling a bit less sensitive........I told you what was wrong and how to correct it..........Can I help that because your not strong enough mentally or have thick enough skin that you went and completly freaked out and transplanted into soil........NEWS FLASH...........It dont matter what medium you use the problem is using maxi bloom on a fricken seedling........Now if seedling needed a higher ratio of p & k you'd be all set.........But unfortunatley they need N the most at that stage.........live,learn, grow on.........


Sorcerer's Apprentice
maxibloom? please tell me you haven't given it any of this stuff yet, have you?? its way to strong, and really only to be used on bigger, much more well established plants half way through flowering, on.. do you and your plant a favor; get a mild veg fertilizer and give it a little of that..

I use maxibloom from first feeding through harvest. This includes veg. There are lots of growers growing lots of dank with maxibloom as their nute.

I do agree that there's no real reason to be fertilizing a plant that small, though.

maxi bloom......really ? figured the name alone would be a indication of when to use it......People who don't read before they leap do things like this.....then wind up wondering what they did wrong, your plant is both overferted and in shock from the onslaut........And starving for N.......with a npk of 5-14-15 it's obvious that it's a bloom fert....the available/useable N ratio is alot lower than in a veg based nute......So congrats on over and under feeding at the same time.........change that rez pronto........And give it a light dose of a high N veg/grow nute........

Dude. Ever heard of Lucas? Ever heard of FloraNova? Because MaxiBloom is FloraNova without paying for the water.

Lots of growers swear by MaxiBloom (go read 100+ pages of the K.I.S.S. thread if you doubt me) as their primary (or only) fert.

Bashing a guy when you don't even know what's up yourself doesn't show much class.

Once again, I agree that he doesn't need to be giving his plant anything other than ph'd water.

RidgeRebel, I believe you are confusing Kool Bloom and Maxi Bloom. :tiphat:


no. Kool bloom, maxi bloom, purple dog shit, whatever you want to call it.. a 5-15-14 ain't right for a little plant like that. I'd use it in the later half of flowering, like i said. Not to say it can't be done, by all means, I'm not saying you can't use it, just that there's something easier, and a better time to use that stuff. But also, i have zero experience with autoflowers so maybe it has something to do with something i just don't know about.

Kool Bloom powder is something you use at the end of harvest for a lil extra smell and swell.

Maxi Bloom is a powder version of FloraNova Bloom, which has been used by many people here and elsewhere for many years with much success. IT's great for beginners because it's harder to fuck it up. FloraNova comes $20/qt. and is mostly water. Maxi Bloom comes $15/2.2 LBS and it comes as a powder that you mix in water. One $15 bag will last me an entire cycle!

So... Yeah... Kool Bloom = end of flower, once. Maxi Bloom = can be used as a one stop shop. (though I recommend the addition of silica and Cal/Mag when needed.)

No insult homie but I'm not about being all fake and fluffy.you sound like ya need a hug.......bring it in big fella.there there let it all out......And contrary to your post mine was actually the most helpfull one in this thread.....Perhaps you should re read it....when your feeling a bit less sensitive........I told you what was wrong and how to correct it..........Can I help that because your not strong enough mentally or have thick enough skin that you went and completly freaked out and transplanted into soil........NEWS FLASH...........It dont matter what medium you use the problem is using maxi bloom on a fricken seedling........Now if seedling needed a higher ratio of p & k you'd be all set.........But unfortunatley they need N the most at that stage.........live,learn, grow on.........

The part in bold is useful information. The rest is you puffing out your chest and being an internet tough guy.

Welcome to the community.

*The K.I.S.S. Method*
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Active member
whats the EC(with nutes) & the PH & EC of ya tap. i dont know why people are trying to talk you outta uaing nutes running DWC in that or any stage apart from flush? well you fkin do & you can run bloom nutes all the way through if you know what ya doin. I aint run maxi but im gonna. Ionic is a nice mild NPK fert i like to run to start off in DWC, & ive done it with Veg & bloom nutes. maybe try somthing different untill they kick in, like a plant start nute but i like Ionic is good in that stage.
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