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Is this really how people trim? Really?

I guess I'm just young and spoiled. NO LEAVES.unless the strain in really leafy, or by the time your satisfied with the trimmed bud the bud is gone
First that plant was no where near done, Had 2 weeks left.
Second I never trim wet weed, Cut the big fans off and let it hang to dry before trimming if your worried about quality. Trimming it wet relases all that Chlorophyll onto the nugs and can make it smell like hay.


Active member
wow!........well, I'm with the tender, loving care people here....I guess each to their own...

Here's the kit:


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Senior Member
if it's for my personal i usually dig into the buds, but if it's for sale or if its dried with the leaves still on i just clip em flush to the buds, hell a lot of street pot in this area, it's like they don't even trim up to the buds, they leave the leaves sticking out of the buds like half an inch, and they curl around the buds as they dry, then they just sell it as is, and people here don't seem too mind, as long as the bud under the leaves is good...

ya leaves taste bad, but they do tend to have a LOT more amber trichs on them so i figure just trimming them flush too the bud and not digging in means more amber trichs overall, giving a slightly more fulfilling high even when picked on the early side of ripe...

Second I never trim wet weed, Cut the big fans off and let it hang to dry before trimming if your worried about quality. Trimming it wet relases all that Chlorophyll onto the nugs and can make it smell like hay.
thats not even a little true...clipping your leaves wet doesn't release anything into your pot...your pot smells like hay because you picked a low smell strain like northern lights, or it smells like hay because you pick too early, before the plant made most of it's terpenenes, or a combination of the two...a stinky strain picked when it's fully ripe will not taste like hay, no matter how you trim it, the only thing that can be done to make strain like that taste bad is too jar it before it's dry, because hay is what pot smells like without terpenenes, no terps and you smell the buds, which smell like hay, the leaves don't magically make the buds taste different when you clip them off... and there isn't any way trimming a stinky ripe plant that will cause it to lose all of it's terpenenes so that you smell the plant...

sure you could dry em in the back seat of your car or a microwave but trimming buds while wet does not cause the pot to taste like hay, and when you dry your bud in the right humidity, leaving the leaves on don't slow the dry process down all that much... i used to clip my leaves after the plant dried, untill i realized that it has very little effect on the dry time, clipping buds from the stem can shorten the dry time by a day, and that faster dry will make pot a bit more harsh, but wont change it's flavor from dank to skank in 5 days, it will just be harsh dank instead of smooth dank...skank comes from picking early and growing strains like big bud with no terps really...

nowadays i basically do whatever is most convenient at the time...if i am really busy i'll just spend 10 minutes cutting all my plants and tossing them into my drying rack, then ignore them till i get enough time to trim them, sometimes it's right away, sometimes theyve been drying 2 days, sometime they are fully dry...sometimes i'll only have time to trim a few plants a day, but being as i am very busy most of the time i tend to just try and fit in as many as i can as soon as i can, so i don't end up on day 6 with a full harvest fully dried and ready for jarring, that needs to be completely trimmed before i go to bed, been up till 3 am too many nights trimming and had to wake up a few hours later for work... now if i have time i'll trim the whole harvest when i pick it, and clip em from the stems, and put them on a screen. as long as they are cured for a few weeks the average smoker can't tell any difference between them and plants left to dry whole...frankly after a few weeks curing i doubt i could tell the difference either...

i think a lot of it is just black market wives tales and stoner myth, people spouting things like the quote above that have no basis in any kind of science, and other people accepting it as fact because it sorta sounds right, and there is not a ton of people willing to experiment with a product worth thousands of dollars...god knows industry and government aren't going to be doing any testing on how to make better pot...better to just do it the way everybody else does it and not complain...but the street weed here is never cured and you could literally dry your pot in the microwave and it will still be better than street weed...i say if you have nothing but time and you are a super snobby connoisseur who only grows for personal, sure hang the plant whole and trim every leaf down to the stem...but if you are like me(an average smoker) you won't really be able to tell the difference, and if your customers smoke mostly street weed(non med states) then they will never be able to tell the difference, there just isn't any point digging into the buds for leaves or going way out of your way to dry plants totally whole and all that unless you really want too...trimming it all fresh, cutting it from the stem, and drying on a screen isn't going to ruin your pot by any means, if you are careful(control humidity to slow drying), it can be just as good...
senorsloth, First i said it CAN make you weed smell like hay didnt say it would. Theres very few absolutes in growing, just way to many variables to growsing. Im not the first person to say this, ive read it many times. I grow platnium OG and its top self strain, Very dank stinkly. My friend grew a room full and trimed it all wet, When i went to look at it and opened a bag it straight smelled like hay. I was like wtf did you do. After several questions i finally asked how he trimed it. He trimed it wet and it smelled like hay. So everything you just said is straight bull. Just because you trim wet and it dont smell like hay doesnt mean it cant happen.
Trimming wet weed does nothing but save time.

Neo 420

Active member
The hairs on that bud was still protruding. Had not relaxed yet. That dude pulled hella early......would not smoke his shit. And that was one hell of a sloppy trim. Talk about bag appeal. There are plenty of commercial growers that still trim proper. I know my boys wouldn't buy that either but I guess that how it is when you have access to literally thousands of different products...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
some people pull plants on how they will effect people. Pulling plants early has a more up energetic high maybe that's why they got pulled or maybe they had mites who knows.

