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outdoor problems


have new problem today every stalk that was facing the morning sun has drooping leave and towards the bottom even the top is drooped On the side that got evening sun seems to be drooping a little but still looks pretty healthy, I watered today but it didnt seem to help, maybe even made it worse, it had been 4-5 days since they were hit hard by nature with torrential downpores so I figured it wouldn't need any water considering its completely mature and 10+ ft in length. I'm hoping it looks better tonight but I dont no what this could be I'm sure its not fusarium but what else makes em wilt?


i think u may be over-watering

I was kinda worried about that too so I dug up bout 6 in of dirt and it looked pretty dry. Yesterday I also, noticed the leaves some of the leaves were yellowing so I decided to fertilize because I new it wasnt time for flushing yet. Now today its condition seems to be the same except a ton more straight yellow leaves. And now only the tops on a few stand proud rest are wilting. any ideas? also, doesn't over wattering show up right away not 5 days after the last rain fall? just wondering because I'm usually more prone to underwatering than overwatering since carrying waters a pain


Well-known member
I still think you have/had rootrot, as nomaad said probably caused by overwatering. Even if its getting less water now, if the rot is established she may not recover, eish..


I still think you have/had rootrot, as nomaad said probably caused by overwatering. Even if its getting less water now, if the rot is established she may not recover, eish..

thanks for the reply, altho I have no idea what to do now. Should I just wait a couple days for the condition to improve, or cut it down and try to make some hash/cookies with the immature buds? Or is there anything I can do to help pull it out of this funk, I've been addding worms to the soil, but its probably too late for that to help?

Fat Tone

My cousin just lost one of his big plants a month ago due to the plant Molding at the base of the stem.When we first saw the plant, its leaves where dropping like it needed water.Then after closer examination we seen the real problem. The plant was still standing up, but he pulled it up very easy as it snapped right under where the mold was.The mold was underground around the brown mushy stuff you are describing.

The Only thing I think can help is some High Grade Fungicide.Something that will kill the Mold.Hope your plants make it.


Active member
Sounds like 'Damping-Off' to me as has been pointed out. I hate this shit, a brown ring appears at the base of the stem 2"-4" above ground level. Starts off as surface mold(Brown Spot) & eats its way into the stem, once that happens its gonna do it's damage, although ive completed quite a few crops with this condition that has appeared in a Mid stage of the grow cycle & also mid-veg.
The best way i found to rid yourself of it was to scrape it off with a sterile Razor blade, you may see it forming as small brown spots, you'll see when scraping it off how deep its penetrated into the stem, once its been removed you can then treat the area with a 1ml-1ltr h2o2 to water solution to sterilise the area, using a further application to make sure, if you fell its needed, after this you may want to consider innoculting with beneficials when plants are young, like tricoderma etc as a preventative or use fungicide. You have to make sure you Scrape all the infected skin/flesh completely out. I've scrapped nearly 1/3rd of the stem away before now & managed to rid myself of it. I think as long as its spotted early, you can act & scrape it off, then theres little damage caused to the plant. If you could post more pictures, even better. Its a shame, if it is Damping off/Stemrot its unlikely you could cut/scrape it out & it's probably done its damage now & a Fungicide is probably the way go, but ive never had to go that far. Just thought id share my experience with Stemrot Fungus, it pisses me off but now i look for it & take appropriate action, Scrape it off & sterilise. Hope you fix your problems man. G'Luck! ;)

If plants that are grown outside are put in an enviroment where fungal pathogens are gonna bloom then its a very good idea to take & use preventative measures & innoculate with protection.


thanks u guys are literally life savers and give me hope that I can fix this. I do not however have mycostop and dont no of any places near that carry it however I do have FUNG-onil which's main ingredient is Chlorothalonil. I've been spraying them with this once every couple days adn just did today before readign the post about scraping the brown stuff off. I will do that right now unless theres some reason I shouldn't being as I just sprayed with the anti fungal.

Scrogerman your description of the problem seems spot on except I had little white bumps that grew on the brown ring which on mine looked more like a sleeve. Also, is there any set time I should start seeing some improvements before scrapping the whole thing? And now

Also, the plant did tip over on the last hard rainy day about 6 days if I remember right, could that have damaged the rotten roots which slowing it's uptake of water, I tied it up but the whole plant seemed to twist a little then 5 days of perfect sunshine and low humidity then on the 5th day the drooping happened but really worse on the side that got more light early in the morning.




Just took ur advice and started scraping which revieled a softened shell around the stalk of the plant.after scraping it started to splite down the middle and no I can see directly at the inner stalk which also had a split in it running all the way into the ground. So I sprayed the hole thing (including the split) with H2O2 which started bubbling instantly. Main question now is A) should I remove that whole casing and B) WTF is that split in the stalk and what should I do about it? goin to go back and check on it I'll check back with any updates


So I dont think my girls goin to make it. I went out and she smelled like hay. So i'm pretty sure my prized strain is gone forever. So now I gotta try and make a new one however i might try to cut a couple tops and clone em but I doubt they could survive in there present condition. other than that I wanna try to make some hash oil or something out of the immature buds. But I would have to wait for the thc to mature on its own right. Planning to let it go a couple more days just to make sure but I've pretty accepted the worst..

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