I also dont trim wet for the most part. I do take all the larger leaves off and let the entire plant hang dry until she is crispy to the touch. The smaller leave protect the buds IMO helps keep the Tric Heads from falling off. Since I dont grow for anyone but myself. I can take my time on what I want to do or try..So far I like trimming when there semi dry..

Why spend all that time growing fire and then ruin it with the cure. If you are not familiar with curing I would say dont try it. just trim dry your harvest it will be better then a bad cure job..

I have had a few bad Cure's. I really could not track down the cause. Buds smell fine before the cure and are dry 60% Rh. After hardly any smell or a hay aroma.

Most important is to make sure the buds are dry. Do not let them sit in a jar wet far any length of time. 55% Rh is a better # I use now when curing.. Anything above that # is to wet..


The Dude
Me and the wife get down when its wet......buds that is guys, get ya mind outta the gutter...j/k. You do loose some trich heads but I prefer the leaves to be rigid for easy access. I have tried trimming with the fan leaves pulled off an hung but it would mess with my arthritis. I also dry in circular drying racks so they cant be put in there with any leaves. Everyone has their reasons why they leace it on or trim straight from the flower room. They do the same thing, the real magic is in the smell tell and feel. I have never set humidity, I just rack it and keep the air moving ever so lightly an take out when there is moisture in the stems still but a light crisp on nugs. I put them into paper bags for either an hour to 12 hours, every strain drys different. Then when the moisture starts to redistribute from the.stems I jar them an burp every hour for the first day an back off as my nose tells me. IMHO buds have a stank while growing that u want to keep at and there is a point of smell where it gets a lil sweet smell in the jars....thats the point where it can go south if they are kept in the jars too long without burping. If they get to this point they get taken out of jars and back into paper bags for a lil bit to take off more moisture an when they get their good funky smell back its back into jars. This is not THE way buy A way I like to do it.


Bong Smoking News Hound
curing is essential. sometimes cure can take 2 months. must keep it a little most without drying it out all the way. tricky tricky...


First that plant was no where near done, Had 2 weeks left.
Second I never trim wet weed, Cut the big fans off and let it hang to dry before trimming if your worried about quality. Trimming it wet relases all that Chlorophyll onto the nugs and can make it smell like hay.

Lmao...releases chlorophyll? Shut up dude. Stop adding to the Internet rumor mill bullshit. Idiot.


senorsloth, First i said it CAN make you weed smell like hay didnt say it would. Theres very few absolutes in growing, just way to many variables to growsing. Im not the first person to say this, ive read it many times. I grow platnium OG and its top self strain, Very dank stinkly. My friend grew a room full and trimed it all wet, When i went to look at it and opened a bag it straight smelled like hay. I was like wtf did you do. After several questions i finally asked how he trimed it. He trimed it wet and it smelled like hay. So everything you just said is straight bull. Just because you trim wet and it dont smell like hay doesnt mean it cant happen.
Trimming wet weed does nothing but save time.

Is there no limit to your idiocy? You clearly don't grow, and have no fucking clue what you are talking about.


Active member
Most important is to make sure the buds are dry. Do not let them sit in a jar wet far any length of time. 55% Rh is a better # I use now when curing.. Anything above that # is to wet..

I strongly disagree

i have cured weed for 6-8 months at 64-65%

it takes time but at this RH you really get the dank smells coming out but it takes like 3-6 months, before that it smells kinda green

It is true that bring it down quicker to say 55% will give you a good smell quicker but if you have patience, the end result at high RH is tastier and much more aromatic then at a lower RH

Also i have noticed trimming them wet and then curing doest fuck smells up

but i trim them just before jarring and i hang them in a cold attick

So this way smells stay constant and get stronger and stronger

I do agree with you that a cure is not necessary at all and better just drying and packing then a bad cure

I used to trim fresh and very very meticulously, but i have found the smell and taste to be much better stronger smoother when dried WITH leaves on


The Mad Monk
I wouldn't say curing is essential. It's nice but hardly essential and often overstated as being the reason buds smell and smoke good. If grown and dried properly the buds should smell and smoke good, unless they just ain't got it in their blood at which point it don't matter if you cure 2 weeks, 2 months or 2 years. All the curing in the world isn't going to turn hay into gold. Whereas a bad cure job can turn gold into hay.

I've found that most plants, if grown and dried properly, are ready to give up the goods within 2-3 weeks. A month out from being done drying they are what they are and most won't get any better than that so smoke up, Johnny.


Bong Smoking News Hound
its a very fine art. ;) Well Rewarded when done properly. with the right genetics.


:) must be bloody animals around these parts lol, cut green, leave alittle bit of leaf,dry by fans', bang gone, smokinggggg. coming back for more.no conniseurs' here lol.:blowbubbles:
some of these hippies..."not showing the plant enough respect" etc....lol. its a PLANT. a commodity. we move packs of it. youre worried about a few leaves in your bowl? try rolling fat blunts day in and day out and tell me what you think of those leaves now. oh, not so bad actually being able to draw through the blunt now is it? smoke that shit and be glad you got it. what it all boils down to is you're a bunch of pot yuppies talking about "loving the plant" and this and that to explain your brain dead obsession with mutilating and torturing the plant to your ends. for God's sake if you really loved the plant so much you wouldn't waste half its product to satisfy your vanity. end rant.
and yes those "sugar" leaves taste just fine let me assure you. most peeps tastes are so unrefined they cant tell a properly flushed from a hole in their ass, yet they believe they can taste leaf material in the smoke? yeah right...i call BULLSHIT

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